  进入21世纪以来,高超声速航空发动机技术得到国际上的高度重视,我国也开展了积极探索,取得了重要进展。《中国高超声速航空发动机 2035发展战略》主要介绍高超声速航空发动机的定义与内涵、科学意义和战略价值,从涡轮冲压组合高超声速航空发动机、涡轮 / 火箭基组合循环高超声速航空发动机、空气涡轮火箭高超声速航空发动机、强预冷高超声速航空发动机等方面介绍高超声速航空发动机的发展现状与趋势,凝练出高超声速航空发动机的关键科学问题、关键技术问题与发展方向,并提出高超声速航空发动机领域发展的相关政策建议。


  党的二十大胜利召开,吹响了以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的前进号角。习近平总书记强调“教育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑”,明确要求到 2035 年要建成教育强国、科技强国、人才强国。新时代新征程对科技界提出了更高的要求。当前,世界科学技术发展日新月异,不断开辟新的认知疆域,并成为带动经济社会发展的核心变量,新一轮科技革命和产业变革正处于蓄势跃迁、快速迭代的关键阶段。开展面向 2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究,紧扣国家战略需求,研判科技发展大势,擘画战略、锚定方向,找准学科发展路径与方向,找准科技创新的主攻方向和突破口,对于实现全面建成社会主义现代化“两步走”战略目标具有重要意义。




  作为国家在科学技术方面最高咨询机构的中国科学院和国家支持基础研究主渠道的国家自然科学基金委员会(简称自然科学基金委),在夯实学科基础、加强学科建设、引领科学研究发展方面担负着重要的责任。早在新中国成立初期,中国科学院学部即组织全国有关专家研究编制了《1956—1967 年科学技术发展远景规划》。该规划的实施,实现了“两弹一星”研制等一系列重大突破,为新中国逐步形成科学技术研究体系奠定了基础。自然科学基金委自成立以来,通过学科发展战略研究,服务于科学基金的资助与管理,不断夯实国家知识基础,增进基础研究面向国家需求的能力。2009 年,自然科学基金委和中国科学院联合启动了“2011—2020 年中国学科发展战略研究”。2012 年,双方形成联合开展学科发展战略研究的常态化机制,持续研判科技发展态势,为我国科技创新领域的方向选择提供科学思想、路径选择和跨越的蓝图。

  联合开展“中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”,是中国科学院和自然科学基金委落实新时代“两步走”战略的具体实践。我们面向 2035 年国家发展目标,结合科技发展新特征,进行了系统设计,从三个方面组织研究工作:一是总论研究,对面向2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展进行了概括和论述,内容包括学科的历史演进及其发展的驱动力、前沿领域的发展特征及其与社会的关联、学科与前沿领域的区别和联系、世界科学发展的整体态势,并汇总了各个学科及前沿领域的发展趋势、关键科学问题和重点方向;二是自然科学基础学科研究,主要针对科学基金资助体系中的重点学科开展战略研究,内容包括学科的科学意义与战略价值、发展规律与研究特点、发展现状与发展态势、发展思路与发展方向、资助机制与政策建议等;三是前沿领域研究,针对尚未形成学科规模、不具备明确学科属性的前沿交叉、新兴和关键核心技术领域开展战略研究,内容包括相关领域的战略价值、关键科学问题与核心技术问题、我国在相关领域的研究基础与条件、我国在相关领域的发展思路与政策建议等。

  三年多来,400 多位院士、3000 多位专家,围绕总论、数学等18 个学科和量子物质与应用等 19 个前沿领域问题,坚持突出前瞻布局、补齐发展短板、坚定创新自信、统筹分工协作的原则,开展了深入全面的战略研究工作,取得了一批重要成果,也形成了共识性结论。一是国家战略需求和技术要素成为当前学科及前沿领域发展的主要驱动力之一。有组织的科学研究及源于技术的广泛带动效应,实质化地推动了学科前沿的演进,夯实了科技发展的基础,促进了人才的培养,并衍生出更多新的学科生长点。二是学科及前沿领域的发展促进深层次交叉融通。学科及前沿领域的发展越来越呈现出多学科相互渗透的发展态势。某一类学科领域采用的研究策略和技术体系所产生的基础理论与方法论成果,可以作为共同的知识基础适用于不同学科领域的多个研究方向。三是科研范式正在经历深刻变革。解决系统性复杂问题成为当前科学发展的主要目标,导致相应的研究内容、方法和范畴等的改变,形成科学研究的多层次、多尺度、动态化的基本特征。数据驱动的科研模式有力地推动了新时代科研范式的变革。四是科学与社会的互动更加密切。发展学科及前沿领域愈加重要,与此同时,“互联网 +”正在改变科学交流生态,并且重塑了科学的边界,开放获取、开放科学、公众科学等都使得越来越多的非专业人士有机会参与到科学活动中来。

