  合成生物学因其所具有的革命式、颠覆式创新潜力,已经成为世界各国必争的科技战略高地,正在引发新一轮科技与产业国际竞争。《中国合成生物学 2035 发展战略》力求综合性回顾合成生物学的发展历程并探讨其学科定义,界定学科内涵;多方位反映合成生物学的发展现状及其促进“会聚”研究的科学意义与提升人类“能力”的战略价值;深入分析该新兴学科自 21世纪初创立到今天逐步厘清的关键科学问题、技术瓶颈及社会核心需求,寻求升级发展所面临的严峻挑战,以及抓住“大数据 + 人工智能”和“互联网 +”开源共享平台蓬勃发展的机遇,实现突破,在科技、经济、政治、社会一并进入“百年未有之大变局”的背景下,“不负韶华”承担历史使命的战略思考与策略布局;为进一步强化合成生物技术战略科技工程力量,推动我国合成生物学高质量发展,推动合成生物学及“会聚”研究的生态建设,高效率服务科技与社会发展,提供政策建议的参考。


  党的二十大胜利召开,吹响了以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的前进号角。习近平总书记强调“教育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑”,明确要求到 2035 年要建成教育强国、科技强国、人才强国。新时代新征程对科技界提出了更高的要求。当前,世界科学技术发展日新月异,不断开辟新的认知疆域,并成为带动经济社会发展的核心变量,新一轮科技革命和产业变革正处于蓄势跃迁、快速迭代的关键阶段。开展面向 2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究,紧扣国家战略需求,研判科技发展大势,擘画战略、锚定方向,找准学科发展路径与方向,找准科技创新的主攻方向和突破口,对于实现全面建成社会主义现代化“两步走”战略目标具有重要意义。




  作为国家在科学技术方面最高咨询机构的中国科学院和国家支持基础研究主渠道的国家自然科学基金委员会(简称自然科学基金委),在夯实学科基础、加强学科建设、引领科学研究发展方面担负着重要的责任。早在新中国成立初期,中国科学院学部即组织全国有关专家研究编制了《1956—1967 年科学技术发展远景规划》。该规划的实施,实现了“两弹一星”研制等一系列重大突破,为新中国逐步形成科学技术研究体系奠定了基础。自然科学基金委自成立以来,通过学科发展战略研究,服务于科学基金的资助与管理,不断夯实国家知识基础,增进基础研究面向国家需求的能力。2009 年,自然科学基金委和中国科学院联合启动了“2011—2020 年中国学科发展战略研究”。2012 年,双方形成联合开展学科发展战略研究的常态化机制,持续研判科技发展态势,为我国科技创新领域的方向选择提供科学思想、路径选择和跨越的蓝图。

  联合开展“中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”,是中国科学院和自然科学基金委落实新时代“两步走”战略的具体实践。我们面向 2035 年国家发展目标,结合科技发展新特征,进行了系统设计,从三个方面组织研究工作:一是总论研究,对面向2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展进行了概括和论述,内容包括学科的历史演进及其发展的驱动力、前沿领域的发展特征及其与社会的关联、学科与前沿领域的区别和联系、世界科学发展的整体态势,并汇总了各个学科及前沿领域的发展趋势、关键科学问题和重点方向;二是自然科学基础学科研究,主要针对科学基金资助体系中的重点学科开展战略研究,内容包括学科的科学意义与战略价值、发展规律与研究特点、发展现状与发展态势、发展思路与发展方向、资助机制与政策建议等;三是前沿领域研究,针对尚未形成学科规模、不具备明确学科属性的前沿交叉、新兴和关键核心技术领域开展战略研究,内容包括相关领域的战略价值、关键科学问题与核心技术问题、我国在相关领域的研究基础与条件、我国在相关领域的发展思路与政策建议等。

  三年多来,400 多位院士、3000 多位专家,围绕总论、数学等18 个学科和量子物质与应用等 19 个前沿领域问题,坚持突出前瞻布局、补齐发展短板、坚定创新自信、统筹分工协作的原则,开展了深入全面的战略研究工作,取得了一批重要成果,也形成了共识性结论。一是国家战略需求和技术要素成为当前学科及前沿领域发展的主要驱动力之一。有组织的科学研究及源于技术的广泛带动效应,实质化地推动了学科前沿的演进,夯实了科技发展的基础,促进了人才的培养,并衍生出更多新的学科生长点。二是学科及前沿领域的发展促进深层次交叉融通。学科及前沿领域的发展越来越呈现出多学科相互渗透的发展态势。某一类学科领域采用的研究策略和技术体系所产生的基础理论与方法论成果,可以作为共同的知识基础适用于不同学科领域的多个研究方向。三是科研范式正在经历深刻变革。解决系统性复杂问题成为当前科学发展的主要目标,导致相应的研究内容、方法和范畴等的改变,形成科学研究的多层次、多尺度、动态化的基本特征。数据驱动的科研模式有力地推动了新时代科研范式的变革。四是科学与社会的互动更加密切。发展学科及前沿领域愈加重要,与此同时,“互联网 +”正在改变科学交流生态,并且重塑了科学的边界,开放获取、开放科学、公众科学等都使得越来越多的非专业人士有机会参与到科学活动中来。

  “中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”系列成果以“中国学科及前沿领域 2035 发展战略丛书”的形式出版,纳入“国家科学思想库 - 学术引领系列”陆续出版。希望本丛书的出版,能够为科技界、产业界的专家学者和技术人员提供研究指引,为科研管理部门提供决策参考,为科学基金深化改革、“十四五”发展规划实施、国家科学政策制定提供有力支撑。




2023 年 3 月            

  21世纪初,一系列利用生物元件在微生物细胞底盘内构建逻辑线路的成功案例,将工程科学的研究理念引入生命科学;合成生物学被赋予崭新的内涵,并吸引了一批从事工程科学研究的中青年科学家投入到生命科学的研究中来。在习惯于“单兵作战”的生物学研究领域里,形成了多学科交叉、团队协作的工程学研究文化氛围和理念,将生命科学的研究推向“建物致知”的新高度。与此同时,科学家于2006年成功将哺乳动物的成体细胞“重编程”为诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cell,iPSC);2010年,全人工合成的约100万碱基对的支原体基因组,成功取代另一支原体细胞基因组,获得可正常生长和分裂的“人造生命”,实现了“撰写”基因组的梦想;而2012年CRISPR/Cas技术的高效利用,颠覆性地实现了对哺乳动物基因组的精准“编辑”。至此,由合成科学、系统科学与工程科学“会聚”而孕育的交叉前沿学科—合成生物学基本成型,迅速发展,并获得广泛关注。
  今天的合成生物学,不仅逐步将对生命系统的研究提升到“可定量、可预测、可合成”的新高度,而且深刻影响物理与化学的发展,引发了一场从根本上提升生命世界(包括人类自身)“能力”的“会聚研究”革命。同时,一系列使能技术(enabling technology)的突破加快了合成生物学的工程化应用,开创了以构建分子机器(体外催化)和细胞工厂(体内催化)为代表的合成生物制造的新兴生物工程领域,揭开了合成生物学“建物致用”的产业前景的“帷幕”。合成生物学的应用迅速向材料、能源等社会经济重要领域和医药、农业、食品等人民健康相关领域拓展,正在形成一个新兴的“产业方向”。
  赵国屏 赵进东
