  精准医学是科学研究的前沿,体现了医学科学发展趋势,代表了临床实践发展方向。精准医学理念和研究范式已在医学研究和临床中应用和实践。《中国精准医学 2035 发展战略》系统阐述了精准医学的科学意义与战略价值,分析了精准医学的发展规律与研究特点,对精准医学的发展现状与发展态势进行了研判,并在此基础上,围绕人民健康、经济和社会发展的重大需求,提出了面向 2035 年我国精准医学的发展战略,并提出了有针对性的资助机制与政策建议。


  党的二十大胜利召开,吹响了以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的前进号角。习近平总书记强调“教育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑”,明确要求到 2035 年要建成教育强国、科技强国、人才强国。新时代新征程对科技界提出了更高的要求。当前,世界科学技术发展日新月异,不断开辟新的认知疆域,并成为带动经济社会发展的核心变量,新一轮科技革命和产业变革正处于蓄势跃迁、快速迭代的关键阶段。开展面向 2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究,紧扣国家战略需求,研判科技发展大势,擘画战略、锚定方向,找准学科发展路径与方向,找准科技创新的主攻方向和突破口,对于实现全面建成社会主义现代化“两步走”战略目标具有重要意义。




  作为国家在科学技术方面最高咨询机构的中国科学院和国家支持基础研究主渠道的国家自然科学基金委员会(简称自然科学基金委),在夯实学科基础、加强学科建设、引领科学研究发展方面担负着重要的责任。早在新中国成立初期,中国科学院学部即组织全国有关专家研究编制了《1956—1967 年科学技术发展远景规划》。该规划的实施,实现了“两弹一星”研制等一系列重大突破,为新中国逐步形成科学技术研究体系奠定了基础。自然科学基金委自成立以来,通过学科发展战略研究,服务于科学基金的资助与管理,不断夯实国家知识基础,增进基础研究面向国家需求的能力。2009 年,自然科学基金委和中国科学院联合启动了“2011—2020 年中国学科发展战略研究”。2012 年,双方形成联合开展学科发展战略研究的常态化机制,持续研判科技发展态势,为我国科技创新领域的方向选择提供科学思想、路径选择和跨越的蓝图。

  联合开展“中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”,是中国科学院和自然科学基金委落实新时代“两步走”战略的具体实践。我们面向 2035 年国家发展目标,结合科技发展新特征,进行了系统设计,从三个方面组织研究工作:一是总论研究,对面向2035 年的中国学科及前沿领域发展进行了概括和论述,内容包括学科的历史演进及其发展的驱动力、前沿领域的发展特征及其与社会的关联、学科与前沿领域的区别和联系、世界科学发展的整体态势,并汇总了各个学科及前沿领域的发展趋势、关键科学问题和重点方向;二是自然科学基础学科研究,主要针对科学基金资助体系中的重点学科开展战略研究,内容包括学科的科学意义与战略价值、发展规律与研究特点、发展现状与发展态势、发展思路与发展方向、资助机制与政策建议等;三是前沿领域研究,针对尚未形成学科规模、不具备明确学科属性的前沿交叉、新兴和关键核心技术领域开展战略研究,内容包括相关领域的战略价值、关键科学问题与核心技术问题、我国在相关领域的研究基础与条件、我国在相关领域的发展思路与政策建议等。

  三年多来,400 多位院士、3000 多位专家,围绕总论、数学等18 个学科和量子物质与应用等 19 个前沿领域问题,坚持突出前瞻布局、补齐发展短板、坚定创新自信、统筹分工协作的原则,开展了深入全面的战略研究工作,取得了一批重要成果,也形成了共识性结论。一是国家战略需求和技术要素成为当前学科及前沿领域发展的主要驱动力之一。有组织的科学研究及源于技术的广泛带动效应,实质化地推动了学科前沿的演进,夯实了科技发展的基础,促进了人才的培养,并衍生出更多新的学科生长点。二是学科及前沿领域的发展促进深层次交叉融通。学科及前沿领域的发展越来越呈现出多学科相互渗透的发展态势。某一类学科领域采用的研究策略和技术体系所产生的基础理论与方法论成果,可以作为共同的知识基础适用于不同学科领域的多个研究方向。三是科研范式正在经历深刻变革。解决系统性复杂问题成为当前科学发展的主要目标,导致相应的研究内容、方法和范畴等的改变,形成科学研究的多层次、多尺度、动态化的基本特征。数据驱动的科研模式有力地推动了新时代科研范式的变革。四是科学与社会的互动更加密切。发展学科及前沿领域愈加重要,与此同时,“互联网 +”正在改变科学交流生态,并且重塑了科学的边界,开放获取、开放科学、公众科学等都使得越来越多的非专业人士有机会参与到科学活动中来。

  “中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)”系列成果以“中国学科及前沿领域 2035 发展战略丛书”的形式出版,纳入“国家科学思想库 - 学术引领系列”陆续出版。希望本丛书的出版,能够为科技界、产业界的专家学者和技术人员提供研究指引,为科研管理部门提供决策参考,为科学基金深化改革、“十四五”发展规划实施、国家科学政策制定提供有力支撑。




2023 年 3 月            

  金 力   贺 林  陈国强
