  分子细胞科学的发展有助于探索生命的本质,为生命的改造提供更加优化的技术策略,为破解生命科学各学科中的重大科学问题提供更全面、更深入的支撑。《中国分子细胞科学与技术 2035 发展战略》面向世界科技前沿,聚焦重大科学问题,系统梳理了分子细胞科学与技术的科学意义、战略价值与发展规律和发展现状,并从 9 个方面研究了其关键科学问题、关键技术问题和重要发展方向,包括:基因组的结构与演化,生物分子的结构、功能与设计,生物分子模块的组装与功能性机器,亚细胞结构的形成与相互作用,细胞类型的区分与确定,细胞命运的决定及其可塑性,细胞间通信及细胞与微环境的互作与功能,分子生物网络与“数字化”细胞,细胞的人工改造。同时,对相关领域的发展提出了相关政策建议。


  党的二十大胜利召开,吹响了以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的前进号角。习近平总书记强调“教育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑”,明确要求到 2035 年要建成教育强国、科技强国、人才强国。新时代新征程对科技界提出了更高的要求。当前,世界科学技术发展日新月异,不断开辟新的认知疆域,并成为带动经济社会发展的核心变量,新一轮科技革命和产业变革正处于蓄势跃迁、快速迭代的关键阶段。开展面向 2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究,紧扣国家战略需求,研判科技发展大势,擘画战略、锚定方向,找准学科发展路径与方向,找准科技创新的主攻方向和突破口,对于实现全面建成社会主义现代化“两步走”战略目标具有重要意义。




  作为国家在科学技术方面最高咨询机构的中国科学院和国家支持基础研究主渠道的国家自然科学基金委员会(简称自然科学基金委),在夯实学科基础、加强学科建设、引领科学研究发展方面担负着重要的责任。早在新中国成立初期,中国科学院学部即组织全国有关专家研究编制了《1956—1967 年科学技术发展远景规划》。该规划的实施,实现了“两弹一星”研制等一系列重大突破,为新中国逐步形成科学技术研究体系奠定了基础。自然科学基金委自成立以来,通过学科发展战略研究,服务于科学基金的资助与管理,不断夯实国家知识基础,增进基础研究面向国家需求的能力。2009 年,自然科学基金委和中国科学院联合启动了“2011—2020 年中国学科发展战略研究”。2012 年,双方形成联合开展学科发展战略研究的常态化机制,持续研判科技发展态势,为我国科技创新领域的方向选择提供科学思想、路径选择和跨越的蓝图。

  联合开展“中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”,是中国科学院和自然科学基金委落实新时代“两步走”战略的具体实践。我们面向 2035 年国家发展目标,结合科技发展新特征,进行了系统设计,从三个方面组织研究工作:一是总论研究,对面向2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展进行了概括和论述,内容包括学科的历史演进及其发展的驱动力、前沿领域的发展特征及其与社会的关联、学科与前沿领域的区别和联系、世界科学发展的整体态势,并汇总了各个学科及前沿领域的发展趋势、关键科学问题和重点方向;二是自然科学基础学科研究,主要针对科学基金资助体系中的重点学科开展战略研究,内容包括学科的科学意义与战略价值、发展规律与研究特点、发展现状与发展态势、发展思路与发展方向、资助机制与政策建议等;三是前沿领域研究,针对尚未形成学科规模、不具备明确学科属性的前沿交叉、新兴和关键核心技术领域开展战略研究,内容包括相关领域的战略价值、关键科学问题与核心技术问题、我国在相关领域的研究基础与条件、我国在相关领域的发展思路与政策建议等。

  三年多来,400 多位院士、3000 多位专家,围绕总论、数学等18 个学科和量子物质与应用等 19 个前沿领域问题,坚持突出前瞻布局、补齐发展短板、坚定创新自信、统筹分工协作的原则,开展了深入全面的战略研究工作,取得了一批重要成果,也形成了共识性结论。一是国家战略需求和技术要素成为当前学科及前沿领域发展的主要驱动力之一。有组织的科学研究及源于技术的广泛带动效应,实质化地推动了学科前沿的演进,夯实了科技发展的基础,促进了人才的培养,并衍生出更多新的学科生长点。二是学科及前沿领域的发展促进深层次交叉融通。学科及前沿领域的发展越来越呈现出多学科相互渗透的发展态势。某一类学科领域采用的研究策略和技术体系所产生的基础理论与方法论成果,可以作为共同的知识基础适用于不同学科领域的多个研究方向。三是科研范式正在经历深刻变革。解决系统性复杂问题成为当前科学发展的主要目标,导致相应的研究内容、方法和范畴等的改变,形成科学研究的多层次、多尺度、动态化的基本特征。数据驱动的科研模式有力地推动了新时代科研范式的变革。四是科学与社会的互动更加密切。发展学科及前沿领域愈加重要,与此同时,“互联网 +”正在改变科学交流生态,并且重塑了科学的边界,开放获取、开放科学、公众科学等都使得越来越多的非专业人士有机会参与到科学活动中来。

  “中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”系列成果以“中国学科及前沿领域 2035 发展战略丛书”的形式出版,纳入“国家科学思想库 - 学术引领系列”陆续出版。希望本丛书的出版,能够为科技界、产业界的专家学者和技术人员提供研究指引,为科研管理部门提供决策参考,为科学基金深化改革、“十四五”发展规划实施、国家科学政策制定提供有力支撑。




2023 年 3 月            

  李林  张学敏
  分子细胞科学作为生命科学的前沿领域,是全球科研的热点。在科研资助布局方面,美国国家科学基金会、英国医学研究理事会等国家科研资助机构均设置了专门的部门管理对分子细胞领域的资助,重点资助生物学与物理、化学、数学、计算科学等多学科交叉,增进对分子细胞基本功能、分子调控网络及机制的全面认识,并进一步将相关认识与生理学、病理学、医学相结合,以加深对疾病发生与治疗过程中应答机制的理解,进而推进药物靶标的发现和验证,以及新疗法的开发。美国国立卫生研究院也非常重视分子细胞科学相关基础研究,资助了4D细胞核组(4D Nucleome)计划和人类生物分子图谱计划(Human Biomolecular Atlas Program,HuBMAP)等专项计划,旨在推进活细胞追踪技术、单细胞测序技术、成像技术等研究单细胞活动的技术的发展,并在此基础上探究分子细胞特征及其相关变化对发育和各类疾病的影响。