  21世纪前20年,材料科学蓬勃发展,有力支撑了世界高新科技和经济社会的不断进步,我国也已经成为材料科学大国、材料产业大国和材料教育大国。《中国材料科学 2035 发展战略》面向2035年探讨了国际材料科学前沿发展趋势和中国从材料大国走向材料强国的可持续发展策略,深入阐述了材料科学及其各分支学科的科学意义与战略价值、发展规律与研究特点,系统分析了材料科学的发展现状与态势,凝练了材料科学的发展思路与发展方向,并提出了我国相应的优先发展领域和政策建议。


  党的二十大胜利召开,吹响了以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的前进号角。习近平总书记强调“教育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑”,明确要求到 2035 年要建成教育强国、科技强国、人才强国。新时代新征程对科技界提出了更高的要求。当前,世界科学技术发展日新月异,不断开辟新的认知疆域,并成为带动经济社会发展的核心变量,新一轮科技革命和产业变革正处于蓄势跃迁、快速迭代的关键阶段。开展面向 2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究,紧扣国家战略需求,研判科技发展大势,擘画战略、锚定方向,找准学科发展路径与方向,找准科技创新的主攻方向和突破口,对于实现全面建成社会主义现代化“两步走”战略目标具有重要意义。




  作为国家在科学技术方面最高咨询机构的中国科学院和国家支持基础研究主渠道的国家自然科学基金委员会(简称自然科学基金委),在夯实学科基础、加强学科建设、引领科学研究发展方面担负着重要的责任。早在新中国成立初期,中国科学院学部即组织全国有关专家研究编制了《1956—1967 年科学技术发展远景规划》。该规划的实施,实现了“两弹一星”研制等一系列重大突破,为新中国逐步形成科学技术研究体系奠定了基础。自然科学基金委自成立以来,通过学科发展战略研究,服务于科学基金的资助与管理,不断夯实国家知识基础,增进基础研究面向国家需求的能力。2009 年,自然科学基金委和中国科学院联合启动了“2011—2020 年中国学科发展战略研究”。2012 年,双方形成联合开展学科发展战略研究的常态化机制,持续研判科技发展态势,为我国科技创新领域的方向选择提供科学思想、路径选择和跨越的蓝图。

  联合开展“中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”,是中国科学院和自然科学基金委落实新时代“两步走”战略的具体实践。我们面向 2035 年国家发展目标,结合科技发展新特征,进行了系统设计,从三个方面组织研究工作:一是总论研究,对面向2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展进行了概括和论述,内容包括学科的历史演进及其发展的驱动力、前沿领域的发展特征及其与社会的关联、学科与前沿领域的区别和联系、世界科学发展的整体态势,并汇总了各个学科及前沿领域的发展趋势、关键科学问题和重点方向;二是自然科学基础学科研究,主要针对科学基金资助体系中的重点学科开展战略研究,内容包括学科的科学意义与战略价值、发展规律与研究特点、发展现状与发展态势、发展思路与发展方向、资助机制与政策建议等;三是前沿领域研究,针对尚未形成学科规模、不具备明确学科属性的前沿交叉、新兴和关键核心技术领域开展战略研究,内容包括相关领域的战略价值、关键科学问题与核心技术问题、我国在相关领域的研究基础与条件、我国在相关领域的发展思路与政策建议等。

  三年多来,400 多位院士、3000 多位专家,围绕总论、数学等18 个学科和量子物质与应用等 19 个前沿领域问题,坚持突出前瞻布局、补齐发展短板、坚定创新自信、统筹分工协作的原则,开展了深入全面的战略研究工作,取得了一批重要成果,也形成了共识性结论。一是国家战略需求和技术要素成为当前学科及前沿领域发展的主要驱动力之一。有组织的科学研究及源于技术的广泛带动效应,实质化地推动了学科前沿的演进,夯实了科技发展的基础,促进了人才的培养,并衍生出更多新的学科生长点。二是学科及前沿领域的发展促进深层次交叉融通。学科及前沿领域的发展越来越呈现出多学科相互渗透的发展态势。某一类学科领域采用的研究策略和技术体系所产生的基础理论与方法论成果,可以作为共同的知识基础适用于不同学科领域的多个研究方向。三是科研范式正在经历深刻变革。解决系统性复杂问题成为当前科学发展的主要目标,导致相应的研究内容、方法和范畴等的改变,形成科学研究的多层次、多尺度、动态化的基本特征。数据驱动的科研模式有力地推动了新时代科研范式的变革。四是科学与社会的互动更加密切。发展学科及前沿领域愈加重要,与此同时,“互联网 +”正在改变科学交流生态,并且重塑了科学的边界,开放获取、开放科学、公众科学等都使得越来越多的非专业人士有机会参与到科学活动中来。