  精准医学理念最早由美国哈佛大学商业战略专家Clayton Christensen提出,用以表述通过分子检测等方法直接获得明确的诊断结果,使医生不再依赖直觉和经验进行诊治,但当时该表述并未引起关注。直到2011年,美国国家研究理事会(National Research Council,NRC)发布报告《迈向精准医学:构建生物医学研究知识网络和新的疾病分类体系》(Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease),正式提出精准医学并对其主要任务进行了描述:为每一个体建立一个整合各种相关信息的疾病知识网络。此后,精准医学的理念受到重视,相关技术不断发展成熟,精准医学体系逐渐形成。2013年,我国贺林院士作为共同主席主持自然遗传学大会——从全基因组关联分析到精准医学(Nature Genetics Conference—From GWAS to Precision Medicine);同年作为东亚人类遗传学联盟主席,出席了以“精准医学”为主题的第十三届东亚人类遗传学联盟学术年会。
  2015年初,美国国情咨文提出“精准医学计划”(Precision Medicine Initiative,PMI),核心目标是要实现“在合适的时间,给合适的患者,以合适的疗法”,并在重点布局的“百万自然人群队列”项目的规划“精准医学计划队列项目——为21世纪医学研究奠定基础”(The Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program — Building a Research Foundation for 21st Century Medicine)中,将精准医学的内涵阐述为:根据人群基因特征、社会环境以及生活方式的个体差异,寻求疾病治疗和预防效果最大化的新手段。
  精准医学理念和研究范式已在癌症、糖尿病、罕见病等疾病的基础研究和临床诊治中逐步得到应用和实践。2018年,美国糖尿病协会和欧洲糖尿病研究协会启动“糖尿病精准医学计划”(Precision Medicine in Diabetes Initiative,PMDI),并于2020年发布了第一阶段共识报告,分析了糖尿病精准医学发展现状与面临的挑战,提出了实现路径和关键领域,绘制了发展路线图。精准医学的核心领域大型队列和数据平台持续建设,基于组学特征谱的疾病精准分型研究不断突破,为药物研发提供新机制、新靶点。乳腺癌、卵巢癌、肺癌、胃癌、胰腺癌和结直肠癌等癌症的分子分型已用于指导临床治疗;多项基因检测、液体活检、分子影像等技术与产品获批进入临床应用,提高了疾病精准诊断和早诊早筛水平;靶向治疗、免疫治疗、基因治疗、RNA疗法等精准治疗药物和方法陆续进入临床应用,大幅度提高了疾病治疗水平。2018年11月,靶向基因突变特征而非肿瘤组织类型的“广谱”抗癌药拉罗替尼(Vitrakvi)获美国食品与药品监督管理局(FDA)批准上市,标志着药物开发思路与审批依据向精准医学模式的转变。
  英国持续加码布局精准医学的重点领域、夯实精准医学研究基础。英国持续扩大基因组测序规模,继“十万人基因组计划”完成后,在2018年又通过《产业战略:生命科学行业协约》提出了100万人全基因组测序计划、500万人规模的大型队列计划,并已于2021年启动。英国还支持50万人规模的国家级队列英国生物样本库(UK Biobank)的迭代升级,扩大队列规模,丰富队列数据类型,引入多组学研究等新技术,不断提高人群队列数据质量和精细度。在大数据平台方面,英国已经通过英国健康数据研究所(HDR UK)对医疗健康大数据进行一体化管理与应用。这些举措为英国精准医学发展搭建了完善的发展平台。事实上,英国已经将英国生物样本库、“十万人基因组计划”和“500万人基因组计划”(又名Our Future Health)视为英国对疾病预防和早期诊断开展的大规模基础设施建设的三个关键。
  I. Scientific significance and strategic value of precision medicine
  Precision medicine is an approach that takes full consideration of individual differences in the biological traits, environment, and lifestyle exposure to tailor effective health interventions and treatment strategies due to the complexity of etiologies. Precision medicine integrates various knowledge and technological systems of sciences and technological development in modern medicine, is the confuence, fusion and application of biotechnology, information technology, and medical research. Precision medicine represents the frontier of scientifc research, reflects the development trend of medical sciences, and heralds the direction of development of clinical practice.
