  力学为人类认识自然现象、解决实际工程和技术问题提供理论基础与分析方法,对科学的众多分支学科发展起到支撑、引领与推动作用。21世纪以来,我国力学学科在科技前沿和国家需求的双重驱动下,为国家科技与教育事业、经济发展和国防建设做出了重大贡献,在国际力学界的影响力日益增强。《中国力学 2035 发展战略》面向 2035 年,探讨了国际力学学科前沿发展趋势和将我国建设成国际力学强国的可持续发展策略,深入阐述了力学领域总体及各分支学科的科学意义与战略价值、发展规律及研究特点,系统分析了力学学科的发展现状与发展态势,凝练了力学学科的发展思路与发展方向,并提出了我国相应的优先发展领域和政策建议。


  党的二十大胜利召开,吹响了以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的前进号角。习近平总书记强调“教育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑”,明确要求到 2035 年要建成教育强国、科技强国、人才强国。新时代新征程对科技界提出了更高的要求。当前,世界科学技术发展日新月异,不断开辟新的认知疆域,并成为带动经济社会发展的核心变量,新一轮科技革命和产业变革正处于蓄势跃迁、快速迭代的关键阶段。开展面向 2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究,紧扣国家战略需求,研判科技发展大势,擘画战略、锚定方向,找准学科发展路径与方向,找准科技创新的主攻方向和突破口,对于实现全面建成社会主义现代化“两步走”战略目标具有重要意义。




  作为国家在科学技术方面最高咨询机构的中国科学院和国家支持基础研究主渠道的国家自然科学基金委员会(简称自然科学基金委),在夯实学科基础、加强学科建设、引领科学研究发展方面担负着重要的责任。早在新中国成立初期,中国科学院学部即组织全国有关专家研究编制了《1956—1967 年科学技术发展远景规划》。该规划的实施,实现了“两弹一星”研制等一系列重大突破,为新中国逐步形成科学技术研究体系奠定了基础。自然科学基金委自成立以来,通过学科发展战略研究,服务于科学基金的资助与管理,不断夯实国家知识基础,增进基础研究面向国家需求的能力。2009 年,自然科学基金委和中国科学院联合启动了“2011—2020 年中国学科发展战略研究”。2012 年,双方形成联合开展学科发展战略研究的常态化机制,持续研判科技发展态势,为我国科技创新领域的方向选择提供科学思想、路径选择和跨越的蓝图。

  联合开展“中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”,是中国科学院和自然科学基金委落实新时代“两步走”战略的具体实践。我们面向 2035 年国家发展目标,结合科技发展新特征,进行了系统设计,从三个方面组织研究工作:一是总论研究,对面向2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展进行了概括和论述,内容包括学科的历史演进及其发展的驱动力、前沿领域的发展特征及其与社会的关联、学科与前沿领域的区别和联系、世界科学发展的整体态势,并汇总了各个学科及前沿领域的发展趋势、关键科学问题和重点方向;二是自然科学基础学科研究,主要针对科学基金资助体系中的重点学科开展战略研究,内容包括学科的科学意义与战略价值、发展规律与研究特点、发展现状与发展态势、发展思路与发展方向、资助机制与政策建议等;三是前沿领域研究,针对尚未形成学科规模、不具备明确学科属性的前沿交叉、新兴和关键核心技术领域开展战略研究,内容包括相关领域的战略价值、关键科学问题与核心技术问题、我国在相关领域的研究基础与条件、我国在相关领域的发展思路与政策建议等。