此外,美国、日本、欧盟等科技发达国家/组织相继出台了分子细胞科学领域的专项发展规划,包括全球大型国际合作项目人类细胞图谱(Human Cell Atlas,HCA)计划、日本活细胞图谱战略建议、日本4D细胞组战略建议、欧盟新“FET旗舰计划”的筹备行动——疾病发生发展机制研究(LifeTime)等。我国主要通过国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项等对分子细胞科学领域进行资助。在科研论文产出方面,通过对作为分子细胞科学基础和重要组成部分的分子细胞生物学进行定量分析发现,1980~2020 年全球共发表研究论文680 055篇,始终维持较快的发展速度。2011~2020年是我国分子细胞生物学研究领域快速发展阶段,论文数量从2011年的2441篇增长至2020年的12 560篇,年均增长率达到19.96%。这10年期间,我国共发表分子细胞生物学论文70 756篇,占该时间段全球发表的分子细胞生物学论文总量的24.93%,位居全球第2位;在全球分子细胞生物学论文数量排名前10位的国家中,我国论文的总被引频次居第2位,篇均被引频次居第10位。
  在核酸研究方面,大量新型RNA的发现及对其功能的深入理解正不断刷新研究者的认知。基因沉默、基因编辑和RNA测序等新技术,使核酸研究成为生命科学领域发展最快的方向之一。RNA 操纵与编辑正在成为治疗遗传疾病的最有前景的手段之一。在蛋白质研究方面,近年来冷冻电镜技术的发展加速了对蛋白质活化过程中构象变化的认识,解析了其发挥生物学功能的分子机理。计算机模拟蛋白质结构与功能、人工设计蛋白质成为目前研究蛋白质的热门方向,并正将其应用于药物研发、疫苗研发、化学催化等多个领域。在糖类研究方面,复杂多变的糖基化修饰可通过与不同蛋白质、脂质甚至RNA结合,由体内的识别系统呈递信息。由糖链介导的生物分子相互作用在疾病诊治中有巨大的应用前景。在脂类研究方面,脂类代谢调控和代谢酶的新机制、新型及经典细胞器在代谢营养感知和物质运输中的作用、代谢器官的生理病理意义和物质交互方式等是重要的研究方向。
  在生殖细胞与成体干细胞研究方面,目前针对哺乳动物减数分裂的启动和调控机制、精原前体细胞向精原干细胞的动态变化机理、微环境对精原干细胞的调控等的研究均十分有限,对新型成体干细胞的发现、成体干细胞的自我更新以及微环境(干细胞巢)、成体干细胞在体内修复组织损伤的机理与应用等的研究亦需要深入开展。在细胞属性转换研究方面,终末分化的细胞可通过转分化或去分化转变为其他细胞类型,这可能是组织中广泛存在的非干细胞依赖的修复损伤与组织再生方式。DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA、染色体空间结构、微环境细胞或者因子对细胞属性转换的调控机制有待继续解析。在细胞信号网络方面,细胞通过感知细胞内外的信号变化,调控并整合关键信号通路调控特异性基因的表达,从而精准调控细胞的命运。Hippo、Wnt、mTOR、Notch、TGF- 等信号通路参与调控细胞生长、增殖、分化与凋亡,在组织稳态和干细胞自我更新与分化中也发挥重要作用,并与体内免疫反应、代谢异常、肿瘤细胞增殖等密切联系。在研究技术手段方面,近年来建立的新型单倍体干细胞有单倍体性、自我更新、多能性和“受精”能力,可利用其开展细胞水平的正反向遗传筛选、构建异源二倍体、研究胚胎发育印记基因、高效制备复杂遗传修饰小鼠并在个体水平进行遗传筛选等。类器官是当下的研究热点,目前已经培养出肾、肝、肺、肠、脑、前列腺、胰腺、视网膜等组织的类器官。类器官能够在体外培养,能较好保持原位组织的异质性,在器官层面的生理病理研究等方面有巨大应用价值。
  九、 细胞的人工改造
  Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms. All life activities of organisms, such as growth, development, reproduction and evolution, are based on cells. Multicellular organisms contain a variety of cells with diferent shapes and functions, all of which are derived from the division, proliferation, and differentiation of a fertilized egg. Why can a fertilized egg produce all types of cells? Why do cells change the shapes and functions during ontogeny? Why do the cells such as neurons and muscle cells in a tissue stably maintain their properties once they are formed? Why do normal cells in an organism turn into cancer cells or other diseased cells? These unsolved mysteries about cells are the hot frontiers of basic research in modern life sciences. As the basis of life, cells contain many kinds of molecules, such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. These biomolecules interact and assemble into complex biomolecular machines or cellular substructures with different structures and functions, which is the basis of the cell’s behavior and further leads to various biological phenomena. Mapping the molecular regulation map of the basic cellular activities is one of the ultimate goals of life sciences research. To achieve this goal, in addition to using traditional molecular biology and cell biology research methods, it is necessary to carry out interdisciplinary research and develop innovative technologies and methods to systematically study the nature and the roles of behavior of cells.