  People’s health is the most important issue of the well-being of the society and people, and critical to the economic development and social progress of the nation. With the acceleration of industrialization, urbanization and aging and changes in individual lifestyle, the health feld of China is facing a complicated situation with the simultaneous presence of multiple diseases and multiple interwoven factors impacting on health. Currently, the goal of global medical research has moved towards being prevention-oriented from being treatment-oriented. Meanwhile, precisionmedicine may achieve early discovery and prevention by continuously monitoring the long-term status of individual health and life habits to identify the risk of disease occurrence through large cohort studies and implement public health intervention measures to enhance the levels of disease prevention and diagnosis. Therefore, precision medicine offers an important pathway to prevention-oriented health strategies. Precision medicine takes into full account of individual diferences and formulates personalized treatment plans and may precisely and fundamentally optimize the results of diagnosis and treatment, raise the health levels of citizens, avoid waste of healthcare resources, and optimize the allocation of healthcare resources. Meanwhile, development of precision medicine could elevate the nation’s innovativeness in the biomedical field, drive the rapid breakthrough of related-industries, and promote economic development. Therefore, with the gradual maturation of the precision medicine system and comprehensive promotion of development pathways, its scientifc and strategic values become even more prominent and have become one of the focuses of scientific and technological competition.
  II. Characteristics and rules of development of precision medicine research
  Development of precision medicine is the exploration and contemplation of modern medicine from a different perspective at a diferent stage of the development of medical sciences, and the product of disciplinary fusion and technical interchange. Rapid development of medical technology and biotechnology, especially rapid development of life omics and biological big data technology has ushered in and promoted the development of precision medicine.
  The connotation of precision medicine keeps developing and being defined. The concept of precision medicine, first proposed by Harvard University business strategist Clayton Christensen, was used to describe the explicit diagnostic results of molecular detection and other methods, allowing physicians to make a diagnosis and carry out treatment by no longer relying on intuition and experience. However, it did not attract any attention then. Until 2011, the USA National Research Council (NRC) published a report Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease and offered a formal description of “precision medicine”, with its main task being building a knowledge network integrating various related information about an individual. Thereafter, the concept gained momentum, and related technologies kept developing and becoming mature, and a precision medicine system gradually emerged. In 2013, academician Lin He co-chaired Nature Genetics Conference— From GWAS to Precision Medicine, and in the same year, as the chairman of the East Asian Union of Human Genetics , he hosted the 13th academic forum with the theme of precision medicine.
  At the beginning of 2015, US State of the Union address put forward the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI), with the key goal of providing appropriate treatment at the appropriate time for the appropriate patient, with a key layout on the Million Person Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program “The Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program — Building a Research Foundation for 21st Century Medicine”, which defnes precision medicine as a new approach to maximize the efects of treatment and prevention of diseases based on individual diferences in population gene traits, social environment, and lifestyle.
  The implantation plan of special key “precision medicine study” programs in China was designed at the beginning of 2015 and initiated at the beginning of 2016. In the special key programs, the implementation pathways of precision medicine are elucidated in greater details and more refined, that is, on the basis of the network of knowledge of molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis acquired from studies using large samples, with evidence based on data from life omics, based on the specifcities of genotype, phenotype, environment and lifestyle of individual patients, the relationship between the related variations and the onset and development of diseases is identified using modern genetics, molecular imaging, bioinformatics and clinical medicine and other methods and approaches so that diseases can be precisely categorized and precise prevention,diagnosis and treatment plans can be made, eventually achieving personalized treatment. Personalized healthcare is the ultimate goal of clinical practice and precision medicine offers specific implementation pathways for personalized healthcare. 