  三年多来,400 多位院士、3000 多位专家,围绕总论、数学等18 个学科和量子物质与应用等 19 个前沿领域问题,坚持突出前瞻布局、补齐发展短板、坚定创新自信、统筹分工协作的原则,开展了深入全面的战略研究工作,取得了一批重要成果,也形成了共识性结论。一是国家战略需求和技术要素成为当前学科及前沿领域发展的主要驱动力之一。有组织的科学研究及源于技术的广泛带动效应,实质化地推动了学科前沿的演进,夯实了科技发展的基础,促进了人才的培养,并衍生出更多新的学科生长点。二是学科及前沿领域的发展促进深层次交叉融通。学科及前沿领域的发展越来越呈现出多学科相互渗透的发展态势。某一类学科领域采用的研究策略和技术体系所产生的基础理论与方法论成果,可以作为共同的知识基础适用于不同学科领域的多个研究方向。三是科研范式正在经历深刻变革。解决系统性复杂问题成为当前科学发展的主要目标,导致相应的研究内容、方法和范畴等的改变,形成科学研究的多层次、多尺度、动态化的基本特征。数据驱动的科研模式有力地推动了新时代科研范式的变革。四是科学与社会的互动更加密切。发展学科及前沿领域愈加重要,与此同时,“互联网 +”正在改变科学交流生态,并且重塑了科学的边界,开放获取、开放科学、公众科学等都使得越来越多的非专业人士有机会参与到科学活动中来。

  “中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”系列成果以“中国学科及前沿领域 2035 发展战略丛书”的形式出版,纳入“国家科学思想库 - 学术引领系列”陆续出版。希望本丛书的出版,能够为科技界、产业界的专家学者和技术人员提供研究指引,为科研管理部门提供决策参考,为科学基金深化改革、“十四五”发展规划实施、国家科学政策制定提供有力支撑。




2023 年 3 月            




  2019 年 8 月,在中国科学院和国家自然科学基金委员会的统一部署下,中国力学学科发展战略研究(2021~2035)工作正式启动,并成立了研究组和秘书组。胡海岩院士任研究组组长,郑晓静院士和何国威院士任研究组副组长;王铁军教授任秘书组组长,陆夕云院士、杨绍普教授、冯西桥教授和龙勉教授任秘书组副组长。

  自中国力学学科发展战略研究(2021~2035)工作启动以来,研究组和秘书组多次召开工作会议,讨论和确定研究报告的指导思想、整体架构、体例等,研究新时代力学学科的定义、体系结构、优先发展领域、交叉研究领域、保障措施等重要问题。在 21 世纪以来历次力学学科发展战略研究成果的基础上,本次力学学科发展战略研究更加重视“四个面向”——面向世界科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求、面向人民生命健康,着力体现力学学科在新时代的发展思路:一是重视力学学科的发展前沿,探索力学基础研究的新理论、新方法等;二是突出力学服务国家创新驱动发展战略,谋划与国家重大需求、国民经济发展和人民生命健康等密切相关的研究方向和能力建设;三是结合国家“十四五”规划、新型基础设施建设、国家重大计划、国家重大工程等,谋划新时代力学相关研究方向和应用领域。




《中国力学 2035 发展战略》研究组组长

2022 年 6 月         



  1. 力学的科学意义与战略地位








   2. 力学的发展规律与研究特点




  3. 力学的发展目标、发展思路、主要研究方向和关键科学问题

  我国已经形成了完整的力学学科体系,设有动力学与控制、固体力学、流体力学等分支学科,以及生物力学、环境力学、爆炸与冲击动力学、物理力学等交叉学科。我国力学学科发展呈现出由科学前沿和国家需求共同牵引的“双力驱动”规律,在基础研究和应用研究上同时发力,谋求两者互动。20 世纪 50 年代以来,力学在我国工业体系及国防体系建设中发挥了不可替代的重要作用。近年来,我国学者在力学国际顶级期刊上发表论文数和论文引用数量均位居世界第二;在国际理论与应用力学联盟(International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,IUTAM)中,我国是与美国并列的两个最高等级会员国之一;在高超声速飞行器、高速轨道交通、海洋装备等国家重大工程中,力学学科发挥了不可替代的重要作用。