  “中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”系列成果以“中国学科及前沿领域 2035 发展战略丛书”的形式出版,纳入“国家科学思想库 - 学术引领系列”陆续出版。希望本丛书的出版,能够为科技界、产业界的专家学者和技术人员提供研究指引,为科研管理部门提供决策参考,为科学基金深化改革、“十四五”发展规划实施、国家科学政策制定提供有力支撑。




2023 年 3 月            

  作为高超声速飞机的动力装置,高超声速航空发动机具有多项核心能力:一是能支持高超声速飞机实现水平起降;二是飞行包线更广,升限大于25 km,最大飞行马赫数不低于5;三是寿命长,能长时间重复使用。
  鉴于强预冷技术对高温来流的冷却作用,英国对其进行了大量的设计和试验探索,并且得到了英国政府、欧洲空间局(European Space Agency,ESA)、美国空军研究实验室(Air Force Research Laboratory,AFRL)、美国国防部高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,DARPA)等机构的研发经费支持,以及英国航空航天系统公司(British Aerospace Systems,BAE)、罗尔斯—罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)公司(以下简称罗罗公司)、波音(Boeing)公司等的资金和技术支持。研究结果初步展现了强预冷高超声速航空发动机推力重量比高、比冲高的性能优势。我国科学家提出了对转冲压压气机的原创性方案,利用转子相对旋转制造了超声速气流,建立低熵增激波系统实现了高效增压与高通流,大幅减少了压缩系统的尺寸和重量,并拓宽了压气机流量适应性,颠覆了传统轴流压气机气流折转的增压原理,有望显著提升高超声速航空发动机的推进效能。爆震燃烧采用近似等容燃烧代替原有布雷顿循环(Brayton cycle)中的等压燃烧,循环方式的改变有望显著提升高超声速航空发动机的推进效能。等离子体点火助燃通过高能量强穿透大火核、油气活化和流场调控,有望显著拓宽冲压发动机的工作速域并提升其性能。智能增材制造具备设计、制造、性能一体化,加速设计迭代,多尺度轻质化结构减重等优点,是我国高超声速航空发动机发展的机遇和快车道。轻质高温材料是高超声速航空发动机的主要结构材料,对提高其推力重量比,确保宽温域、高速重载等极端条件下的服役安全至关重要。
  美国为保持其在航空动力领域的领先地位,设立了一系列研究计划,如综合高性能涡轮发动机技术(The Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology,IHPTET)计划、通用可承担先进涡轮发动机(Versatile A?ordable Advanced Turbine Engines,VAATE)计划、支持经济可承受任务能力的先进涡轮技术(Advanced Turbine Technologies for Affordable Mission-Capability,ATTAM)计划等,促进了关键技术的突破,极大地降低了技术风险。高超声速航空发动机方面更是如此,“猎鹰”组合循环发动机技术(Falcon Combined Cycle Engine Technology,FaCET)计划、高速涡轮发动机验证(High Speed Turbine Engine Diagnostics,HiSTED)计划、远程超声速涡轮发动机(Supersonic Turbine Engine for Long Range,STELR)计划、模态转换(Modal Transition, MoTr)计划和先进全速域发动机(Advance Full-Speed Range Engine,AFRE)计划的实施,直接催生了SR-72高超声速航空发动机的研发。建议设立与高超声速航空发动机相关的技术预研计划,并将其列为“两机”(航空发动机和燃气轮机)重大专项接续实施计划的重点内容。研究须围绕热力循环分析设计与流动燃烧调控,材料、结构与热防护,工艺、制造与检测,试验与测试,重复使用与可靠性技术等内容开展,利用前期相关计划的研究成果支撑型号研发。


  1. The Scientific Significance and Strategic Value
  (1) Basic Connotation
  The hypersonic aero-engine has a lot of core capabilities as the power plant of hypersonic aircraft. First, it can support hypersonic aircraft to achieve horizontal take-o? and landing; second, the ?ight envelope is wider, the ceiling is greater than 25 km, and the maximum ?ight Mach number is not less than 5; third, the long service life and reuse. 