  第一章第一节阐述合成生物学的定义与内涵。2000年,E. 库尔(E. Kool)基于利用细菌基因元件构建逻辑线路的工程科学研究突破,给予了“合成生物学”—这一在19世纪末由合成化学“隐喻”而首创的名词,在20世纪中因“基因克隆”支撑而被赋予“人工合成生命”“愿景”的新兴交叉学科—以工程科学理念研究生命科学的新定义。此后,合成生物学发展迅速,领域日益拓宽,而对这个学科的认识,却依然是“见智见仁”,极难统一。我们在系统梳理各种定义的基础上,对2014年尤恩 卡梅伦(Ewen Cameron)等提出的合成生物学定义进行了调整与补充,强调了工程学对生命体系“自下而上”认识的基本理念,以及在生命科学中采用以工程的“以目的为导向”的迭代研究范式的原理;归纳出了既强调合成生物学本质又反映现阶段合成生物学全貌的一个定义,为进一步的分析奠定基础。
  该节进一步全面梳理了合成生物学既联系于又区别于其他生命科学与生物技术学科的内涵。合成生物学的核心科学基础,是它的工程科学内涵;但在一定意义上,它又是生命科学与生物技术在基因组学和系统生物学基础上的延伸以及质的飞跃。一方面,合成生物学将原有的以“模拟自然过程”和“遗传工程改造”为基础的生物技术上升到“定量理性设计”和“标准化构建测试”的新高度,把生物工程、代谢工程推向对生命过程的高效率、普适性的工程化研究的新高度,实现“建物致用”,即合成生物学的生物技术内涵。另一方面,在全基因组学和系统生物学基础上创建工程化新生命体系,如人造生命(artifcial life)、正交生命(orthogonal life)等,将为生命科学从整体到局部的“格物致知”“还原论”传统研究策略,提供通过“从创造到理解”的崭新的研究策略,开启“建物致知”理解生命本质的新思路,建立生命科学研究新范式,这就是合成生物学的生命科学内涵。
  第一章第二节,在追溯合成生物学的“合成科学”、“系统生物学”和“工程科学”等三大起源殊途同归发展史的同时,首先回顾了生物科学对“生命是什么?”这一人类每个文明体系都必须回答的哲学问题,与全人类健康生存繁衍、社会和谐发展密切相关的科学问题,以及与此关联的现代社会和自然相互关系的经济与工程发展的技术问题—经千年而不懈的探索历程。然后,以19世纪自然科学革命实现了从以系统观察、描述、分类研究为基础的动物学、植物学和微生物学为基础的生物科学,向以假说驱动的实验与分析为基础的细胞学、生物化学和遗传学为基础的生命科学的革命性转型;引出20世纪中期生命科学迎来的“分子生物学革命”,与分子生物学共同发展起来的“基因克隆”“DNA测序”“定向突变”等技术,赋予了人类对基因“写”“读”“编”的操控能力,也由此促进了以“基因工程技术”为核心的新一代生物技术与生物工程的蓬勃发展。20 世纪后叶,人类对生命运动本质的研究,由于“基因组学革命”而拓展到计算生物学、定量生物学和系统生物学等领域,最终迎来21 世纪初“合成生物学”的产生—革命性突破的曙光。至此,读者通过第一节关于合成生物学定义与内涵的阐述,可以有一个更为清晰的历史性认识,也为第二章阐述合成生物学的科学意义与战略价值提供了铺垫。同时,在第二节第二部分的阅读中,读者更能感受到2000年以来的二十多年中,这一新兴学科历经四个阶段的强劲发展势头,以及今天所面临的新的挑战和机遇。
  基因组编辑技术是合成生物学的一项核心使能技术。CRISPR 基因组编辑技术在生命科学领域掀起了一场全新的技术革命,但目前CRISPR基因组编辑技术的性能尚有欠缺;智能设计、表达和递送系统等技术还不能满足医疗等应用需求。未来基因组编辑技术的发展,一方面亟待开发更精准、高效、全面和智能的CRISPR基因组编辑技术;另一方面,需利用大数据分析和人工智能技术,不断开发全新的颠覆性基因组编辑技术。
  5. 农业与食品
  6. 纳米与材料
  7. 环境


  The “2035 Development Strategy of Synthetic Biology in China”includes the following fve parts: the origin and development of synthetic biology, the scientifc signifcance and strategic value of synthetic biology, the development status of synthetic biology, the future development of synthetic biology, as well as the policy suggestions for the development of synthetic biology in China. The report aims to comprehensively review the development process of synthetic biology, explore its disciplinary definitions, and calrify its connotation; reflect its current development status and the scientific significance of promoting “convergence” research, as well as the strategic value of enhancing human “capabilities” from multiple aspects; perform in-depth analysis of the key scientific issues, technological bottlenecks and core social needs that have been gradually clarified since the establishment of this emerging discipline in the early 21st century, the serious challenges facing upgrading and development, seize opportunities to achieve breakthroughs for the vigorous progress of “big data + artifcial intelligence” and “internet+” open-source sharing platform, and undertake the strategic thinking and blueprint of the historical mission, “live it to the fullest”, as the world’s science and technology, economy, politics and society undergo “the greatest changes in a century”; provide reference for policy suggestions in order to further strengthen the strategic science and technological engineering power of synthetic biotechnology; promote the high-quality development of synthetic biology in China and the “convergence” research ecosystem construction of synthetic biology to efectively serve the scientifc and technological and social development. 
  1. The origin and development of synthetic biology