  我国力学学科的发展目标是:服务国家创新驱动发展战略,到2035 年左右建设成为国际力学强国,为中华民族伟大复兴提供强有力的学科支撑。














  (4)高速流动的多物理过程。主要研究方向为流动过程中力、热、声等多因素耦合作用,流动计算模型,复杂流动现象的复现;关键科学问题为多物理过程耦合、复杂流动机制及控制、流动 - 运动 -变形耦合作用。



  4. 资助机制与政策建议



   5. 力学学科各分支学科











  Mechanics refers to the science of interactions and movements of matters, focusing on the macro- and micro-mechanical processes of movement, deformation and flow of various media. It reveals the mechanical processes and mechanisms of interactions with physical, chemical, biological and other processes. Mechanics provides both theoretical basis and analytical methods for humans to understand natural and life phenomena and solve practical problems. As an important branch of natural sciences, it has led, supported and promoted the development of many branches of science and technology. A complete disciplinary system of mechanics has been established in China, which contains the major sub-disciplines such as dynamics and control, solid mechanics and fluid mechanics, as well as important inter-disciplines such as biomechanics, environmental mechanics, explosion and impact dynamics, and physical mechanics. This report consists of five chapters, which cover the scientific significance and strategic status, the development laws and research characteristics, the status and the trend of development, as well as the funding mechanism and policy recommendations for overall mechanics and each sub-discipline.

  1. The scientific significance and strategic status of mechanics

  Mechanics is the earliest summary of scientific theory in the history of natural cognition of human beings. It led to the overall development of natural sciences and continuously promoted the advancement of human epistemology and methodology. Mechanics combines human’s understanding of nature with the development of technology and engineering, opening up the era of large-scale utilization and transformation of nature. Karl Marx wrote that mechanics is the true scientific basis of large-scale industry. Xuesen Qian (Hsue-shen Tsien) once said that it is impossible to imagine that modernization would be achieved without modern mechanics. Mechanics gave birth to the first industrial revolution, played an important role in promoting the second and third industrial revolutions, and served as the fundamentals for technologies in modern industry. With vigorous vitality and continuous self-improvement, mechanics plays an important role in promoting inter-disciplinary fields, exploring cognitive breakthroughs, coping with complex and uncertain systems, and cultivating innovative and comprehensive talents. Mechanics is irreplaceable in supporting social modernization, enhancing original innovation capabilities and ensuring national security, occupying a unique position in the scientific and technological layout of world powers.

  The past centuries have witnessed the strategic values of mechanics in the following five aspects.

  (1) Mechanics is an important basic subject, deeply intersecting and integrating with many subjects of natural sciences, and plays an important role in leading, demonstrating and promoting the development of various natural sciences.

  (2) Mechanics is the foundation of engineering science, which solves key scientific problems during the design, manufacturing and service of engineering systems, and plays an indispensable supporting role in the development of modern industry.

  (3) Mechanics deals with the most basic rules and mechanisms of natural sciences, technology and engineering. With distinct universality and systematism, it cultivates outstanding talents in engineering science.

  (4) Mechanics has a continuous and exuberant vitality, accompanied by the progress of natural sciences, technology and engineering, and human’s life and health, and plays a key role in the innovation-driven development and the modernization strategy in China.

  (5) Mechanics serves various fields of modern engineering and economic construction, has a broad research area and powerful development ability, and has the remarkable characteristic of interdisciplinarity.

  2. The development laws and research characteristics of mechanics

  (1) Mechanics has both fundamentality and applicability, showing its law of development as what we call “driven by a pair of forces”. It not only laid an important foundation for modern science, but also gave birth to the first industrial revolution. Nowadays, the development of mechanics not only closely ties with the frontier issues of non-linearity and trans-scales in material science, but also involves the major needs such as the advanced equipment, infrastructures, energy and environment, as well as life and health. The world’s powers in mechanics all have been making their efforts to promote both basic research and applied research of mechanics, seeking a benign interaction between these two.