  The concept of precision medicine reflects the thinking of systemic biology. Systemic biology is a science that investigates each component of a biological system (genes, mRNA, and proteins, etc.) and the relationship among the components under specifc conditions. Systemic biology is a mega-science that is characterized by integrative research; its basis is information, and its core is integration. Precision medicine happens to be the epitomization of systemic biology thinking. In 2011, a report “Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease” was published and described “precision medicine” as a medical model that integrates the molecular data of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics and clinical information, social behaviors and environment of individuals at different levels and different dimensions to build a knowledge bank of human diseases, thereby providing support for precise diagnosis and personalized treatment. Its main task is to establish a knowledge network that integrates all relevant information of individuals. The implementation pathways of the special key programs of precision medicine in China and the USAprecision medicine million-person cohort initiative both refect the systemic thinking of precision medicine. 
  Precision medicine research reflects the data intensive scientific research paradigm, and is representative of mega-science, big data, big platform, and big discovery. The formation and development of precision medicine benefit from the development of big data, acquire massive data of healthy subjects and patients through large cohort studies and by combining life omics technology, analyze the data using big data technology, and further utilize modern genetics, molecular imaging, bioinformatics and clinical medicine and other methods and approaches to discover the relationship between the related variation and the onset and development so that diseases can be precisely categorized and precise prevention and treatment plans can be made, eventually achieving personalized treatment. Therefore, the research paradigm of personalized medicine in integrating and analyzing the data of a massive number of individuals is a typical data intensive scientifc research paradigm and is also a typical mega-science paradigm.
  The scientifc research system of precision medicine covers the entire innovation chain from basic research to clinical applications. Achieving the overall goal of precision medicine requires a basis of information at multiple levels, support with frontier technology and thorough investigation of application protocols for clinical translation. First, to conduct research in precision medicine, large cohort studies are needed to acquire data on health and disease process, and analyze the risk of disease development to generate data on the health and disease status of populations in China. Meanwhile, precise classification of diseases is being undertaken through research on life omics to acquire combinatorial biomarkers and spectrum of biomarkers at multiple levels to lay the foundation of data and knowledge for precise prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. Second, it is necessary to build big data platforms, conduct big data analysis, and develop artifcial intelligence technology for the standardized collection, storage, quality control, integration, mining, and analysis of massive data to discover more knowledge, so as to provide data and new knowledge for precise prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Third, in the area of application, there is a need for clinical study, the development of detection and diagnostic technology, and personalized treatment technology; in addition, personalized treatment plans should have clinical applications and be promoted, taking into consideration of health economics, inclusiveness and beneft optimization to achieve the ultimate application of the research results of precision medicine. Therefore, precision medicine covers the entire innovation chain from knowledge discovery through basic research to diagnosis and treatment plans for clinical applications and requires the coordination of numerous types of innovating entities and a “whole country” management approach.
  III. Global trend of precision medicine development
  The system of precision medicine gradually matures towards being applied, and the concept and research paradigm of precision medicine have been applied in medical research and clinical practice. The concept and research paradigm of precision medicine have been gradually applied in medical research and clinical practice in cancer, diabetes, and rare diseases. The diabetes associations of the USAand Europe put forward the precision medicine diabetes initiative (PMDI) and published a consensus report on the first phase of the initiative in 2020. The report analyzed the current state and challenge of diabetes precision medicine, formulated the implementation pathways and key areas, and delineated the roadmap of development. Large cohort studies in the key areas of precision medicine and continuous building of data platforms, research breakthroughs in disease precise classifcation based on the spectrum of omics traits could provide novel mechanisms and new targets for drug development and have been used to guide clinical treatment of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer. Numerous technologies and products of gene detection, liquid biopsy, molecular imaging and others have been approved and entered into clinical applications, enhanced the levels of precise and early diagnosis and early screening of disease. Precise treatment drugs for targeted therapy, immune therapy, gene therapy and RNA therapy, etc. have gradually entered into clinical applications, greatly raising the levels of treatment of diseases. Meanwhile, drugs targeting the mutational characteristics of target genes rather than “broad- spectrum anticancer drugs” were approved by FDA, marking the thinking of drug development and a shift to the precision medicine model in drug approval.