  The first section of Chapter 1 elaborates on the definition and connotations of synthetic biology. Asignifcant breakthrough was made by E. Kool in 2000 using bacterial genetic components to construct logical circuits, and gave a new defnition of “synthetic biology”, which was invented as synthetic chemistry “metaphor” at the end of the 19th century, and later became an interdisciplinary discipline that was given a “vision” of “synthetic life” with the support of “gene cloning” in the 20th century, redefining the study of life sciences with the concept of engineering science. Since then, synthetic biology has developed and expanded rapidly. However, the understanding of this discipline remains controversial, and is extremely difficult to unify. Based on the systematical analysis of various kind of definitions, we adjusted and supplemented the definition of “synthetic biology” proposed by Ewen Cameron et al. in 2014, emphasizing “bottom-up” concept of understanding the life systems, and the engineering science principle of purpose-orientation and iterative research paradigm.The definition emphasizes the essence of synthetic biology and reflects the overall landscape of the feld at current stage, laying the foundation for further analysis. 
  This definition is: synthetic biology is a theoretical framework and methodology for This definition is: synthetic biology is a theoretical framework and methodology for constructing the engineered life with specific structure and functionor for the engineered biological process based on modulization of bio-parts and chassis, under the guidance of engineering science concept. It integrates system science, synthetic science, as well as quantitative research, computational and theoretical scientific approaches to study and understand life systems and process via the “design-build-test-learn” (DBTL) engineering science principle of iterative research paradigm.
  In this section, we further comprehensively sort out the connotations of synthetic biology that are both related to and diferent from other life sciences and biotechnology disciplines. The core scientific foundation of synthetic biology is its engineering science connotation; but to some extent, it is also an extension and qualitative leap of biotechnology in the era of genomics and systems biology. On one hand, synthetic biology has raised the original biological technology based on “simulating natural processes” and “genetic engineering and modifcation” in biotechnology to a new level of “quantitative rational design” and “standardized construction tests”, and push biological engineering and metabolic engineering to a new level of efcient and universal engineering on life processes. This is the biotechnology connotation of synthetic biology. On the other hand, synthetic biology enables technology revolution of creating engineered new life systems(such as artifcial life “protocell”, orthogonal life, etc.) on the basis of whole genomics and systems biology, that will have the potential to revolutionize the traditional life sciences research from the whole to the local “reductionism” strategy of acquiring knowledge to a certain extent, and initiate science research through the “from creation to understanding” research strategy, launching a new way for “building knowledge” to understand the essence of life, establishing a new paradigm of life sciences research. This is the life sciences connotation of synthetic biology.