  (2) Mechanics conducts quantitative research by establishing models, and continuously improves the description and prediction capabilities of the models. As the modern engineering systems become more and more complex, and the physical properties and service environment of those systems are more and more extreme, and the studies on their mechanics require more accurate mechanical modeling and repeatedly updating ofcomputational methods and experimental techniques. Meanwhile, the models need to be simplified, verified and modified for the purpose of computations, designs and controls. The world’s powers in mechanics all have been attaching importance to proposing novel models, theories, computational methods and experimental techniques, seizing the commanding heights in the development of new software and advanced instruments.

  (3) Mechanics intersects with many subjects, achieving innovation and development during intersection. Mechanics continues to integrate and innovate with other disciplines due to the universality of phenomena and the applicability of methods of mechanics. Nowadays, new disciplines such as biomechanics, environmental mechanics, explosion and impact dynamics, as well as physical mechanics, have been developed from mechanics. Moreover, by deeply integrating into manufacturing, materials, energy, environments and human’s health, mechanics aims to solve major technical issues in these areas. The world’s powers in mechanics all have been attaching importance to inter-disciplinary and integrated innovation.

  3. The development goals, development ideas, main research directions and key scientific issues of mechanics

  A complete disciplinary system of mechanics has been established in China, with major sub-disciplines such as dynamics and control, solid mechanics and fluid mechanics, as well as inter-disciplines such as biomechanics, environmental mechanics, explosion and impact dynamics, and physical mechanics. The development of Chinese mechanics has been “driven by a pair of forces”. That is, a pair of driving forces comes from both frontiers of science and major needs of the nation. Great efforts have been made in basic research and applied research of mechanics to seek the interaction between these two. Mechanics has played an irreplaceable role in the construction of Chinese industrial system and national defense system since the 1950s. The numbers of both publications and citations of Chinese scientists in the top international journals of mechanics have ranked the second in recent years. China is one of the two highest-ranking state members alongside the United States of America in the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM). Mechanics has played an irreplaceable role in major state projects such as hypersonic flight vehicles, high-speed railway trains and marine equipment.

  1) The development goals of mechanics

  The development goals of Chinese mechanics are to serve the nation’s innovation-driven development strategy, to help China become a world powerhouse in mechanics by around 2035, and to provide strong disciplinary support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  2) The development ideas of mechanics

  The development of mechanics must adhere to the “Four Orientations”. That is, it should meet the specific needs of the frontiers of both science and technology in the world, the main economic battlefield, the major national needs, and human’s life and health, and continuously march into the breadth and depth of science and technology. The development ideas of Chinese mechanics are as follows.

  (1) We should aim at the frontier of mechanics in the world, highlight the key basic researches in cutting-edge fields, promote the development of advantageous research directions, comprehensively improve the research level of mechanics, reach the world’s leading level in the main research directions, and make original and major achievements in basic researches with global influence, and improve the international status and influence of Chinese mechanics.

  (2) Based on the disciplinary needs of the Chinese major scientific and technological layout, we should highlight the basic applied researches driven by major needs of the nation. With the goal of achieving original scientific innovations, we should propose novel concepts, theories, methods and experimental techniques in mechanics to meet the major needs of the nation in the fields of aerospace engineering, railway engineering, energy and environment engineering, and ocean engineering, and economic developments. We should make the leading contributions to the self-reliance and self-renewal of the nation in science and technology.

  (3) We should actively promote the intersection and integration of mechanics and other disciplines, expand the research fields, and cultivate new disciplines, thereby promoting the development and layout of emerging disciplines and serving the major national needs and human’s life and health.

  (4) We should strengthen the training of talents in mechanics, and improve and upgrade the educational system in mechanics. By cultivating a group of outstanding leaders in mechanics, building a highlevel research team in mechanics, and developing the top journals and communication platforms of mechanics, the mechanics discipline will provide original innovations, high-level and high-quality teams, and platforms to the Chinese economic and social developments and well cope with the fierce international technological competition.