  The scientific and social value of precision medicine has become increasingly prominent. Each country has increased efforts to lay out plans and provide stable funding for precision medicine. Since the USA Precision Medicine Initiative was put forward in 2015, funding for development has been provided through multiple channels and stable long-term funding over ten years is secured through the 21st Century Cures Act. In the new round of USANIH development strategy (2021-2025), precision medicine remains the key area for layout. The key project of the USA Precision Medicine Initiative is the Million-Person Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program, assuring the diversity and wide coverage of population in building the cohort. Data resources are comprehensive, abundant, and refned. Attention should be paid to the correlation among the data. Long-term follow-up should be undertaken in order to lay a solid foundation for building the platform for precision medicine research. By 2021, the USA government has provided 2.2 billion dollars for the “Million-Person Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program”. In the future, USA precision medicine will continue to build the Million-Person Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program, with a focus on phenotypic omics studies and regular clinical use of genomic technology. The UK has been continuously increasing layout in the key areas of precision medicine to build a solid foundation for precision medicine research. First, to continue the expansion of the scale of genomic sequencing following the completion of the “Million-Person Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program” (2012-2018), the UK passed the Industrial Strategy: Life Sciences Sector Deal in 2018, put forward the Million-Person Whole Genome Sequencing Initiative and started the initiative in 2021. Second, the UK also supported the upgrade of the National 500,000-Person Cohort UK Biobank and expanded the scale of the cohort and enriched the data types of the cohort by introducing multi-omics studies and other new technologies to improve the data quality and precision of the cohort. With regards to big data platform, the UK has passed HDR UK for integrated management and application of big health data. These measures built a perfect development platform for UK precision medicine development. In fact, the UK has regarded the UK Biobank, Million-Person Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program and Five Million-Person Genomics Initiative (also known as Our Future Health) as the three pillars for large scale construction of infrastructure for disease prevention and early diagnosis. In addition, major European countries, Japan, Republic of Korea, and other countries and some developing countries have put forward relevant development plans one after another. National large-scale cohorts key to precision medicine development have been built around the globe.
  IV.The current state of precision medicine development in China
  China has prospectively laid out key precision medicine projects and laid a foundation for transcending and development. It has preliminarily set up a framework for precision medicine system, and the concept of precision medicine and pathways have rapidly promoted the clinical practice.
  In the “13th five-year plan” period, the Ministry of Science and Technology seized the time window of the beginning stage of precision medicine, systemically designed and prospectively laid out key “precision medicine research” projects. The project formulated implementation plans in 2015 and was launched in March 2016, and was planned step in step with the USA, providing policy and funding support for transcending and development. The specific key projects have five important tasks including life omics technology, large cohort studies, big data platform, protocols for precise disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and promotion of clinical application paradigms. The plan is systemic, forward-looking, comprehensive, covering the entire innovation chain from basic research to clinical applications by taking into full consideration of the specific conditions of China. It has not only addressed the issue of instrument and technological deficiencies, but has also designed clinical paradigms, aiming at the implementation of results of precision medicine and achieving the goal of benefting the entire population. The specific key projects have achieved remarkable outcomes five years after implementation. Some results are at the internationally advanced level. A1,260,000-person natural person cohort and a 40,000-person rare disease cohort have been built and a national cohort framework of precision medicine has been established, and a big data platform of precision medicine has been constructed, promoting standardized data management and shared applications. A precision medicine knowledge bank has also been built to reduce dependency on precision medicine knowledge banks of other countries. Precision medicine treatment demonstration networks have been set up and protocols of precision medicine prevention, diagnosis and treatment that have been established by partially independent research and development, for the beneft of the entire population. The specifc projects have attracted nearly 9000 researchers, the participating institutions approach more than 500 scientifc research institutions in 27 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, preliminarily forming a national precision medicine research network, showing the advantage of a national system.
  Nevertheless, supported by the specific projects, China has preliminarily built a framework of precision medicine system, laying the foundation for development. However, there are still inadequacies in the construction of the precision medicine system and development support mechanism in China, and there are daunting challenges in development.