  The statement of the above three connotations comprehensively clarifies the “convergence characteristics” that determine the core of synthetic biology. That is, synthetic biology brings together the “discovery capability” of natural science, the “building capability” of engineering science, and the “inventive capability” of revolutionary technologies; thus, it comprehensively improves the “innovation capability” of society in science, technology, engineering and even culture, industry, and ecology. This has spawned and will continue to advance a new revolution in the “convergence research” that is taking place in the field of life sciences.
  In the second section of Chapter 1, while tracing the history of the three major origins of synthetic biology—synthetic science, systems biology and engineering science, this report first reviews the question of “What is life?”, a philosophical question that every civilization must answer as well as the scientific question that is closely related to the survival and reproduction of all mankind and the harmonious development of society, and the economic and engineering development within the interrelationship between modern society and nature which has been explored unremittingly for thousands of years. The natural science revolution in the 19th century has brought the revolutionary transition from zoology, botany, and microbiology based on systematic observation, description, and taxonomic research to hypothesis-driven experimentation, analysis-based cytology, biochemistry, and genetics-based life sciences. Based on that, in the middle of the 20th century, the “molecular biology revolution” ushered in by life sciences, together with molecular biology developed “gene cloning”, “DNA sequencing” and “directional mutation” and other technologies enabling humans to control genes “writing”, “reading” and “editing”, and thus forming a new generation of biotechnology and biological engineering with “genetic engineering technology” as the core. In the late 20th century, due to the “genomics revolution”, human research on the nature of the movement of life rose to the research paradigm of computational biology, quantitative biology and systems biology, and finally inaugurated the emergence of “synthetic biology” at the beginning of 21st century, the dawn of a revolutionary breakthrough. At this point, the reader would have a clearer historical understanding of the defnition and connotation of synthetic biology in the first section, also providing a prelude for Chapter 2 to expound the scientific significance and strategic value of synthetic biology. At the same time, the reader will experience the strong momentum of this emerging discipline, in the second part of the second section, through four stages since 2000, as well as the new challenges and opportunities it faces today. 
  2. The scientific significance and strategic value of synthetic biology
  The frst section of Chapter 2 expounds the scientifc signifcance of synthetic biology from three levels—initiating the “convergence research” paradigm in life sciences, promoting the biotechnology revolution, and enhancing human capabilities, the core of which is to emphasize its “revolution”. Synthetic biology is a typical example of convergence research; under the strong impetus of multidisciplinary convergence and “big data-artificial intelligence” technology, synthetic biology not only makes cross-generation “design-build-test-learn” the repeated cycle of iteration with optimization and improvement, but also drives the combination of “hypothesis-driven” and “data-driven” research, bringing a paradigm shift in life sciences research, and promoting the revolution of biotechnology; it also creates platforms for the development-orientated research and the new knowledge system establishment, which might enhance human capabilities and afect the development of human society. On this basis, the second section highlights the major strategic needs of the national economy, human health and national security, and analyzes the potential socio-economic value and strategic signifcance of synthetic biology to accelerate the transformation of biology into engineering science, which may provide new solutions to improve human health and solve major problems on resources, energy and the environment. This section briefly expounds the background that synthetic biology has become a scientific and technological strategic highland that must be contested by all countries; the strategic value of synthetic biology will become a new growth point for all kinds of occupations in China, including the innovative application of synthetic biotechnology in the felds of industry (including materials and energy), medical health, agri-food, environmental protection, and even national security (national defense), which will bring a leap forward and even revolutionary development opportunities for these industries. 
  3. The development status of synthetic biology
  The revolutionary and subversive innovation potential of synthetic biology has become a strategic highland of science and technology that must be contested by all countries in the world, and is triggering a new round of international competition in science, technology and industry. Chapter 3 comprehensively elaborates the status of synthetic biology development at the levels of strategic planning, research platform and institutional setting, scientific and technological output, industrial development and specialist training from international and domestic perspectives.
  The United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, the European Union, and other countries and organizations continue to update and release relevant research and technology roadmaps, increase funding, support new research projects, and establish synthetic biology/engineering biology research center and platform facilities, etc. in a consistent manner. With thremendous research and development and industrial transformation, the application of synthetic biology to materials, energy and other important socio-economic felds and medicine, agriculture, food and other areas related to human health is forming an emerging “industrial direction”, and may even form an emerging “investment ecosystem”. The total number of investment and financing in the field of synthetic biology reached 18 billion dollars in 2021, almost equivalent to the total fnancing from 2009 to 2020. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the application of synthetic biology in the feld of medical health and food nutrition is also more favored by capital.