  (5) We should pay attention to the balance between superior and weak subjects. On the one hand, mechanics has developed many frontiers and emerging fields in the process of intersecting and integrating with other fields in recent years. However, the researchers in these frontiers and emerging fields are not enough, making it difficult for these fields to become systematic disciplines. On the other hand, there are not enough trained younger researchers ready to take over from older ones in traditional basic mechanics during the cross-integration process. As these frontiers and emerging fields are the foundations of mechanics, the stagnation will eventually affect the healthy and sustainable developments of the entire discipline. It is necessary, thus, to provide policy encouragement and funding support, and promote the reformation of the evaluation system, so as to attract more researchers and gradually expand the scale and influence of mechanics.

  (6) It is essential to enhance the construction and development of research bases, large experimental facilities and advanced experimental instruments in mechanics. On the one hand, it is urgent to build the state key laboratories of mechanics that can support the national strategic needs, such as the space station and lunar exploration, large aircraft, aero-engines and heavy gas turbines, nuclear power equipment, offshore engineering platforms, large deep-sea platforms, and high-speed trains. Besides, the design and reliability evaluation of various large-scale structures and equipment have set higher requirements on mechanics. On the other hand, it is necessary to establish inter-disciplinary state key laboratories of mechanics oriented to the frontiers of science and technology. Facing the new developments of mechanics, the state key laboratories for mechanics-oriented multi-disciplines should be planned and constructed prospectively.

  3) The main research directions and key scientific issues of mechanics

  The development fields to which we should give priority, main research directions and key scientific issues of Chinese mechanics are as follows.

  (1) Cognition, design and control of complex system dynamics. The main research directions are non-linear dynamics, stochastic dynamics and dynamics of flexible multibody system. The key scientific issues are the dynamic analysis with non-linearity and uncertainty, the identification of complex systems and their dynamic loads, and the topology design and control of systems dynamics.

  (2) Deformation and failure of novel materials. The main research directions are constitutive laws of novel materials, the failure theories, the multi-scale mechanical behaviors, and the new computational and experimental techniques. The key scientific issues are the constitutive laws and strength theories of novel materials, the destruction and failure behaviors of novel materials, and the deformation and failure of novel materials under dynamic loads.

  (3) Mechanical design and analysis of new structures. The main research directions are the design of new structures, the evaluation of safety and service life, and the response analysis of complex loads. The key scientific issues are the new structure design driven by multifunctions, the structural mechanics of major equipment and the complex response of new structures.

  (4) The multi-physical processes of high-speed flow. The main research directions are the coupling effect of forces, heat, sound and other factors in complex flows, the computational model of flow, and the reproduction of complex phenomena. The key scientific issues are the coupling of multi-physical processes, the complex flow mechanism and control, and the flow-motion-deformation coupling effect.

  (5) The multi-scale interaction in turbulent flows. The main research directions are the dynamics of multi-scale structures of turbulence, the theories and models of spatial-temporal correlation, and high-precision computations and experimental measurements. The key scientific issues are the evolution of multi-scale structures of turbulence, the spatial-temporal coupling characteristics of turbulence and turbulent noise, the multiphase particle turbulence, and the multiphase turbulence with phase transitions.

  (6) X-mechanics. The main research directions are the complex medium mechanics under extreme conditions, physical mechanics theories and methods of multiphase and multi-field functional systems, and the mechanical characterization and control of living bodies. The key scientific issues are the evolution of complex media under extreme conditions, cross-temporal and spatial scale mechanics of discrete and continuous correlation, the theories and methods associated with information and intellectual properties of physical mechanics, the mechanical characterization and cross-scale coupling of living media, biomechanics in medical care and health, and the design of biomaterial and physiological adaptation to special environment.

  4. The funding mechanism and policy recommendations

  The funding system plays a vital role in the development of mechanics, which includes maintaining an appropriate scale of basic research teams, stably supporting the researches in basic mechanics issues and frontier fields, guiding the integration of the national needs to conduct basic researches, and cultivating a group of young talents and outstanding academic leaders.