  In the construction of the precision medicine system, 1) the quality of cohort construction and the efciency of cohort utilization are inadequate. The building of large cohorts is just beginning in China and national cohorts are lacking. The level of standardization and systemization need to be increased and the effective scale, scientific management, quality control and utilization of each cohort should be strengthened. The combined operation and sharing mechanisms of cohorts should be improved. The follow up of large cohorts and sustainable development and other issues need to be solved urgently. 2) The ability for sustained construction of big data platform of precision medicine, data quality and data standardization are still inadequate and sharing mechanisms are still not perfect. The issue of “data island” is yet to be solved, and the efciency of data utilization is severely constrained. 3) The quantity and quality of clinical studies are inadequate. The quantity and quality of studies, especially prospective, multicenter clinical studies, are inadequate, and there is a lack of diagnosis standards and treatment guidelines for diseases, with over 95% of them referring to those in other countries. The cooperation mechanisms are still not smooth, and there is a huge gap between basic and clinical studies. 4) The original research ability for core technology, instrument and reagents in life omics is weak and depends heavily on imports and only a few institutions are engaging in related research and development, and their performance is far from the mainstream products. The industry ecology of domestic equipment has not been established. 5) Precision medicine-based clinical diagnosis and treatment technology and new drug development are still inadequate. Sophisticated diagnostic reagents and high-end drugs depend on imports in China and the domestic market is dominated by multinational corporations, indirectly leading to the issue of “taking imported drugs and expensive to see a doctor”. 6) The construction of the clinical promotion system for precision medicine prevention, diagnosis and treatment protocols is inadequate.
  Insufficient synergy of the management mechanism and the innovative traits of precision medicine. 1) Precision medicine is a typical representation of “mega-science, big data, big platform, and big discovery”, requiring overall design, overall planning, a national system and long-term stable and continuous support. During “the 13th Five-Year Plan” period, the specifc key projects are provided support for 5 years, and during “the 14th Five-Year Plan” period, part of the contents were listed in BT&IT, frontier biotechnology, prevention and treatment of common diseases and other specifc key projects in “the 14th Five-Year Plan”. No continuous, comprehensive financial support was provided, which does not match the traits of precision medicine, which will cost the advantage of advanced layout for development in “the 13th Five-Year Plan” period. The cohorts and data platform built during “the 13th FiveYear plan” period do not receive continuous support, losing the frst player advantage from forward-looking, systemic layout in the field of precision medicine, and likely becoming a bottleneck issue in the areas of new medical technology, new diagnostic products, and new drug development. 2) Funding is severely inadequate, especially funding for building data platform and cohorts. 3) The coordination among funding, management system and design of the entire chain is poor. Unifed national construction of data, platform, and cohorts has not been achieved. The cohesion among data, platform, and cohort is inadequate, and an integral precision medicine system cannot be truly established. 4) Supporting policy and statutes are incomplete for precision medicine data sharing policy, regulatory and approval systems, ethics regulation and standardization. There are no explicit regulations and pricing mechanism for gene detection and other technologies, making it impossible for their rational use and chaotic.
  V. The precision medicine development strategy in China (2021-2035)
  1. The key scientifc question in precision medicine
  The research and development of high-quality big cohort, big data, and precise prevention, diagnosis and treatment protocols are key to future implementation of precision medicine. The implementation of precision medicine pathways requires big cohort in combination with life omics, systemic investigation of health and the onset and development of disease, formulating protocols for precise prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, high-quality, big cohorts are key to future implementation of precision medicine, and their construction needs to satisfy the requirement for the diversity and coverage of populations, collection of complete health data of the participants, and integrating multi-omics, environment, and regression analysis of phenotypic information, and insure the long-term follow-up. In cohort studies, standardization, connection and openness, open and sharing, and data coupling and integration are key to research. The research and development of precise prevention, diagnosis and treatment protocols are key to clinical applications of precision medicine, elucidation of the mechanisms of disease occurrence and development, precise disease classification, discovery of biomarkers, research and development of prevention, diagnosis and treatment protocols, thereby achieving personalized treatment.