  In China, the central government departments and the scientifc and technological community put a high premium on the synthetic biology research. During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, China strategically blueprinted the systematic development of synthetic biology in the 973 plan and the 863 plan, and launched the frst national key research and development plan of “synthetic biology” key special project in 2018. After years of development, China has made great progress in scientifc research, platform facilities construction, international exchanges and cooperation in the field of synthetic biology. Scientists in China have “created” the world’s frst single chromosome eukaryotic cells, achieved de novo synthesis of starch from carbon dioxide and other major scientifc and technological progress and breakthroughs; China’s synthetic biology startups are also developing rapidly, along with highly active investment and financing since 2020. While making remarkable achievements, we should realize the gap between China and the international leading level in terms of underlying innovation, achievement transformation and scientifc research ecosystem in the feld of synthetic biology. Especially the innovation ability of core technologies would need to be improved, the development and sharing of resource platforms and tools need to be strengthened, and the incentive and evaluation policies to promote “convergence” and “transformation” need to be improved. 
  4. The future development of synthetic biology
  In order to fully grasp the international development trend and national strategic needs in the field of synthetic biology, and further clarify the development ideas, development goals, priority development areas and important research directions in the feld of synthetic biology in China, in Chapter 4, we review the research and development history of the subdivision field of synthetic biology from three aspects—basic scientific questions, key technical topics and application fields; and then analyze the current status and level of research, the encountered bottlenecks, and discuss the main challenges of future breakthroughs and expansion,so as to condense the future medium-term key development direction of synthetic biology in China.
  4.1 Basicscientifcquestions
  The basic scientifc questions of synthetic biology are, on one hand, to solve the principle of cross-level emergence of life functions, and on the other hand, to solve the bottleneck problem of rational design and construction of living systems based on the principle of emergence. In the process of synthetic biology research, through the summary of diferent research paradigms under the known or unknown functional emergence principle, the quantitative research methods of synthetic biology are discussed, including the white-box model based on “quantitative characterization + mathematical modeling” and the black-box model based on “automation + artificial intelligence”; combined with the discussion of top-down engineering research paradigms and quantitative and theoretical research methods, quantitative synthetic biology is expected to promote the dual changes of basic life science and synthetic biology.
  4.2 Keytechnicaltopics
  The key technical topics are divided into five parts: gene editing, synthesis and assembly; design technology; cell engineering; advanced analytical techniques of synthetic biology; and synthetic biological database and big data, intelligent analysis of big data and automatic experiment.
  (1)Gene editing, synthesis and assembly
  Genome editing technology is a core enabling technology in synthetic biology. CRISPR genome editing technology has set of a new technological revolution in the feld of life sciences, but the performance of CRISPR genome editing technology is still lacking; technologies such as intelligent design, expression and delivery systems still could not meet the needs of medical applications. In the future, the development of genome editing technology, on the one hand, needs to develop more accurate, efficient, comprehensive and intelligent CRISPR genome editing technology; on the other hand, big data analysis and artificial intelligence technology should be used to continuously develop new and revolutionary genome editing technologies.
  DNA assembly technology is an important foundation of synthetic biology. With the increase in the demand for DNAlength, there are also higher requirements for DNA assembly technology, especially in the rapidly developing feld of genome design and synthesis, which requires the support of assembly technology for ultra-large DNA fragments. Although the size of the fragments assembled in vitro has reached several hundred kb, the amount obtained is still not enough for follow-up experiments,and more efcient assembly methods need to be developed from future research. The future of large-scale DNAmolecular assembly needs to continuously improve assembly efciency, reduce assembly cost and expand assembly capabilities, develop new molecular biology tools, and break through larger DNAassembly technologies with larger length and greater complexity.
  DNA information storage provides a new storage model, but it still faces many challenges in terms of application. The future development needs to achieve breakthroughs from high-efficiency and high-quality direct “code”, low-cost and high-throughput information “write”, stable high-compatibility molecular information “storage”, real-time permanent information stabilization “read”. With the gradual solution of DNA information storage problems, it may open a new era of global massive data storage. 
  (2)Design technology
  Protein structure prediction and functional design are committed to solving the two major problems—designing sequences according to structure and designing structures according to function, and the ultimate goal is to use computer algorithms to design proteins with the required functions and the ability to fold into specific structures. In the future, it is necessary to focus on the development of a representation method that appropriately describes the movement of the main chain and more accurately describes the conformation of the side chain, improve the accuracy and versatility of the energy function, build a high-quality protein labeling dataset, promote the localization of protein computing design software, get rid of the chronic dependence on foreign software, and build an independent and controllable protein computing design platform.
  The design and construction of artifcial gene circuits has promoted people’s understanding on the basic laws of life regulation and enriched the methods of transforming and de novo designing natural biological systems. However, the various interactions between artificial gene circuits and chassis cells hinder the further complexity of artificially designed living systems. Future research should focus on expanding more diverse regulatory elements, developing high-throughput technologies based on multiple levels such as transcriptome and proteome, developing new whole-cell models, developing part-host isolation technologies and strategies, and developing gene route transplantation and quantitative characterization technologies for higher organisms such as plant and mammalian cells. 