  “中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”系列成果以“中国学科及前沿领域 2035 发展战略丛书”的形式出版,纳入“国家科学思想库 - 学术引领系列”陆续出版。希望本丛书的出版,能够为科技界、产业界的专家学者和技术人员提供研究指引,为科研管理部门提供决策参考,为科学基金深化改革、“十四五”发展规划实施、国家科学政策制定提供有力支撑。




2023 年 3 月            

  根据两年的广泛调研和深入论证,材料学科的未来发展思路应该是:立足国家经济社会发展需求,瞄准世界材料科学与技术前沿,积极融入和促进第六次科技革命,统筹布局符合我国国情的优先发展研究方向,在追赶超越过程中逐步重构材料科学新体系。经过15 年的努力,预期实现以新材料、新技术、新理论、新体系为特征的“四新”发展目标:①基础理论研究指引新材料设计,建立中国原创的高性能新材料谱系;②加强科学研究的技术化导向,建立战略性传统材料的变革性新技术系统;③追求切实可行的重点科学目标,力争智能材料、生物材料和纳米能源材料等热点领域的多方面理论突破;④基于材料科学与技术的前沿进展,建立以新概念材料和交叉共性科学为先导的“北极星型”材料学科新体系;⑤面向国民经济主战场的重大战略需求,建立先进结构材料国家实验室和新型功能智能材料国家实验室,形成材料领域的国家战略科技力量。
  1. 金属材料学科
  2. 无机非金属材料学科
  3. 有机高分子材料学科
  4. 新概念材料与材料共性科学
  新概念材料与材料共性科学是国家自然科学基金委员会于2019 年新设立的第四个材料分支学科,其未来重点发展方向包括:新奇特材料的设计合成和结构性能研究;面向人工智能的多功能材料与材料基因调控研究;材料绿色制造和全寿命循环利用优化控制过程研究;航空、航天、能源、交通等战略领域赖以发展的新型核心材料研究。
  1. 金属材料学科
  2. 无机非金属材料学科
  3. 有机高分子材料学科
  4. 新概念材料与材料共性科学
  1. 金属材料学科
  2. 无机非金属材料学科
  3. 有机高分子材料学科
  4. 新概念材料与材料共性科学