  Molecular cell science is a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary and emerging discipline, which is based on the molecular biology and cell biology, and cross-integration of mathematics, physics, chemistry, information science, as well as medicine to study cellular activities and their molecular mechanisms. With interdisciplinary new technologies and methods, molecular cell science makes the research on biomolecules, functional elements and cells from qualitative to quantitative, delayed to real-time, static to dynamic, in vitro to in situ, single to network, and local to global, reveals the causal relationship between the quantity, morphology, structure and function, as well as provides the theoretical basis and technical means for the manipulation and artifcial transformation of cells.
  The development of molecular cell science has great scientific signifcance and strategic value. In promoting the development of basic science, molecular cell science will increase the depth of exploration of the nature of cells, enabling the exploration of cell structure and function to transform from “surface analysis of molecular mechanisms in single perspective” to “deep interpretation of mechanisms from multiple dimensions”. Meanwhile, it will provide more optimized technical strategies for the transformation of life, and further promote the precise manipulation of intracellular molecular expression and cell function. Furthermore, it will also provide more comprehensive and in-depth support for solving major scientific problems in various disciplines of life sciences, and promote the rapid development of life sciences. In promoting the development in the fields of human health, agriculture and industry, the development of molecular cell science also has important strategic value. First, it will promote the realization of the more precise and more realistic reveal of the mechanisms of human growth and development as well as disease occurrence and development, which can provide source theories and innovative strategies for the R&D and application of disease precise diagnosis and advanced treatment. Second, it will further promote the optimization and upgrading of breeding technology, which promotes the realization of efficient and precise agricultural breeding. It will also provide huge opportunities for cutting-edge directions, such as the R&D of green pesticides and cellular agriculture products. Third, it will lay a theoretical and technical foundation for the green biosynthesis of industrial products, assist in the design and construction of enzyme molecules, cells and multicellular systems, as well as optimize and regulate metabolic pathways, thereby realizing manual control of the synthesis process.