  The development of biosynthetic pathway design has greatly improved the mining efficiency of biosynthetic pathways and the optimization efciency of microbial cell factories. With the advancement of artifcial intelligence, machine learning and other technologies, the future design of biosynthetic pathways needs to build intelligent information update, build shareable cell metabolism and enzyme catalytic data resource library, study the digital description method of compound structure suitable for bio-retrosynthesis prediction, analyze the omics rules of microbial cell factories under different fermentation environments, excavate and sort out cell-related compound toxicity and transport databases, optimize and improve cell models and metabolic databases, and develop with higher version digital cell model and bio-resynthetic pathway algorithm, etc.
  (3)Cell engineering
  In the future, the cell-free system needs to be further optimized to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the individualization, diversification, universality and stability of biological macromolecule synthesis; the lifespan of the system needs to be further extended, towards a cell-free synthesis system that can achieve self-replication. In the future, single-cell factories will need to develop universal chassis cells, as well as high-throughput, automated experimental techniques to achieve rational design of cell factories. Microbiome engineering should focus on the development of in situ editing tools for microbial communities, the development of precise regulation methods of microbial communities, the understanding of the design principles of synthetic microbial communities, the guidance of the construction of controllable and stable microbial interaction networks, and the exploration of the basic scientifc laws of complex microbial communities. At the same time, it should also commit to solving important problems in the felds of human health and agricultural production. At present, there are core bottlenecks such as low translation efciency, orthogonality and poor compatibility in non-natural systems. The systematic optimization, transformation and even denovo design of multiple translation elements in the translation system, the construction of chassis cells with multiple blank codons, the exploration and optimization of the principle of mutual adaptation of translation tools and chassis cells, and the realization of simultaneous genetic coding of multiple non-natural amino acids in combination with these research contents will be the focuses and difculties of future research. 
  (4)Advanced analytical techniques of synthetic biology
  In the multi-omics technology, the development of proteomics will mainly focus on techniques for protein identification, new protein modifcation analysis, quantitative proteomic identifcation and analysis, ultra-high resolution determination, etc.; the priority development direction of metabolomics includes innovative development of analytical methods, expanding the spatial dimension of metabolic research, and establishing metabolic computing platforms. As a new method of cell function testing, single-cell technology needs to focus on expanding the application of single-cell metabolic phenotype groups, developing single-cell spectral imaging that takes account of both “target molecular specificity” and “panoramic phenotypic measurement”, and achieving the standardization, equipment and intelligence of the whole process of single-cell “imaging-sorting-sequencing-culturing-big data”. Sensing technology requires the development of metabolite fuorescence sensing universal technology, multi-parameter single-cell metabolic sensing technology, optogenetics control technology of biological orthogonal cell metabolism, and full-optical large-scale multi-parameter single-cell metabolic phenotypic analysis technology. The future development trend of in vivo imaging technology includes breaking the spatio-temporal resolution limit of super-resolution imaging, achieving multimodal panoramic super-resolution imaging, developing high-throughput super-resolution imaging, tackling imaging core material devices, deepening deep learning microscopic imaging, and designing better new imaging probes. Organoid chip technology needs to build a typical organoid on-chip system, promote deep integration with multi-omics technology, and achieve the construction of a “human-like” life simulation system, as well as personalized disease risk prediction, drug efcacy evaluation, toxicological assessment and prognosis analysis in the future. 
  (5)Synthetic biological database, intelligent analysis of big data and automatic experiment 
  The existing synthetic biological databases are scattered, whose content integrity is poor, and lack of unified standards. How to build a standardized synthetic biological database, and a comprehensive and accurate synthetic biological knowledge base is the key technical problem that needs to be solved urgently. In the future, in terms of synthetic biological databases and knowledge graphs, it is necessary to establish new technologies and resource systems adapted to the age of big data, build data warehouses, databases and knowledge graphs for standardized storage, sharing and mining analysis of synthetic biological big data, etc.; in terms of data intelligent analysis, it is necessary to deeply integrate traditional bioinformatic technology and new artificial intelligence methods to achieve data-driven “design-build-test-learn” intelligent closed-loop, and key technological breakthroughs in system modeling, heterogeneous data integration, intelligent design and functional prediction.
  4.3 Areasofapplication
  The application areas of synthetic biology mainly include the following 7 parts: low-carbon biosynthesis, synthetic bioenergy, artifcial synthesis and innovative application of bioactive molecules, health and medicine, agriculture and food, nanometer and materials, and environment. 
  (1)Low-carbon biosynthesis
  To meet the major needs of the “double carbon” goal and industrial transformation, and the need of improving the efficiency of biological energy utilization, it is necessary to carry out systematic research in basic research, key technologies, and industrial applications of low-carbon biosynthesis. Facing 2035, it is necessary to carry out in-depth research around two major breakthroughs: 1)promote the replacement of industrial raw material routes, using CO2 as industrial raw materials, using renewable energy and forming biomanufacturing routes to achieve industrial greening; 2)promote the transformation of agricultural production methods, creating artificial synthetic organisms using solar energy to synthesize CO2 into organic matter according to the principle of photosynthesis, and to achieve “agricultural industrialization”. In addition, the industry should establish an efficient model, with solar power generation as the main energy input and CO2 as the main raw material, to form a material circulation supply in a closed space.