  Due to the limited of conventional turbine engines and ramjets, generally the Mach number of the turbine engine is 0-2.5, the ramjet engine is greater than 3. In order to match the requirement of hypersonic air-breathing propulsion, it is necessary to organically integrate traditional power such as turbine engines, ramjets and rocket engines. With the technical improvement of the additive manufacturing, lightweight high-temperature materials, strong pre-cooling, plasma control, counter-rotating stamping, and detonation combustion, it is expected to further improve the performance of hypersonic aero-engines.
  (2) Scientifc Signifcance
  As the technical commanding height and international hot spot in the ?eld of aero-engine, hypersonic aero-engine is an extremely complex system, which involves multiple disciplines like materials, manufacturing and strength, heating power, aerodynamics, combustion, control, heat transfer and so on. It is necessary to break through technical di?culties such as “extreme heat, wide airspace speed domain, and reuse”.
  It is of great scientific significance to carry out basic research on hypersonic aero-engines. First, it can reveal the mechanisms involved in aero-engine design and manufacturing, such as wide working speed range, long service life, high thrust-to-weight ratio, thermodynamic cycle under the constraint of high specific impulse, flow combustion organization, heat and mass transfer, lightweight high-temperature materials, manufacturing shape control, structural damage evolution, integrated control, etc. Second, it can promote new directions of interdisciplinary, such as fluid-heat-solid-solidi?cation coupled energy-mass transfer under extreme conditions, complex ultra-high temperature structural force-thermal-acoustic-oxygen coupling failure, etc. Third, it can promote the change of research paradigm, from the weak coupling and decoupling research to the multi-physics strong coupling research paradigm under extreme conditions of hypersonic aero-engines.
  (3) Strategic Value
  Aero-engines are the “pearl” in the crown of industry, and hypersonic aero-engines are the best among the pearls. The hypersonic aero-engine plays a decisive role in the research and development of hypersonic aircraft, and it is also the embodiment of a country’s comprehensive national strength. In addition, as an air-breathing power unit, it can support the development of aerospace plane, reusable space launch systems, etc.
  The countries invest a lot of manpower, material, and ?nancial resources in the study of hypersonic aero-engines, aiming to seize the commanding heights of technology and form a huge technological asymmetric advantage, but there’re a lot of di?culties and the research and development progress can not match the expectations. It is foreseeable that once the technology achieves a breakthrough, it will lead to major changes in many ?elds, such as aerospace equipment and civil aviation.
  Because of the late start, insu?cient investment, weak technological accumulation, and relatively scattered technical force, there is a big gap with the international advanced level in the field of hypersonic aero-engine technology. In order to catch up with the international advanced level and support the construction of the aerospace power, it is necessary to systematically sort out the status quo and make overall planning and development.
  2. Research Characteristics, Development Law, and Development Trends
  (1) Research Characteristics
  First, it is the multi-objective constraint, which makes the technology difficult. It also needs to meet the following requirements: providing stable and strong thrust within a wide flight envelope, reliability, reuse and achieving a large thrust-to-weight ratio.
  Second, it is very di?cult to study thoroughly from the perspective of system engineering since it’s the multi-disciplinary/multi-system coupling Hypersonic aero-engine involves not only the tight coupling between disciplines such as materials, structure, strength, and extreme aerodynamics, but also the tight coupling between different systems inside the engine and the aircraft.
  Third, it is the multi-technical route. Multiple programs are simultaneously advancing since the hypersonic aero-engines have not yet converged to a recognized feasible technical route.
  (2) Development Law
  First, the technical di?culty of developing hypersonic aero-engines has exceeded expectations. Compared with the hypersonic scramjet engine, the working speed range of the hypersonic aero-engine is more than doubled. With every 1 increase in ?ight Ma , the di?culty and cycle of engine research will increase significantly. Turbine-based combined power is the main technical approach for the development of hypersonic aero-engines, but there are still many technical difficulties. The turbo-ramjet engine faces major technical obstacles such as the mode transition “thrust gap”. Although technologies such as rocket boosting and jet pre-cooling can e?ectively solve the “thrust gap” problem, there are problems such as difficult thermal protection, low specific impulse, and complex structure. In the context of the rapid progress of high-speed turbine engine and scramjet engine technologies, the United States increased the research and development of turbo-ramjet combined hypersonic aero-engines, and accelerated the maturity of technology and engineering development, but there’re still a lot of di?culties.