  The development of molecular cell science has mainly gone through two stages. First, the cross-integration of molecular biology and cell biology promoted the continuous transition of the depth of understanding of cells. On the basis of traditional cell biology, as the omics technology represented by genomics promoted a comprehensive analysis of the cell activities, and the emergence of cell engineering technology made cell transformation a reality, the research in the fields of gene expression regulation, cell material transport, cell signal transduction, and cell fate regulation has gradually flourished, and cell biology has begun to transform to molecular cell biology. Second, the multidisciplinary cross has led the emergence and rapid development of molecular cell science. The development and iterative refinement of single cell and single molecule technology, in situ analysis technology, imaging technology, molecular imaging, live cell imaging technology and multi-omics technology has made the research in this period transform from cell cluster average analysis to single cell or molecule differentiation analysis, from in vitro to in situ analysis with spatial information, from static structure analysis of biological macromolecules to the development of dynamic molecular movies, from tomographic molecular cell analysis to non-invasive and real-time observation, from single molecule scale analysis to the multi-layer networks integrated analysis, which lead molecular cell biology to enter into a new stage of molecular cell science.
  As a frontier field of life sciences, molecular cell science is a hot spot of global scientific research. In terms of the layout of scientific research funding, national scientific research funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation of the United States and the Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom have set up special departments to manage the funding of molecular cells. The funding encourages the interdisciplinary research combining biology with physics, chemistry, mathematics as well as information science to improve the understanding of molecular cellular functions, molecular regulatory networks and mechanisms, and further integrate with physiology, pathology, and medicine to get a deeper understanding of disease occurrence and treatment response mechanisms, and then to improve the discovery and validation of drug targets and the development of new treatments. The National Institutes of Health of the United States also attaches great importance to basic research related to molecular cell science, and has funded special programs in this field, including the 4D Nucleome Program and the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program, which aim to promote the development of live cell tracking technology, single-cell sequencing technology, imaging technology and other technologies to study single cell activity, and further explore the impacts of molecular cell characteristics and related changes on human development and various diseases. In addition, the United States, Japan, European Union and other technologically advanced countries/regions have successively launched specific initiatives in the field of molecular cell science, including the Human Cell Atlas Project, the strategic proposal of Live Cell Atlas and 4D Cellome in Japan, and preparatory action for FET Flagships “LifeTime” in European Union. China has mainly funded the field of molecular cell science through research programs such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key R&D Program, and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In terms of the output of scientifc research papers, through the quantitative analysis of molecular cell biology, which is the basis and important part of molecular cell science, it was found that researchers published 680,055 papers between 1980 and 2020, maintaining rapid development speed. China has developed rapidly in the feld of molecular cell biology in the past ten years. The number of papers in that feld has increased from 2,441 in 2011 to 12,560 in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate of 19.96%. In these ten years, China has published 70,756 papers in molecular cell biology, ranking second in the world, accounting for 24.93% of the total number of papers worldwide. Among the ten countries with the most papers in molecular cell biology, the total cited frequency and average cited frequency per paper of China ranked second and tenth.
  This report focused on nine aspects of molecular cell science, i.e., (1) genome structure, integrity and synthesis, (2) structure, function, and design of biomolecules, (3) assembly, functions and mechanisms of bio-macromolecular machines, (4) formation and interaction of subcellular structures, (5) identifcation and classifcation of cell types, (6) cell fate determination and plasticity, (7) cell communication and its interaction with the microenvironment, (8) biomolecular networks and “digital” cells, (9) artifcial modifcation of cells. It not only studied and expounded the respective critical scientifc issues, development status and trends, but also proposed our strategies and key directions in future development.
   . Genome structure, integrity and synthesis
  The genetic information coded in the genome is the basis of life, while the eukaryotic chromosome is the carrier for information storage and transmission. The encoded genetic information is programmatically decoded into cell-specific gene expression to form complex organisms. How does the linear coding of the genome determine the diverse cell life activities? How does the cell solve the contradiction between integrity maintenance and sequence variation? Whether it is possible to explore the mysteries of life and create life that does not exist in nature through artifcial synthetic life? These are all the frontiers that could be targeted in the research direction of genome structure and evolution.