  (2)Synthetic bioenergy
  Synthetic bioenergy faces the contradiction between high production cost and low product value, and that between huge market demand and low technological maturity, which are the key bottlenecks in the development of synthetic bioenergy technology and industrial application. Therefore, it is necessary to study the optimization of biological fermentation process, intelligent fermentation control, separation and purifcation of fermentation products, etc., and to achieve efcient and low-cost production of synthetic bioenergy, thus gaining an advantage in the competition with petrochemical energy. In the future, the following five directions need to be prioritized: the design and construction of integrated biorefning systems for cellulosic biofuels, the preparation of biofuels by artifcial biotransformation systems for carbon-containing gases, the design and construction of multicellular systems for efcient conversion of biomethane, the design and assembly of efcient bio-hydrogen production systems, and the creation of portable and implantable biofuel cell systems.
  (3)Artificial synthesis and innovative application of bioactive molecules
  The application of synthetic biology in the field of natural product research faces the difficulty of mining the synthetic gene elements of plant natural products, the limited market access of fermented products of engineered microorganisms, and the establishment of new natural product entity libraries. In the future, it is necessary to develop bioinformatics algorithms or tools that start from unknown gene clusters, and then gradually model protein structure, infer protein function and predict product structure, and finally predict the possible bioactivity of new products through the pharmacodynamic functional groups on the structure; at the same time, establishing a unifed library of new natural product structures to systematically and comprehensively evaluate the bioactivity or targets of compounds is also necessary.
  (4)Health and medicine
  In terms of dealing with infectious diseases, certain progress has been made in the felds of new research systems for viral diseases, new vaccine development, and therapeutic antibody engineering. The future development direction includes the establishment of a research system for important emerging virulent viruses, the establishment and improvement of a special database for genomic information for virus categories, and the development of new nucleic acid vaccines based on synthetic biology methods, including T cell polypeptide vaccines with broad-spectrum protective activity, mRNAvaccines, antibody molecule de novo engineering, individual bioreactors, and protein chemical factory, etc.
  As for dealing with major chronic diseases, customized cell therapies and gene therapies based on artifcial gene circuits are driving innovative treatment strategies for major chronic diseases. However, the current design and construction of gene loop custom cells relies heavily on empirical approaches to hypothesis-trial-error cycles. Designing and building intelligent and automated customized cells and gene circuits to meet the needs of different practical application scenarios is a bottleneck that needs to be solved urgently. In the future, protein-oriented evolution technology and artifcial intelligence technology will be used to design intelligent gene routes for dynamic perception on the basis of analyzing the molecular mechanism of life activity of chassis cells, that will effectively ensure the safety, efficiency and specificity of cancer, metabolic diseases and other treatments.
  (5)Agriculture and food
  Agricultural synthetic biotechnology will provide revolutionary solutions to worldwide agricultural production difficulties such as photosynthesis, biological nitrogen fxation, biological stress resistance, biotransformation and future synthetic food. In the future, we will focus on the fields of artificial high-efficiency photosynthesis, nitrogen fxation and stress resistance, and put forward strategic goals for 3 stages of development. 5-year short-term goals: to create a new generation of high-efficiency rhizosphere nitrogen-fixing microbial products, to replace chemical nitrogen fertilizers by 25% under field demonstration conditions; to increase photosynthetic efficiency by 30%, to increase biomass by 20%; to tolerate 2% salt concentration of model plants, and to tolerate moderate salinization of crops, and to make drought tolerance and water saving by 15%. 10-year mid-term goals are to expand the host range of rhizobia, to build a new system for nodule nitrogen fixation in non-leguminous crops, to reduce the amount of chemical nitrogen fertilizer by 50%, to increase photosynthetic efficiency by 30%, to increase yield by 10%, to tolerate moderate salinization and increase yield by 5%-10%, and to make drought tolerance and water saving by 20%. 20-year long-term goals: to signifcantly reduce chemical nitrogen fertilizer under adverse conditions, to increase photosynthetic efciency by 50%, and to increase yield by 10% to 20%. 
  Applications of synthetic biology in the food field are divided into the production of non-major nutrients and major nutrients. In terms of the production of non-major application components, the production of vitamins by synthetic biotechnology needs to further improve the yield and break through the bottleneck of the fermentation process; the production of hyaluronic acid, breast milk oligosaccharides, etc. needs to create a cell factory suitable for the food industry, and the production of functional natural products of animal and plant sources needs to be solved urgently. In terms of major nutrient components, functional proteins need to make breakthroughs in texture simulation, nutrition optimization, flavor regulation, etc. The development of new plant resources and foods is currently requiring focusing on nutrition, favor and texture. In addition, the use of carbon dioxide, relying on light energy or electrical energy to produce oils and fats is also an important research direction. 