  The maximum flight speed of the SR-71 Blackbird in 1966 was 3.2 times sound velocity. Due to its small load and poor efficiency,it has since been out of service. It is expected that the SR-72 Son of Blackbird is to be in service around 2030, which will have a maximum flight speed of 6 times sound velocity. Public data suggest that the engine still faces great technical uncertainty. Due to the difficulty and progress of the research and development of hypersonic aero-engines exceeding expectations, most of the relevant major research projects were terminated due to technical di?culties. Each country has di?erent research and development foundations based on turbine engines, rocket engines, ramjets, and pre-cooling technology. Therefore, the selected technical routes and primary directions also di?er signi?cantly.
  Second, in view of the cooling e?ect of strong precooling technology on high temperature incoming ?ow, the United Kingdom has carried out a lot of design and experimental exploration, and has received research and development funding support from the British government, ESA, AFRL, DARPAand other institutions, as well as ?nancial and technical support from companies such as BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, and Boeing. The research results show the performance advantages of strong precooled hypersonic aero-engine with a high thrust-to-weight ratio and high speci?c impulse. Scientists of China have proposed an original plan for a contra-rotating ram compressor, which uses the relative rotation of the rotor to create supersonic airflow, establishes a low-entropy shock wave system to achieve high-efficiency pressurization and high-pass ?ow, subverts the supercharging principle of traditional axial compressor air?ow turning, greatly reduces the size and weight of the compression system, and broadens the adaptability of the compressor flow. It is expected to signi?cantly improve the propulsion e?ciency of hypersonic aero-engines. The detonation combustion adopts approximately constant volume combustion to replace the isobaric combustion in the original Brayton cycle, and the change in the cycle mode is expected to signi?cantly improve the propulsion efficiency of hypersonic aero-engines. Plasma ignition and combustion is expected to significantly broaden the working speed range and improve the performance of ramjets through high energy and strong penetration of large fire cores, oil and gas activation and flow field regulation. Intelligent additive manufacturing has the advantages of “design-manufacturing-performance” integration, accelerated design iteration, and multi-scale lightweight structure weight reduction. Lightweight high-temperature materials are the main structural materials of hypersonic aero-engines, which are essential to improve the thrust-to-weight ratio, and ensure service safety under extreme conditions like wide temperature range, high speed and heavy load.
  Third, basic science restricts the breakthrough of technical bottlenecks. For example, the integrated thermal cycle and the integrated method of lightweight and high-strength material structure manufacturing are the sources of improving the thrust-to-weight ratio. The mechanism and method of high-efficiency combustion structure under low dynamic pressure and temperature are important sources of broadening the lower limit of Mach number of ramjets. The internal ?ow organization mechanism and method of high-pass ?ow impeller machinery in wide speed range and the design method of high temperature resistance mechanical system are the important sources of broadening the working speed range of turbine engine. It is necessary to make great e?orts to promote basic research.
  (3) Development Trends
  The simple superposition and segmented use of different typesof engines can’t become the mainstream solution since it can cause problems such as weak acceleration ability, poor fuel economy, poor thrust continuity, high resistance, and “dead weight”. The fusion development of novel thermal cycle and single transformative technology is the only way for hypersonic aero-engine technology. We should study the new concepts, new working fluids, and new materials in order to promote the development of an integrated wide-area high-e?ciency aero-thermodynamic cycle, and to deeply reveal the thermal-power conversion and parameter coupling mechanisms between systems. The key technologies to improve the thermal cycle efficiency, mechanical flow capacity of the impeller, working speed range of the ramjet engine, and broaden the working speed range of the turbine engine are Detonation combustion, counter-rotating ramming, plasma control, and strong pre-cooling. Although there has been some progress, we still need to pay more e?ort for it. It is expected to improve the thrust-to-weight ratio and life of hypersonic aero-engines with the development of lightweight and high-strength materials and structures.
  3. Key Scientific Issues, Development Ideas, Goals, and Important Research Directions
  (1) Key Scientifc Issues
  The key technology issues of hypersonic aero-engines are as following: wide flight envelope, high reliability and long service life, combustion flow organization under the constraint of high thrust-to-weight ratio, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamic cycle, lightweight high-temperature materials, manufacturing shape, etc. 