  In terms of genetic information en- and de-coding, the future research trend is to comprehensively reveal the folding of the genome in diferent dimensions, including chemical basis, hierarchical folding and compartmentalization. The basis of chromatin chemical modification is the key to revealing the dynamic regulations genome. The hierarchical folding mechanisms of chromatin in 3D remain to be clarified. The concept and molecular basis of chromatin compartment need further validation. In terms of genome integrity, the knowledge map of DNA damage repair still has many gaps. New factors and new mechanisms need to be revealed, such as the role of RNA. Rare low-frequent DNA alteration needs more mechanistic studies including the “random” mutation in aging cells. In the feld of artifcial synthetic life, researchers have found that a greatly simplified genome can also maintain the operation of eukaryotic life. This type of research not only greatly accelerates the revelation of life mechanisms, but also makes it possible to create new ones. Codon expansion, unnatural base/amino acid, and mirror molecules are all at the cutting-edge.
  By integrating multi-disciplinary theories and technologies, we should move forward in two directions: “mechanism analysis study” and “genome artifcial synthesis”, which will provide new ideas for disease diagnosis and treatment, and enhance our international impacts in this feld.
   . Structure, function, and design of biomolecules
  Biomolecules are the general term for molecules that naturally exist in living organisms and are the carriers and performers of life activities. They include large molecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and small molecules such as various metabolites. The different classes of molecules exert their functions synergistically through interactions. The specific recognition of biomolecules is the basic premise for their functions, and the high-precision resolution of the three-dimensional structures of biomolecules is one of the focuses of this field. In addition, studying the various metabolic processes and coupling mechanisms and the functions of biomolecules is another core of this feld. It becomes possible to design and modify biomolecules after understanding their structures and functions.
  In nucleic acid research, the discovery of a large number of new types of RNAs and an in-depth understanding of their functions are constantly refreshing researchers’knowledge. New technologies such as gene silencing, gene editing, and RNA sequencing have made nucleic acid research one of the fastest emerging directions in life sciences. RNA manipulation and editing is becoming the most promising therapeutic tool for treating genetic diseases. In protein research, the recent development of cryo-electron microscopy technology has greatly accelerated the understanding of conformational changes in protein activation, and helped to resolve the molecular mechanisms of their biological functions. Computer simulation of the protein structures and functions, as well as the artificial design of proteins, has become popular in both protein science and application in drug development, vaccine development, chemical catalysis, and many other fields. In carbohydrate research, glycosylation modifcations including complex and variable glycan chain structures can deliver information in vivo by binding to diferent proteins or even ribonucleic acids. The biomolecular interactions mediated by glycan chains have great application potential in disease diagnosis and treatment. In lipid research, the regulation of lipid metabolism and new mechanisms of metabolic enzymes, the role of novel and classical organelles in metabolic nutrient perception and material transport, the physiopathological significance of metabolic organs, and the way of material interaction are important directions.
  In the future, we could start with identifying the binding targets and solving the structures of various biomolecules, meanwhile following the lines of biomolecular processing/metabolism/recognition, and emphasizing biomolecular regulatory mechanisms and cellular functions. Moreover, we should develop new technologies for biomolecular detection through multidisciplinary integration. We anticipate illustrating the basic mechanisms and functions of biomolecular metabolism and regulation.
   .Assembly, functions and mechanisms of bio-macromolecular machines
  The complicated biological functions in cells are usually executed by bio-macromolecular machines, which are formed by dynamic interactions and assembly of various bio-macromolecules, rather than simple individual biomolecule. Different bio-macromolecular machines play important and diverse biological functions in energy metabolism, material transport, signal sensing and response, transmission and maintenance of genetic information, protein synthesis and degradation, and microbial host interactions and immune responses.
  Research on the molecular mechanisms of biological processes, including the assembly, modification and dynamic regulation, cellular localization, and transport of bio-macromolecular machines, is essential for understanding the synergistic functions and underlying mechanisms of bio-macromolecular machines in vivo. The achievements from the research could provide the molecular and theoretical basis for the design, simulation and manipulation of bio-macromolecular machines. The rapid development of the de novo design of bio-macromolecular machines in recent years can be used in the verification of existing interpretations on the functions of bio-macromolecular machines, as well as in the expansion of the functional diversity of bio-macromolecular machines to a great extent. From the aspect of applications, the gained knowledge and technology from the research would be able to help reveal the molecular mechanisms for the pathogenesis and development of various diseases, as well as the host-microbiome interactions, and lay the foundation for the design and development of vaccines, biomarkers and drugs for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
  Based on the current progress and challenges in the research of bio-macromolecular machines, we suggest promoting and enhancing the research on establishing and developing new technologies and methodologies that can carry out in situ structural studies of bio-macromolecular machines, especially those that allow in situ, high-resolution, and real-time structural imaging of the “natural molecular landscape” of bio-macromolecular machines in cells. These technologies will greatly contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of bio-macromolecular machines and biological processes under normal physiological and abnormal pathological conditions.