  (6)Nanometer and materials
  There have been many advances in bio-derived nanomaterials engineered by synthetic biology, but there are still many urgent problems that need to be solved in clinical translation. Although the raw materials of “imitation organisms” are sufficient, some nanomaterials are not yet available in a way that is universally applicable to industrial production, and it is necessary to enhance the targeting and transfection efficiency; “semi-living organisms” materials can achieve efficacy in vivo, but to a certain extent, they would cause discomfort to the body or cause new toxic side effects. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to monitor and correct the incorrect state of drugs in the body, and to improve drug targeting; “life-like organisms” only imitate part of the functions of living organisms, and the biggest difculty in putting it into clinical use is the question of technological maturity. In addition, the establishment of mass production models and standardized acquisition routes for nanomaterials of diferent biological sources, as well as the establishment of engineering optimization systems, will promote the general clinical application in the future. 
  Synthetic biotechnology has made important progress in promoting the production of heterologous expressions of natural biological components, the modular design of biomimetic functional materials and the development of functional “living” materials. In the future, the key development will be reproducing the structure and properties of natural biomaterials in synthetic materials, the discovery of new materials or modules and the directed evolution of material properties, the optimization of the performance of engineered “living” materials, achieving large-scale production of new materials, and having high-level biosafety of biosynthetic materials, etc.
  Environmental monitoring and bioremediation technology based on synthetic biology still have some bottlenecks that directly restrict largescale practical applications, such as application universality, spatial adaptability, biosafety and other issues. Future priority development directions include biosensing and environmental monitoring, multi-target and cytotoxic evaluation of pollutants, microbial modifcation and biodegradation of pollutants, artifcial multicellular system construction and bioremediation, etc.
  5. Policy suggestions for the development of synthetic biology in China
  In order to achieve the future medium- to long-term prospective development goal of synthetic biology in China, to bring the “enabling” potential of synthetic biology into full play,and to promote the “biotechnology revolution” and “human capabilities enhancement”, it is not only necessary to re-examine the existing scientifc and technological research and development framework, but also urgently require the reform of organizational management mode and the construction of innovative ecosystems, so as to ensure the funding mechanism and management framework could match the “convergence” characteristics and “empowerment” potential of synthetic biology. Based on systematic research and integration of multiple perspectives, Chapter 5 mainly puts forward specific suggestions from three aspects—research and development framework and capacity building, comprehensive management and science communication system, and education and specialist training. 
  5.1 Researchanddevelopmentframeworkandcapacitybuilding
  In the future, we should incorporate the major strategic needs of the country, focus on enhancing the nation strength, combine the rules and trends of regional development, strengthen strategic planning and prospective blueprint, and carry out scientifc research and technological development in a planned and systematic manner through the formulation of the national medium- to long-term development roadmap, consider both a comprehensive and multilevel layout and highlight the “high-grade, precise, frontier, and scarce” technology; focus on supporting capacity building, especially support synthetic biology cell library, databases, and professional, integrated, open and shared engineering technology platforms (including infrastructure) construction and development of core utilities. Starting from the needs and goals of the development of China’s synthetic biology industry, we should establish and improve the research and development system and funding guarantee mechanism for engineering platform construction to product development and industrial transformation, and open up the channel for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. At the same time, we need to establish a multilevel and comprehensive “government-industry-university-research” collaboration network, and to establish an organizational model of cross-feld and cross-departmental cooperation, as well as an open inclusive culture to form an ecosystem conducive to “convergence”. 
  5.2 Comprehensivemanagementandsciencecommunication system
  The rapid development of synthetic biology technology has directly brought concerns involving open-source sharing and intellectual property rights, market access, as well as ethics, bio-safety (security), etc., challenging the traditional management model and governance system. First of all, we should carry out long-term regulatory science and policy research in view of the current management policies, loopholes and gaps; clarify the corresponding competent departments, responsibilities, and rights; establish the scientifc, rational, efective and feasible management principles; formulate supporting policies and normative systems for research and development, production, and product launching; and clarify the focus of policy connection, adjustment, breakthrough, or innovation. Secondly, it is necessary to start from the revolutionary characteristics of synthetic biology, evaluate and assess the new risks and challenges in ethics and biosafety, and establish a risk prevention and governance system. Finally, in view of the influencing factors and efective channels of synthetic biology science communication and public awareness/participation, we should establish synthetic biology science popularization education bases and science communication platforms at all levels, foster professional synthetic biology science popularization specialists and communication teams, and promote prosperity and development of synthetic biology research and its industry. 
  5.3 Educationandspecialisttraining
  The convergence development of synthetic biology requires innovative educational and specialist training models. On the one hand, it is necessary to further strengthen the discipline construction of synthetic biology and consolidate the foundation of multidisciplinary majors. Through the implementation of relevant education programs, the discipline education system of synthetic biology will be gradually established. On the other hand, through the combination of base (platform) construction and team building, and the combination of national and local specialists projects, a specialist team with interdisciplinary research and development capabilities will be fostered.