  For the hypersonic aero-engine thermal cycle, aerodynamic combustion, and control mechanism, the key technology issues include efficient coupled wide-domain and thermal power conversion theory, new thermal cycle construction method based on the turbine engines, ramjet engines, and rocket engines as the basic power unit, and e?cient thermal power conversion mechanism based on new thermal cycle; the subsystem-level working speed domain and thrust expansion mechanism, flow/pressure matching and speed domain/thrust compensation modes between subsystems, aerodynamic optimization theories for multi-dimensional architecture and comprehensive performance optimization, and integration for aircraft and engines of dual waverider, wide domain and high performance adjustable intake and exhaust design; the energy coupling mechanism for the multi-working fluid and strong nonlinear thermodynamic system based on the high-efficiency pre-cooling; the low entropy increase inlet/turbomachinery coupling pressure charging theory, entropy generation minimization shock wave pressure gain theory and optimization design methods, the work principle of new aerodynamic layouts of the turbomachinery with conventional and special working media, wide ?eldwork principle, wide domain e?cient turbomachinery design and flow field control method; the wide speed-range high-efficiency combustion organization mechanism and control methods, wide-adaptive multi-modal combustion organization methods, mechanisms and methods for the plasma ignition-assisted combustion; hypersonic aeroengine instability criteria and stabilization theory, complex flow field intelligent perception and monitoring methods, subsystem control law and full-envelope high-precision robust control mechanism, engine/aircraft cooperative control mechanism and highe?ciency robust coordinated control method, are all important issues that need to be addressed.
  For the high-efficiency pre-cooling, thermal protection and energy management mechanism of hypersonic aero-engines, the key technology issues include the coupling theory of multi-scale flow and heat transfer under extreme heat and complex conditions, the coupling mechanism and the laws of temporal and spatial evolution for the ?ow and heat transfer under large temperature di?erences, strong changes in physical properties, and multiple scales in a compact space environment, the heat and mass transfer mechanism of ?uids with highly variable physical properties under ultra-high temperatures, large heat flows, and strong shock waves, fast and high-e?ciency heat transfer mechanism for strong pre-cooling under the high-heat-?ow compact structure and the pre-cooling design method with high-efficiency pre-cooling and compact lightweight, the thermal/mass interaction mechanism and thermal inertia matching mechanism for multiple systems under strong coupling, nonlinear and highly dynamic characteristics, and coupled heat mass transfer mechanism in complex thermal environments and regulation mechanism and laws of thermal protection under strong disturbance, advanced thermal protection methods and coupled heat transfer laws, energy generation method of scramjet working alone; under the condition of multi-?eld coupling, the integrated mechanism and re?ned thermal structure design method of high-heat ?ux and limited cold source thermal protection and thermal management, the coupling mechanism of heat generation, collection, transmission, storage, utilization, and dissipation of the entire machine system, advanced heat management methods and system dynamic control methods, the entire system with heat/mass implementation optimization distribution and dynamic management methods.
  For the integration mechanism for the material fabrication and structural strength in hypersonic aeroengines, the key technology issues include integration theory for the design and fabrication of lightweight, high-strength, heat-resistant, and complex structures, multi-field/multi-phase/multi-media structure strength theory in extreme environments, damage and failure modes and mechanisms of the material/structure, and multi-field/multi-phase/multi-media coupling mechanical model; the integrated design of light heat-resistant materials and complex structures, the integrated design and manufacturing method for the material-structure-function of typical structures, the coupling mechanism and the correlation between macro- and micro-properties of small micro-scale thermodynamics of multi-phase alloy materials, and the manufacturing method of high-temperature complex cooling structures of difficult to process materials; new high-performance alloy design and strengthening and toughening methods based on high temperatures, strong convection, extreme metallurgical conditions, and high-temperature gradient unbalanced rapid solidification conditions for additive manufacturing micro-melting pool; the strength design theory and method based on multi-?eld, multi-phase, and multi-media and facing extreme environments, the integrated design and preparation method for material manufacturing under extremely wide temperature fields, advanced manufacturing methods for complex and high-e?ciency cooling structural and structural topology.