   . Formation and interaction of subcellular structures
  Subcellular structures include cell membranes, various organelles, cytoskeleton, nucleus, etc. In addition to the classical membranous organelles, such as endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes,  endosomes, mitochondria, autophagosomes, a large number of membraneless organelles, i.e., biomolecular condensates, are also found in cells. Through fine functional assignment, mutual cooperation and close contact, organelles network their interactions to achieve rapid material and information exchanges to execute a variety of biological processes. The disorder of organelle interactions is closely associated with disease development.
  In terms of the membranous organelles, numerous advances have been made in each individual organelle, such as fine sorting regulation of membrane transport, the physiological functions of membranous endosomal organelle interactions, and maintenance of endosomal integrity. In the future, the research paradigm could be shifted from single organelle to integrated multiple organelles, focusing on the delicate regulatory mechanisms, the significance of synergistic interactions of membranous organelles and physiological functions. Additionally, the integrity, repair and degradation of the membrane structure of the membranous organelles will also be a new research hotspot and frontier. In terms of membraneless organelles, the components, ultrastructure, dynamic assembly and functional regulation of membraneless organelles are not well studied. Elucidating the molecular regulation and function of membraneless organelle in cells will be important for the diagnosis and treatment of associated diseases. In the future, we could start with “phase separation” and “phase transition” to investigate the formation and dynamic equilibrium regulation of bio-macromolecules, analyze the ultrastructure and molecular composition of membraneless organelles at a higher temporal-spatial resolution, and eventually understand the assembly process and functional regulation of membraneless organelles.
  We suggest developing in vivo, high spatial and temporal resolution analytical techniques to improve and strengthen the research of subcellular structures, including the development of biomicroscopy imaging techniques based on cross-integration of multiple disciplines such as optical engineering, computer, automation, physics, and biology.
   . Identifcation and classifcation of cell types
  Cells are the basic building blocks of life. Both cell numbers and types are constantly increased during the development of an individual. Somatic cells can be divided into corresponding cell types according to their morphological and functional characteristics. For example, there are estimated to be more than 200 diferent somatic cell types in a completely developed human body. It is a prerequisite to identify and understand each cell type before we reveal diferent cell activities and functions in multicellular organisms.
  Regarding the genetic basis of cell types, an important task is to determine the cell lineage, which enables us to distinguish the history of various cell types in multicellular organisms. Currently, constructing cell lineages of complex organisms, especially human cell lineages, is a major challenge. In terms of the relationship between a certain type of cells and its environment, it is well known that phenotypes have resulted from the interactions of genotypes and environments. Accordingly, the formation of a cell type is influenced by the environment as well. Therefore, the identification of influences of environments on cell type formation is another major challenge.
  In terms of the technology and standards for cell type classifcation, traditionally, cell types have been used to be classified according to morphological and functional characteristics. But they have now been categorized by molecular characteristics at diferent levels. First, single-cell transcriptome sequencing is the most widely used molecular typing technology at present.Alarge number of human cell chromatograms have been obtained in recent years. Second, cell lineage tracing, an important part of cell atlas research internationally, can track the development of cell types in vivo, compensating for the information loss that occurred in single-cell transcriptome sequencing. Third, the changes of the cell types under pathological (e.g., senescence and tumor) conditions have been a research focus in recent years. Finally, the feld of cell typing is evolving from an emphasis on in vitro, static single-cell analysis to a higher level of in vivo, dynamic cell type studies, enabling researchers to observe the three-dimensional structure of tissues with unprecedented temporal-spatial resolution.
  We should employ the combination of omics technologies to carry out studies on cell type identification and molecular typing, cell fate determination and cell lineage tracing during ontogeny, and cell atlas identification and evolution in complex diseases. Therefore, it is important to develop new techniques and methods for the molecular typing of cells. 
   . Cell fate determination and plasticity
  Cell fate determination and plasticity are important issues in life sciences. During the life cycle of an organism, cells face choices at every moment, e.g., proliferation, differentiation, migration or death. These choices make cells maintain their existing state or change to another one. This process, namely cell fate determination, is a key event of the cellular life cycle.