  In view of the development status of Chinese mechanics, we make special suggestions for the disciplinary development of mechanics as follows. It is better to strengthen the status of the basic discipline of mechanics and promote the frontier development of mechanics, to increase f inancial support to experimental methods and technologies of mechanics so as to speed up the construction of experimental bases and experimental facilities, to support the construction of the computing platform for mechanics so as to promote the development of domestic computational mechanics software, to promote the construction of resource sharing and cooperation platform so as to improve the efficiency of resource utilization, to attach importance to inter-disciplinary fields and promote the cultivation of innovative and compound talents of mechanics, to strengthen the construction of talent teams and actively train young scholars, and to vigorously improve the quality and influence of domestic journals of mechanics.

  5. Brief introduction to the sub-disciplines of mechanics

  1) Dynamics and control

  Dynamics and control is a sub-discipline of mechanics. It deals with the dynamic characteristics of a system, the relations between dynamic behaviors and excitations of a system, and their adjustments as well. The main research areas of the sub-discipline include the general principles of dynamics in nature and engineering, system modeling, and theories and methods of analysis, design and control, etc. This sub-discipline studies the motion forms, and the variation laws and their control strategies with time in high-dimensional, non-linear, non-smooth, uncertain, multifield coupling and complex networks etc. from the dynamic perspective, revealing the relations between excitations and system responses. It can purposefully adjust the motion form and dynamic characteristics of a system, and provide theoretical methods and analysis tools for understanding natural phenomena and engineering analysis and design.

  2) Solid mechanics

  Solid mechanics is a sub-discipline of mechanics, dealing with the force, deformation, destruction, and related changes and effects of solid media and structural systems. As the largest sub-discipline of mechanics, solid mechanics occupies an important position in the evolution of human civilization. The deformation and destruction of solids are associated with almost all aspects of human activities, especially various structures and equipment in engineering fields, and serious natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides and avalanches. Solid matters and their responses to forces are diversified, with obvious non-linear and multi-scale characteristics, such as elasticity, plasticity, creep, fracture and fatigue. Solid mechanics studies the deformation and strength of materials and structures under various loads, and provides theories, methods and means for understanding solid deformation and failure mechanisms, the engineering structure and equipment analysis, and the evaluation of design and service reliability.

  3) Fluid mechanics

  Fluid mechanics is a sub-discipline of mechanics, and studies the characteristics, flow states and and flow driven by various forces of fluid media, as well as the laws of mass, momentum and energy transportation. Fluid media widely exist in nature and engineering fields, from the vast nebulae of the universe to the atmosphere that surrounds the Earth, from the endless ocean on the surface of the Earth to the hot magma inside the Earth, and from the blood in animal blood vessels to the oil and gas in industrial pipelines. Due to the complexity of fluid physical properties, flow states and force environments, the problems of fluid mechanics show basic characteristics such as unsteadiness, nonequilibrium, multi-scale, multi-field coupling, and strong non-linearity. The fluid turbulence is one of the unsolved classic problems of natural sciences. Moreover, fluid mechanics has laid the foundation for the development of many engineering fields, such as aerospace, energy and transportation industries.

  4) X-mechanics

  X-mechanics refers to the modern inter-disciplinary branches of mechanics. Strong inter-disciplinary is a basic characteristic of mechanics. The collision between mechanics and other sciences promotes the development of mechanics in the new era and becomes a new driving force for the progress of mechanics. As the intersection becoming more and more extensive and in-depth, the complexity of the objects of concern has become more and more prominent. As such, a series of new problems and new fields at the frontiers of science has emerged. X-mechanics takes mechanics as the traction and achieves the intersection and integration of multiple disciplines through the multi-medium integration, the multilevel integration, the integration of rigid and flexible bodies, and the integration of objects and intelligence. Meanwhile, mechanics serves as a bridge between science and engineering, connecting basic and applied researches in different fields. The research on X-mechanics shows complex characteristics such as multi-field coupling and spatial-temporal multi-scales. The development of X-mechanics is inseparable from the development of mechanics and gives birth to a series of novel concepts, theories and methods.