  (2) Key Technologies
  The core technical problem in the development of hypersonic aero-engines is how to map the highe?ciency thermal cycle of the wide ?ight envelope to the engine with long life and high thrust-to-weight ratio. It not only involves many technical industries, such as aero-thermal design, pre-cooling, thermal protection, materials, manufacturing, experiments, etc., but also is related to strong pre-cooling hypersonic engines, air-turbine rocket engines, turbo ramjet combined engines, turbo ramjet combined engines etc.
  For the thermal cycle design analysis and ?ow combustion control, the key technology issues include aircraft/engine integration, thermal cycle and component matching design, extremely wide adaptive flow control and advanced adjustment, wide range multi-modal combustion organization, plasma ignition-assisted combustion, mode conversion strategy and control, fuel supply system design and control, energy integrated management and system optimization, intelligent control diagnosis, high ?delity numerical simulations, and other technology.
  Pre-cooling and thermal protection aspects include lightweight and high-efficiency high-temperature pre-cooling heat exchanger, high-power-to-weight ratio microchannel heat transfer, high-e?ciency cooling for extreme high-heat flux in confined space, super-high heat sink and low coking regeneration cooling, new combined thermal protection, heat transfer rapid evaluation of thermal structures, and high-e?ciency heat transfer under ultra-low environmental pressure.
  Material and structure aspects include extremely high-temperature resistant composite materials with multi-component hybridization, ultra-high temperature composite environmental barrier coatings, new ceramic matrix composites, high-temperature high-strength and high-toughness titanium matrix composites, ultra-high temperature oxidation resistant refractory metal matrix composites, new low-density and high-temperature resistant alloy materials, high-temperature resistant insulation coating materials, single-phase multi-component high-performance thermal barrier coatings, ultra-compact high-temperature and high-efficiency composite thermal insulation material, hydrogen embrittlement resistance high-temperature alloy for pre-cooling heat exchangers, lightweight design of structures, advanced lubrication and sealing materials, ultra-high temperature adjustable structural sealing elements, high-temperature and high-pressure helium turbomachinery motive seals, ultra-high-speed high-temperature and long-life grease-lubricated ball bearings, high heat sinks and high energy fuels, hydrogen fuels, green oxidizers, and other technologies.
  Process, fabrication, and inspection aspects include the processing and joining of ceramic matrix composite structures, the superplastic formation of thin-walled complex components from difficult-to-form materials, micro-hole processing, precision electrochemical machining processing, high-speed arc machining of hard-to-machining metal materials, manufacturing processes for light-weight and high-e?ciency pre-coolers, laser welding processes and quality control of complex thin-walled special-shaped components, micro-diffusion connections for dissimilar metal transition joints, additive manufacturing for extra-large scale dissimilar materials, additive and reduced material composite manufacturing for gradient composite structure, integrated structure design and additive manufacturing, preparation of thermal protection coatings, deformation control and adaptive manufacturing of large key thin-walled components, intelligent assembly and precision detection, and other technologies.
  Experimental testing and low-cost flight validation aspects include large-flow high-enthalpy combustion heating, high-enthalpy pure air heating, large-scale engine testing, variable Mach number free jet testing, variable Mach number direct connection testing, mode transition testing, simulations of attitude transient multiple flow coupling wide-domain environments, small-disturbance and high-precision experimental testing under high-temperature, high-pressure and high-speed environments, helium circulation system testing, low-cost hypersonic ?ight veri?cation, and other technologies.
  Reuse and reliability aspects include reusable design, structural reliability evaluations and test veri?cations of high-e?ciency light-weight heat exchangers, performance predictions and testing of ceramic matrix composites under the high-temperature environment, improvements to high-temperature mechanical responses and structural service performances of inhomogeneous welded joints, fatigue life assessment of key components, health monitoring and intelligent diagnosis, and other technologies.
  (3) Development Ideas
  The development ideas of hypersonic aero-engines are as following. First, allocate resource elements efficiently, reasonably, and scientifically, which requires not only the principles of uni?ed leadership, overall planning, and coordinated advancement, but also smooth management links and good distribution mechanisms. Second, strengthen design and development. We need to pay attention to basic research fields, improve independent innovation capability, and promote the combination of hypersonic aircraft target image traction and hypersonic aero-engine technology. Third, carry out the combination of industry, academia, and research to speed up the transformation of innovation into industry. On the one hand, it is necessary 
  to improve the level of domestic software development and digital simulation, and on the other hand, it is necessary to promote the orderly coordination of the innovation chain and the industrial chain.