  In terms of research directions on germ cells and adult stem cells, there is limited progress on the initiation and regulation mechanisms of mammalian meiosis, the transformation mechanism of spermatogonial precursor cells to spermatogonial stem cells, and the regulatory impact of microenvironment on spermatogonial stem cells, etc. Several subjects in adult stem cells, such as novel adult stem cells, self-renewal and microenvironment (stem cell niche), underlying mechanism and application in repairing tissue damage in vivo, need to be further developed. In the research on cell identity change, terminally differentiated cells can change into other cell types by transdifferentiation or dedifferentiation, a non-stem cell-dependent process that repairs tissue damage. The epigenetic mechanisms (including DNA methylation, histone modification, non-coding RNA, chromosomal compartmentation and microenvironmental niches that regulate cell identity transition) need to be further elucidated. In terms of cell signaling networks, cells can regulate and integrate various signaling pathways to afect gene expressions by sensing intra- and extra-cellular signals, precisely regulating cell fate. The signaling pathways (such as Hippo, Wnt, mTOR, Notch, and TGF- ) regulate cell growth, proliferation, differentiation and death. They play an important role in tissue homeostasis and stem cell self-renewal and diferentiation, and are also closely related to the immune response, metabolic abnormalities, and tumor proliferation. Regarding research technical development, researchers in China have established a new type of haploid stem cells with self-renewal, pluripotency, and “fertilization” ability. The cells can be used to carry out forward and reverse genetic screening at the cellular level, to construct heterologous diploids, to study imprinted genes in embryonic development, to efciently prepare genetically modifed mice and genetically screening in vivo at the organismal level. Organoid is a current research hotspot. Organoids have been derived from various organs, such as kidney, liver, lung, intestine, brain, prostate, pancreas, and retina. Organoids cultured in vitro can maintain the heterogeneity of the corresponding tissues/organs, and has great application potential for physiopathological study.
  We should concentrate our efort on adult stem cells, particularly in the following application-oriented directions: cell transdiferentiation in major diseases and organ damage repair, and dynamic signaling networks for cell fate determination. The development of new technologies and methods will promote the investigations mentioned above.
   . Cell communication and its interaction with the micro-environment
  Cell communication is a complex process by which one cell transmits information to another to produce a corresponding response. The cells of multicellular organisms form complex cell communication networks and feedback mechanisms, which accurately and efficiently exchange information between cells and coordinate cell behavior to accomplish complex life activities. Cells reside in the complex and dynamic microenvironment. Cells interact with microenvironment, which perceive and respond to the microenvironment and infuence the microenvironment in turn.
  Cell communication research includes the selection and regulation of signaling molecules, secretion modes, and communication patterns. The signals, which can be water-soluble or lipid-soluble small molecules and large molecules such as peptides and proteins, are transmitted in autocrine, paracrine, or endocrine manner, depending on the nature of the receiver cells. Signals can be one-to-one transmitted by specific signal molecules and receptor recognition. Multiple signals can also be simultaneously transmitted in batch mode via cellular pores and extracellular vesicles. The physical, chemical and biological microenvironment of a cell is highly heterogeneous and dynamic. Cells not only selectively receive and integrate highly complex and heterogeneous microenvironmental signals, but also actively remodel their microenvironment. Cells and the microenvironment form a spatial and temporal-specific interactive cell-microenvironment network during the development and homeostasis of adult tissues and organs. Abnormal changes in cell communication and cell-microenvironment interactions lead to developmental abnormalities, metabolic diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and other diseases. The methods and approaches of modern genetics and synthetic biology have improved the level and depth of cell communication research. The development of single-cell sequencing technology has made it possible to conduct cell communication research at the single-cell level. Further development of dynamic real-time and three-dimensional in vivo research systems and techniques will help fully discover the key nodes of cell communication regulatory networks under physiological and pathological conditions.
  It is suggested that we take the discovery of new cell communication signal molecules and new communication modes as the breakthrough point in cell communication research to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms and functions of spatiotemporal-specifc regulatory networks of cell-microenvironment interaction and inter-organ cell communication, which will be facilitated by the development of new real-time and dynamic technical platforms and methods. Furthermore, based on cell communication, we will invent cell communication-based new strategies, new technologies and new drugs for the diagnosis and treatment of complex diseases.
   . Biomolecular networks and “digital” cells
  The diversified functions of cellular activities are realized through 
  the interactions between biomolecules, namely biomolecular networks. Therefore, the study of the structure and dynamics of biomolecular networks is the basis for an in-depth understanding of cellular functions at the systemic level. Network reconstruction, network analysis, and the use of networks to solve biological problems are the three basic issues in biomolecular network research, and the virtual “digital” cells generated from biomolecular networks will bring a new research perspective to molecular cell science.