  2. Ideas and overall goals of precision medicine development in China
  Precision medicine is the frontier of science and technology, refects the development trend of medical sciences, and represents the direction of clinical practice development. With the deepening of research, the scientifc and social value of precision medicine has become increasingly prominent. The USA, the UK and other countries have made long term layout in the key areas of precision medicine, and scientific and technological competition becomes further intensifed. During the “13th five-year plan” period, China seized the time window of the beginning stage of precision medicine, systemically designed and prospectively laid out key “precision medicine research” projects, which provided a good opportunity for transcending other countries and development and had laid a foundation for development, gaining an competitive edge.
  Currently, China is moving towards the second centenary goal, requiring continuous and more in-depth precision medicine research by fully utilizing the abundant resources of disease in the population and the advantage of a national system on the basis of building a national cohort and a big data platform of precision medicine. We should solve the issues of “weakness in original research, lack of concerted efforts in research and development, and difficulty in promotion”, and undertake research and development of disease precise prevention, diagnosis and treatmen protocols that suit the population characteristics of the population based on the national cohort, and systemically solve the bottleneck in new medical technology, new diagnostic products, and new drugs, ultimately building China’s precision health system, fulfilling the health needs of the people, realizing scientifc and technological independence and self-reliance, and enhance the levels of basic research on health in China, the epicenter of novelty in medical, pharmaceutical and health industry, thereby facilitating high-quality economic development in China.
  Development ideas:
  The development idea and strategy of precision medicine in China from now to 2035: Facing the frontier of precision medicine development and considering the health needs of our people and based on the framework of the precision medicine system, a three-step strategy in China is implemented. The first step is laying a solid foundation, building a national cohort and precision medicine data platform, and further promoting precision prevention, diagnosis and treatment protocols (2021-2025). The second step is furthering development, achieving self-reliance of key technology and products, and comprehensively promoting precision prevention, diagnosis and treatment protocols (2026-2030). The third step is completion of the precision health system in an all-round way, achieving international leadership and industry competitiveness (2021-2035).
  3. The key tasks and research direction of precision medicine in China
  The guiding principle of “building the platform, promoting research, benefting the livelihood, and invigorating the industry” is used to defne the three big research tasks of precision medicine development in our country. The frst is building the national cohort and the big data platform of precision medicine. The tasks include building an internationally advanced high-quality, high-precision, and multidimensional national cohort and a standardized, sharable, and sustainable precision medicine big data platform, strengthening high-precision phenotypic determination, research and development of multidimensional longitudinal fusion of big data and other core common technologies, providing support for paradigm change in medical research in China, and laying a foundation for transcending other countries in originality and leading development. The second is systemic research and development of precision prevention, diagnosis and treatment protocols based on the national cohorts. Building precision prevention, precision diagnosis and precision treatment protocols compatible with the genetic background and disease traits of Chinese population, continuously providing “China standards” “China guidelines” and “China protocols” for precision prevention, diagnosis and treatment of significant diseases and rare diseases. The third is directing at the grass-roots level and improving specialist capabilities by comprehensive promotion of application paradigms of precision prevention, diagnosis, and treatment protocols. The model of simultaneous construction, research, application, and promotion is used to accelerate the promotion of the application of the research results of precision medicine. In combination with intelligent healthcare and telemedicine systems, disease precision prevention, diagnosis and treatment protocols and regulations are rapidly promoted to the grass roots level, improve specialist capabilities, and bring benefts to the entire population.
  Priority areas:
  (1) Development of life omics technology with independent knowledge property rights.
  By seizing the time window of early development of the third generation gene sequencing technology, we should focus on developing knowledge gene sequencing technology with independent knowledge property rights. We should develop qualitative and quantitative proteomics technology, break the bottleneck of technology, develop ultrasensitive and high coverage metabomics quantitative analysis technology, and promote entry into the healthcare feld. We should realize technological leadership by taking full advantage of our strength in image data integration, high-throughput imageomics technology development.
  (2) Building standardized, conventionalized and systemic high precision national big cohort. 
  A national cohort management and funding center should be built; the center should be endowed with a system of laying out, manamging, directing and continous funding of the cohort. Furthermore, a standardized, conventionalized, and systemic national big cohort should be constructed to increase the dimension, degree of refineness and support capacity of national cohort resources. Scientific management, quality control, joint operation and sharing mechanism of cohorts should be strengthened in order to lay the foundation for precision medicine research and clinical applications.
  (3) Building a standardized and shared national precision medicine big data center. 
