Carbon sequestration processes and mechanisms in coastal mariculture environments in China2021-01-20
Prochlorococcus viruses—From biodiversity to biogeochemical cycles2021-01-20
Climate tipping-point potential and paradoxical production of methane in a changing ocean2021-01-20
Regeneration and utilization of nutrients during collapse of a Mesodinium rubrum red tide and its influence on phytoplankton species composition2021-01-20
The shift of biogeochemical cycles indicative of the progressive marine ecosystem collapse across the Permian-Triassic boundary: An analog to modern oceans2021-01-20
Sulfur metabolism by marine heterotrophic bacteria involved in sulfur cycling in the ocean2021-01-20
Significance of Vibrio species in the marine organic carbon cycle— A review2021-01-20
Evolving paradigms in biological carbon cycling in the ocean2021-01-20
An implementation strategy to quantify the marine microbial carbon pump and its sensitivity to global change2021-01-20
Modelling marine DOC degradation time scales2021-01-20
Blue carbon on the rise: challenges and opportunities2021-01-20
Unveiling the enigma of refractory carbon in the ocean2021-01-20