  (4) Development Goals
  The development goals of hypersonic aero-engine technology are diverse. The first is to reveal the mechanisms and laws of hypersonic power, such as the optimization and control of thermal cycle, combustion and flow, high-efficiency pre-cooling, thermal protection and energy management, integration of lightweight high-temperature material manufacturing and structural strength. The second is to propose a Chinese plan for hypersonic aero-engines on the basis of breakthroughs in turbo ramjet combined engines, air-turbine rocket engines, and strong pre-cooling engines. The third is to enhance capabilities of original innovation and engineering research and development, and improve design, manufacturing, testing, and simulation capabilities, which will provide support for building aerospace power country.
  (5) Important Research Directions
  The important research directions of hypersonic aero-engine technology include the construction of new thermodynamic cycle methods, thermal protection and energy management, advanced materials and manufacturing processes, control, testing and simulation. In order to improve the thermal cycle e?ciency, it’s necessary to integrate traditional power units, and apply emerging technologies such as strong pre-cooling, plasma control, counter-rotating stamping, and detonation combustion. For the thermal protection and energy management, it is recommended to focus on the development of advanced thermal protection, energy management and system dynamiccontrol methods, coupling mechanisms of strong anisotropic multi-scale flow and heat transfer in a compact space environment, heat and mass transfer mechanism of strongly variable physical properties, multi-system heat/mass interaction mechanism and matching mechanism with thermal inertia, etc. For the advanced materials and manufacturing processes, it is recommended to develop the following technologies, such as lightweight high-temperature materials and manufacturing technologies, the failure modes and mechanisms of lightweight and high-strength structures, multifunctional manufacturing integration technology, advanced additive manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing technology, new high-performance alloy design and toughening methods, precision forming and processing technologies, high-performance welding and analysis detection technology, coating preparation and analysis and detection technology, high temperature bearing technology, etc. For the control, testing and simulations, we need to establish priority development of modal shift strategies and control technologies, develop the following technologies: multi-variable adaptive control technology, wide-range high-performance intake and exhaust technique, flight platform and power integration technology, experiment testing and simulation technology, low-cost hypersonic ?ight veri?cation technology, etc.
  4. Effective Funding Mechanism and Policy Recommendations for Future Development
  (1) Establish ANew National Research System of Hypersonic Aero Engines
  It is necessary to mobilize the resources of the whole country to develop the hypersonic aero-engines, since it’s far more difficult than traditional air-breathing power, and involves multiple industry categories and disciplines. We should promote the basic research of key technology, model research, and development based on the project; strengthen the synergy between the industrial chain and the innovation chain, utilize the capabilities of enterprises and research institutes, and guide the virtuous development of industry and innovation.
  (2) Establish Basic Research Plans
  One important reason why hypersonic aero-engine technology has not been fully broken through so far is that basic research has not kept up, which is caused by the lack of system layout. The solution is that only by figuring out the mechanism from the source and consolidating the foundation can we ?nd the right direction and make steady progress. It is recommended to put forward Chinese research plans and schemes based on the international portfolio scheme and the actual situation in China. Conducting the dismantling and division of development tasks with the main body of the innovative concepts such as wide speed domain integrated cycle hypersonic aero-engine proposed by our scholars, enhances China’s independent innovation capability comprehensively and provides foundation and support for subsequent major science and technology special projects. It is recommended to increase funding for hypersonic aero-engine science and technology, guide and encourage researchers to participate in related research and contribute their wisdom and strength.
  (3) Establish Pre-research Plan
  The United States has established a series of research programs to maintain its leadership in the field of aerodynamics, such as IHPTET program, VAATE program, ATTAM program, etc,which facilitate breakthroughs in key technologies and greatly reduce technology risks. This is especially true for hypersonic aircraft engines, with the implementation of the FaCET program, HiSTED program, STELR program, MoTr program and AFRE program, which directly led to the development of the SR-72 hypersonic aircraft engine. It is proposed to establish a technology pre-research program related to hypersonic aero-engines and make it a key element of the successive implementation plans of the “two aircraft” major special projects. The research needs to focus on thermal cycle analysis design and flow combustion regulation, materials, structure and thermal protection, process, manufacturing and inspection, experiment and testing, reuse and reliability technology, etc., and develop the new model with the research results of the previous related programs.