  Taking the full advantage of a national system, we should build a national precision medicine big data center. A definite healthcare data management mechanism should be established to promote the standardization, structuring and conventionalization of data collection and management to assure data quality and data safety. Data openness and sharing should be encouraged, and highly efficient and integral utilization of healthcare big data resources should be promoted in order to lay a foundation for precision medicine development.
  (4) Developing an advanced artificial intelligence technology and assisted diagnosis and treatment system in the medical feld.
  We should closely follow the big trend of change in global scientifc and technological development and industry, and on the basis of research and devleopment and medical application of artificial intelligence technology, we can integrate big data analysis technology and artificial intelligence technology and develop multiple assisted diagnosis and treatment systems, remarkably increase the originality of core technology, realize personalized precision service at each link including early disease warning, treatment, evaluation, and rehabilitation. We should focus on the development of digital medical imaging equipment and advanced imaging assisted decision making systems, develop a high-end medical innovation chain and industry chain with key technology and matching reagents with key enterprises as the leader, to proivde support for early diagnosis, precision diagnosis and precision treatment. We should also focus on rapid industrialization of targeted drugs, immune therapy, and gene therapy.
  (5) Focusing on rapid industrialization of targeted medicine immuno-therapy and gene therapy.
  We should increase investment in research and devleopment, support originality and develop targeted drugs with independent knowledge property, immune therapy, gene therapy and other advanced therapies. We also need to build functional platforms, solve key technological issues, break down technological barriers, improve the precision medicine industry chain, and promote the translation of the most recent research results into precision medicine by the industry, creating a batch of China-made afordable advanced precision medicine drugs and therapy therapy. Enterprises should be encouraged to obtain international certification of precision medicine-related products to promote the introduction of precision treatment products into international mainstream markets, and to enhance the country’s international competitiveness in the health care feld by seizing the high ground in the advanced areas of precision medicine.
  (6) Demonstration and promotion of application of precision treatment of disease.
  Under the guiding principle of simultaneous research, application, and promotion, and relying on the coordination of innovation network of the established national clinical medical research center, we can focus on achieving preliminary precision prevention and treatment of lung cancer and breast cancer, and carry out early demonstration of clinical applications, thus creating a group of China-made and internationally recognized guidelines for disease prevention and clinical diagnosis and treatment. Meanwhile, we can lay out the entire innovation chain in malignancies, cardiocerebrovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, rare diseases, and multiple innovation entities can be integrated to focus on overcoming the main obstacle and increase the level of precision prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, and expanding the category of diseases that fall within precision medicine. Meanwhile, through the construction of clinical demonstration bases and precision medicine systems, big data platform and intelligent healthcare, and construction of telemedicine facilities, we can improve the precision medicine service system, and the related insurance regulation, and achieve the nationwide promotion of precision medicine-based prevention and treatment protocols.
  4. Funding mechanisms of precision medicine development in China and policy considerations 
  Currently, life sciences have entered the development period of mega-science, big data, big platform, and big discovery. Under this development trend, scientific and technological organizations more particularly need a “national system”. Precision medicine is a typical representative of this trend. To promote precision medicine development in China, we recommend that a long-term continuous funding mechanism be established, and a research platform and a team of talented professionals be set up, and a coordinating innovation network be constructed, so that system support can be provided for a national precision health system. The specific recommendations are as follows: 1) Develop a long-term development strategy in China, and on the basis of achievements during the “13th fve-year plan” period, provide a longer term and stable support in the “14th fve -year plan” period. 2) Establish a systemically designed and unified national cohort and data platform by taking full advantage of the national system and on the basis of the preliminary precision medicine cohort and big data platform. 3) Study and discuss precision prevention, diagnosis, treatment strategies and pathways for specialized diseases using specialized diseases as a basis, and accelerate research and clinical applications of precision medicine prevention, diagnosis and treatment of specialized diseases. 4) Improve the policy, regulation and ethical system to ensure the comprehensive and orderly development of precision medicine. 5) Establish a collaborative network of government, industry, academia, research and economics, build a new sustainable organizational model, and coordinate the coordinated promotion of various market players. 6) Support industry base and cluster construction, and promote the rapid development of precision medicine industry. 7) Improve the multi-level talent training system, and increase the eforts of composite talent training and recruitment eforts.