  During the first two decades of this century, materials science has made great progress in many respects and brought various novel or advanced materials for the world’s industry, especially high technology felds. At the begining of 2020, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) jointly sponsored a strategic research project about the development trends of materials science in the medium future until 2035. More than 410 distinguished materials scientists from Chinese universities, research institutes have contributed actively to this advisory study. The present book summarizes the main ideas and expectations as the four aspects below.
   . The strategic position and scientific significance of materials science
  Materials are the essential foundation to support the continuous 
  development of the world’s new high technology and modern industrial economy. Anew generation of materials carries an innovative generation of technologies and represents the landmark of a new era. Iron and steel is the prerequisite to inventing steam engines which initiated the first technological revolution. Nonferrous metallic materials played a dominant role in realizing the electrifcation of human life and production during the second technological revolution. Semiconductors and other electronic materials acted as the key factor in innovating computer technologies for the third technological revolution. Novel energy materials and nanostructure materials promoted the evolution process for the fourth technological revolution. The emergence and implementation of internet technology, which was a characteristic of the ffth technological revolution, also relied heavily on the systems of advanced information materials and smart materials. In the future, biomedical materials will display their decisive in?uences on the forthcoming sixth technological revolution. Therefore, China has already classified materials science and technology industry as one of its newly thriving enterprises for state development strategy. 
  Materials science is closely related to matter science. But these two disciplines diferentiate from each other by apparent boundaries in both preferential research contents and scientific objectives. Materials are those partial types of substances that either have already found practical applications in human production and life processes or exhibited obvious application potential. From a narrow-minded understanding, matter science is an important branch of natural sciences correlated with physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and geology, whereas materials science belongs to the regime of engineering and technical sciences. This typically applied science discipline directs its research purposes toward the systematic investigations about the scientific nature and applied performances of useful matters, which may become the raw materials or constitutional parts to manufacture various objects and products. It may be regarded as an interdisciplinary field between natural sciences and engineering sciences. In fact, the combination of materials science with metallurgy, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering has laid the scientifc basis for modern industrial systems.
   . Research methodology and evolution features of materials science
  The main frame of materials science was formed as an independent and integrated science discipline in the 1980s. In earlier times, diverse materials research had been scattered among the relevant scientific felds such as metallurgy, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, as well as biomedicine. According to the chemical constitutions of materials, there are mainly three types of materials as the research objects of this discipline: metallic materials, inorganic nonmetallic materials, and organic polymer materials. The research process of materials science originates from the physical and chemical theories about the structure and property of matter. Modern mathematics and computing techniques provide powerful analytical tools for materials research. Experimental investigations represent the keynote of materials science, which always aims at engineering applications. The prime tasks of materials science include microstructural characterization, optimized design, synthesis and preparation, deforming and processing, applied performances and cyclical applications for different kinds of materials.
  The driving force to develop materials science comes from three respects. At first, the ever-increasing demands for diverse kinds of special new materials in high technology felds stimulate a great dragging effect. Secondly, the cultivation of new growth frontiers and thriving interdisciplinary directions boosts the spontaneous advancement of materials science. Thirdly, the signifcant breakthroughs of related felds such as pure natural sciences and intelligent information technology continually bring in catalytic and supportive forces.
  In the coming years, materials science will display six developing trends:①it interacts with matter science to a more intensive extent;②it correlates extensively with such frontier felds as information technology, artifcial intelligence and biomedicine;③it accelerates its development to meet the challenge and opportunity raised by the requirements from those strategic fields including aerospace, navigation, nuclear industry, biomedicine;④it modifies its cutting edges under the impacts of disruptive concepts emerging from an era of the new time and space ideology;⑤it further emphasizes the green manufacturing of materials and whole-life cyclical applications in the age of “double carbon” (carbon peak and carbon neutrality); and⑥the most recent progress of college education facilitates the revolutionary advancement and even reconstruction of the materials science system.
   . Discipline frontiers and development ideology for materials science
  Owing to the continuous support of NSFC and other governmental departments, China’s materials science discipline has made significant achievements. In particular, both the magnitude of research teams and the number of published papers have attained the first place in the world. Nevertheless, there still exists a rather large gap between our actual creativity to accomplish original studies and the expected role of guiding the international trends of materials science and technology. In order to secure better future development, the following six issues have to be solved properly. Firstly, the future development scheme of materials science should be contrived with the mind to face the world’s frontiers of science and technology. Secondly, the key development directions should be plotted to confront the national strategic demands. Thirdly, the intercrossing and merging of materials science with artifcial intelligence and biomedicine felds should be encouraged efectively in the background of new time and space concepts. Fourthly, the conception of green manufacturing of materials and whole-life control ought to be implemented to follow the national “double carbon” and environmental protection policies. Fifthly, the triple comprehensive investigations to merge materials science with materials technology and materials engineering may be promoted to serve the main fields of economic construction. At last, a thorough transition from follow-up work into original research at the frontiers of materials science and technology must be driven by the establishment of a more objective evaluation system for scientifc explorations. 