  In terms of network reconstruction, researchers have developed diverse high-throughput sequencing methods that can not only measure specific biomolecules at the omic level (e.g., genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic), but also characterize molecular (such as protein-DNA and protein-protein) interactions. Using this information, researchers are able to establish biomolecular networks that describe gene regulation, protein interactions, metabolism, signaling transduction, epigenetic regulation, and large and small molecule interactions, laying the foundation for understanding various life processes from the perspective of systems biology. In terms of network analysis, integrating a huge amount of biological data, combined with efcient processing and analysis, may help researchers to reveal the common operating rules of complex biomolecular networks, as well as network changes, feedback, and regulatory mechanisms in both static and dynamic aspects. In terms of solving biological problems, the network markers and dynamic network markers can accurately refect the association between disease-related genes. They can also stably diagnose or characterize disease states and homostatic states of biological systems, especially the critical states of biological systems, enabling early warning of disease states. In addition, multi-target drugs designed according to biomolecular-network information have better efficacy than traditional drugs. In terms of “digital” cells, the current DNA origami, synthetic cells, and DNA information storage technology have fully demonstrated the infnite possibilities of digital biotechnology. The use of virtual “digital” cells can reveal the deep connection between complicated molecular processes in cells, and eventually predict cell behavior. Cell digitization has the potential to change the paradigm of research in the felds of life mechanisms, repair of diseased cells and biostorage.
  It is suggested that the research priorities in this field are the followings: mapping gene regulatory network at single-cell level, mapping protein interaction network, and developing the network biomarker theory of biological system state and its critical change. They are important for revealing the molecular mechanisms of complex biological phenomena. At the same time, China should actively pursue the integration of biological information, biomolecular networking, and computer simulation technology, achieving the goal of comprehensive and accurate simulation of cells.
   .Artifcial modifcation of cells
  Cells are the basic structural and functional units of organisms. Dysfunction of tissues and organs caused by cell damage can lead to major diseases. Artifcial modifcation of cells could be a revolution for medicine, i.e., from chemotherapy to cell therapy. For example, cell-modification-based immunotherapies, e.g., CAR-T and TCR-T cell therapies, have made significant progress in the clinical treatment of cancer over recent years. Under the theme of artifcial cell modifcation and cell therapy, there are a few promising directions in the future: identify target genes for optimizing cellular functions, elucidate in-depth mechanisms of cell therapy, expand sources of immune cells, create new types of immune cells, and develop “intelligent cells” that can sense the microenvironment.
  In terms of cell therapy mechanisms, large-scale functional screening appears to be an effective means for systematically identifying the key genes in immune cell response. Artificial immune cells with more therapeutic value will be a direction: discovering target genes or pathways that can help immune cells overcome the immunosuppressive microenvironment, and then genetically modifying the immune cells. In terms of immune cell sources, the functional modification of immune cells, such as natural killer cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages, is a new tool and direction to open up new models of immunotherapy. The controlled diferentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), which is generated by reprogramming human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, is an important approach to obtaining immune cells, and has attracted more and more attention in immunotherapy. In addition, it is possible to achieve allogeneic, off-the-shelf, scalable production of universal immune cell therapies, which can solve the limitations of the isolation, modification, and amplification of traditional immune cells, and greatly expand the applications of immunotherapy. In terms of intelligent cell construction, it is currently a hot research topic to endow certain functional chassis cells, especially immune cells, with new functions through synthetic biology modification. By using high-
  throughput screening technology and synthetic biology technology, gene circuits can be introduced into functional cells, especially therapeutic immune cells, to achieve spatiotemporal regulation of therapeutic functions and intelligently sense various signals in the microenvironment (including antigen expression and chemokine concentration) for precision therapy. Moreover, by designing a precise screening system or targeted modifcation loop, researchers could establish a disease-model evaluation system and screening system that highly mimic the focal area of human disease, which will help to address current challenges (such as targeting, persistence, precise striking, and universality) in cell therapy.
  It is suggested that the research priorities in this field are the followings: establish and develop new technologies and methods for finding key regulatory factors in functional cells (e.g., immune cells), actively explore new modifcation technologies for immune cells, focus on and cultivate a number of new “stem cell or immune cell modifcation technologies and products” with clinical application prospects and independent intellectual property rights for clinical application.
  All in all, breakthroughs in the frontier of “molecular cell science and technology” not only help to explain the nature and the law of activity of cells, but also providetheoretical basis for artifcial modifcation of cells, source application results for the bio-pharmaceutical and health industry, and lead to a new era of life science. They will contribute to improve nation’s original innovation ability, grasp the core competitiveness, achieve self-reliance in science and technology, and process China toward a world technology powers.