  (4) EstablishAerospace Power National Laboratory
  There are shortcomings in the innovation chain, and research strength is weak due to the lack of uni?ed leadership of specialized basic research institutions at the national level. It’s recommended to learn from foreign successful experience, aim at the future development direction, establish the National Laboratory of Aerospace Power, and play its leading role in the ?eld of basic research.
  The main functions to be performed by the National Laboratory of Aerospace Power in hypersonic aero-engine development should include the following aspects. First, it assesses the major technical solutions at the national level. Second, it insists on making up for the shortcomings of development, making key breakthroughs in basic research, cutting-edge technologies and integration veri?cation. Third, it promotes the combination of industry, academia, and research to speed up the transformation and application of innovation capabilities. Fourth, the state will keep the technical achievements to facilitate exchange, transformation and promotion.
  (5) Strengthening the Construction of Hypersonic Aeroengine Test Facilities
  The test conditions are difficult to meet due to the very harsh working environment faced by hypersonic aero-engines. In addition, the mechanism of hypersonic aero-engines under the coupling e?ect of multiple fields has not been fully grasped, which makes the structural design face major problems, and the safety, reliability and service life cannot be guaranteed. Developed countries have established complete test facilities in the process of engine development since they attach great importance to the role of testing.
  In order to improve the test conditions in the field of hypersonic aero-engine development, it is suggested to carry out overall planning and layout at the national level, relying on the construction of scienti?c research institutes and industrial departments. The ?rst is to build multiple test-bed systems which include hypersonic aero-engine direct-connected test bench, closed circulation system test bench, model test bench for high-pressure drop ratio nozzle test research, full-size compact and fast strong heat exchanger test bench, and structural service safety test bench. The second is to strengthen the investment in test equipment, such as test chambers and wind tunnels, etc. The equipment includes continuously variable Mach number combined intake port mode transition tester, hypersonic aero-engine thermal protection and thermal management tester, supercritical fuel ?ow and combustion characteristic tester, high-altitude simulation test chamber for variable Mach number process mode transition, large-scale variable Mach number process mode transition free jet wind tunnel, etc. In addition, it is recommended to make necessary upgrades to the existing high-altitude simulation test bed and supporting facilities to improve the test capabilities.
  The working environment of hypersonic aero-engines is very harsh, which poses severe challenges to the safety of components and systems. It’s necessary to strengthen the research on the service safety of the structure to improve its reliability. It is proposed to establish a test-bed with the ability to simulate complex multi-field coupling conditions, for example the metal combustion and thermal protection test-bed, air-ground consistency test-bed and multi-?eld coupling test-bed etc. It can comprehensively enhance the test capabilities in terms of service safety of hypersonic aero-engine structures.
  (6) BuildALow-cost HypersonicAeroengine Flight Test-bed
  Due to the complex ?ight conditions, the current experiment cannot fully repeat the working conditions of a real hypersonic aero-engine. Establishing a flight test-bed is the way to promote hypersonic aero-engine technology to engineering applications. It’s suggested to establish a low-cost flight test-bed to test and evaluate hypersonic aero-engines with realistic ?ight parameters in order to reduce the cost.
  (7) Strengthen the Construction of Hypersonic Aeroengine Digital Twin, Numerical Simulation, and Supporting Software
  With the development of simulation technology, the simulation 
  result can match with the experimental results partially. The experiments are limited in revealing mechanisms and optimizing schemes due to the di?cult hypersonic aero-engine experiments and the obvious multi-?eld coupling effect. It is recommended to promote the development of the digital twin of hypersonic aero-engines, improve numerical simulation capability, enhance the status of domestic supporting software, and support the development of related industries.
  (8) Establish Sharing Mechanism forIntellectual Property Protection
  In order to encourage independent innovation, it is necessary to strengthen intellectual property protection. It is recommended to absorb advanced foreign experience and set up a national focal point, which can manage the research results systematically, and protect the intellectual property rights of different units, thus promoting the establishment and improvement of the sharing mechanism of intellectual property protection.
  (9) Strengthen Talent Training and International Cooperation
  It is suggested to increase the priority of training talents related to hypersonic aero-engines and increase the graduate enrollment indicators in this direction, formulate a science popularization work plan on hypersonic aero-engines to attract young talents to join, establish the China Hypersonic Academic Alliance to promote the establishment of a joint training mechanism for talents from enterprises and research institutes. It’s necessary to strengthen the international cooperation.