  On the basis of two years’ extensive survey and systematic demonstration, the prospective guidelines for future development have been drawn up. In a word, materials science should keep the primary standpoint to meet the needs of the national economy and society advancements, focus on the world’s frontiers of materials science and technology, promote and merge with the probably coming sixth technological revolution, make a comprehensive arrangement for the preferential research directions suitable for China, and gradually reconstruct a novel framework for materials science in the process of pursuing and overtaking research fronts. The following four development goals characterized by “new materials–new technology–new theory–new system” will be fulfilled through fifteen years of effort.①To establish China’s own creative spectrum system of new high performance materials through the novel material design guided by fundamental research.②To build up the innovative technology system for strategic traditional materials by reinforcing the technical transition of scientific research.③To strive for multiple theoretical breakthroughs in such hot fields as intelligent materials, biological materials and nanoenergy materials through pursuing key scientific fronts with practical achievability.④To set up a “Polaris Pattern” disciplinary frame with new concept materials and materials common science acting as the leading polar tip according to the frontier advances of materials science and technology.⑤To establish two national laboratories for advanced structural materials and new functional materials respectively, which will provide e?cient services to meet the strategic demands of main economic battlefeld and represent the national strategic force of materials science and technology.
   . Development strategy and policy recommendations for materials science
  There is no doubt that materials science will meet greater challenges and achieve better prosperity in the coming fifteen to thirty years. As the fnal summary of the state-of-the-art analyses presented above, three respects of proposals are made for the development tactics of materials science, which are concisely described below.
  1. Key development directions
  Among the four branches of materials science, the metallic materials discipline emphasizes the research about the new principles and approaches to strengthen and toughen structural materials; the atomistic structure analyses and property modulation mechanisms of functional materials; the innovative theories and methods of preparation and processing, and the design principles for completely new technology and equipment.
  The inorganic nonmetallic materials discipline lays the research stress upon the new energy materials for “double carbon” purposes; the high performance structural materials demanded by the national defense and advanced manufacture felds; the semiconductor crystals and functional ceramic materials urged by electronic information science and artifcial intelligence technology; the biomedical materials to serve human life and health, and the catalytic and refining materials for environmental protection.
  The organic polymer materials discipline takes the keynote study of advanced composite materials, new smart materials, high performance biological and informative materials; new paradigm of materials science research unifying the quinary factors to simultaneously realize “double functions–composite–intelligence–refning–green processing”.
  The fourth discipline of “new concept materials and materials common science” was newly founded by NSFC in 2019. Its key research directions lie in the design and synthesis as well as the structure and property of new or strange or special materials; the multifunctional materials and materials genome modulation correlated with artificial intelligence technology; the green manufacture of materials, the optimized control process of whole-life cyclic applications for materials; the new types of kernel materials requested by those strategic fields involving aerospace industry, power plants and advanced communication technologies.
  2. Priority development areas
  The metallic materials discipline chooses the preferential research upon the light and strong metallic materials; the special ferrous alloys such as superalloy and bearing steel; the metallic functional materials for information science, energy technology and biomedicine; the new principles and technology of materials preparation and processing; and the novel design of experimental apparatuses and processing equipment for materials research.
  The inorganic nonmetallic materials discipline places the research priority on the new energy materials for “double carbon” goals, high performance structural materials, functional crystals and ceramics, advanced carbon materials; and quantum materials.
  The organic polymer materials discipline sets the research preference at the theory and methodology to enhance the performances and functions of general polymer materials, the new conception design principles and preparation methods for intelligent and bionic polymer materials, the fundamental study and application evaluation methods of biomedical polymer materials for targeting treatment, the polymer materials for energy technology and environmental protection, and the advanced polymer materials for special service conditions.
  The new concept materials and materials common science discipline stresses the preferred research about the artificial design and pattern architecture of future materials, the material design and characterization methods for extraordinary environments the new principles and mechanisms to couple and integrate the multiple functions of materials, the spectrum design of special strategic materials and the innovative exploration of kernel traditional materials.
  3. Essential interdisciplinary areas
  The metallic materials discipline supports the essential intercrossing research areas about the theory and technology of digitized and intellectualized metallic materials preparation and processing; intercrossing studies of metallic materials correlated with energy, information and life science; and the interpenetration with physical and chemical investigations, paying special attention to the electronic theory about the mechanical and physicochemical properties of metals and alloys, so that structural analyses can develop from the atomistic level into more microscopic scale.
  The inorganic nonmetallic materials discipline encourages intercrossing studies such as the functional materials and devices for information science, the biomedical materials for life science and human health, and the novel research format to innovate inorganic nonmetallic materials.
  The organic polymer materials discipline emphasizes those intercrossing research subjects including the organic/inorganic composite semiconducting materials and information materials, the smart and multifunctional polymer composites, advanced functional organic film materials, and the new principles and methods to produce multilevel and multiscale composites.
  The new concept materials and materials common science discipline concentrates the intercrossing research areas upon the material design and synthesis, deformation and processing, as well as structure modulation and applied performances in the backgrounds of new time and space conception; the optimized regulation of new material structure and property based on artificial intelligence; the green cyclic reproduction mechanisms of traditional pillar materials in the age of “double carbon” policy for environmental protection; and fnally the innovative design and synthesis of new biomedical materials for clinical applications.
