日期:2020年10月20日-21日 地点:上海
Upper Ocean Biogeochemistry in the Oligotrophic Ocean
Upper Ocean Biogeochemistry in the Oligotrophic Ocean 演讲人:Minhan Dai

Minhan Dai is a Chair Professor of Marine Biogeochemistry at Xiamen University, China (http://mel2.xmu.edu.cn/faculty/MinhanDai/) where he serves as Director of Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, and Director of State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science. His primary research interests are ocean biogeochemistry of carbon and nutrients, and geochemistry of radioactive elements in surface and ground waters. Recently, his research interests have been expanded in linking ocean science and sustainability.Minhan Dai earned his B.S. degree from Xiamen University, China in 1987 and his Ph.D. from Université Pierre & Marie Curie, France in 1995. After a Doherty Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), he took a faculty position at Xiamen University in 1998. He is an adjunct scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) since 2002. He was selected as an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2017. He has published over 190 papers in leading internationaljournals(http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-3343-2010). He is a leading PI of a “973” project funded through the National Basic Research Program of China on “Carbon cycling in China Seas - budget, controls and ocean acidification” (CHOICE-C) which was renewed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China (2015-2019). He is also a leading PI of a newly funded NSFC major project “CARBON Fixation and Export in the oligotrophic ocean” (Carbon-FE) (2019-2023). He has served on many national and international committees. He was Secretary General of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) during 2010-2012, the President of AOGS’s Ocean Section from 2009-2010, and Founding President of AOGS’s Biogeosciences Section from 2012-2014. He has been an at-large member of the AGU Ocean Sciences Section Executive Committee since 2013. He was a co-chair of the Programme Committee of OceanObs’19 Conference.

Global warming: the need to keep in line with the Paris agreement
Global warming: the need to keep in line with the Paris agreement 演讲人:Jean Jouzel

Research director (emeritus) at the CEA, Jean Jouzel is an expert in climate and glaciology. He has mainly worked on the reconstruction of past climate derived from the study of the Antarctic and Greenland ice. He has been a vicechair of the Scientific Working Group of the IPCC (co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize 2007) from 2002 to 2015. From 2001 to 2008, he headed the Institute Pierre Simon Laplace. His work has been recognized with awards such as Milankovitch and Revelle medals. Together with Claude Lorius, he was awarded the gold medal by the CNRS in 2002. In 2012, with Susan Solomon, he was awarded the Vetlesen Prize, which is referred to as the “ Nobel Prize for Earth sciences”. Member of EURASC since 2015, he has in 2016, been elected as a foreign member of NAS (US National Academy of Sciences) and in 2017 as a member of the French Academy of Sciences.

Marine Sciences and Technologies in the European Framework programs:  Science for Better Policies
Marine Sciences and Technologies in the European Framework programs:  Science for Better Policies 演讲人:Pierre Karleskind

Pierre Karleskind is a Member of the European Parliament since the 2019 election and Chair of its Committee on Fisheries (PECH). Pierre Karleskind carried out its military service in the deep-sea tug of the French Navy and graduated at the Ecole Polytechnique as an engineer. Pierre Karleskind carried out its military service in the deep-sea tug of the French Navy. He then prepared his PhD thesis in marine sciences at the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, which he defended in 2008. He was a consultant in marine sciences and techniques at Altran from 2008 to 2014, president of Technop?le Brest Iroise from 2014 to 2017 and Vice-President of the Brittany Region in charge of the sea from 2012 to 2019.Pierre is committed to support research and programmes involving maritime topics such as renewable energy, transportation, port facilities or marine biology. In the European Parliament, he fights for the consideration of maritime themes in their entirety, whether these be transport, aquaculture and fishing or even marine energies.

The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate: An IPCC Special Report 2019
The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate: An IPCC Special Report 2019 演讲人:Hans-Otto P?rtner

Dr. Hans-Otto P?rtner received his PhD and habilitated in Animal Physiology at Münster and Düsseldorf Universities. As a Research and then Heisenberg Fellow of the German Research Council he worked at Dalhousie and Acadia Universities, Nova Scotia, Canada and at the Lovelace Medical Foundation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, before he became Professor and Head of Integrative Ecophysiology at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany. He has established theory and evidence on effects of climate warming, ocean acidification, and hypoxia on marine animals and ecosystems. His efforts focus on linking biogeography and ecosystem functioning to molecular, biochemical and physiological mechanisms shaping organism tolerance and performance. In October 2015 he was elected Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group II for AR6. He is a Clarivate Analytics highly cited researcher 2018 and 2019.

Ocean-based measures to reduce climate change and its impacts, and rebuild  marine life
Ocean-based measures to reduce climate change and its impacts, and rebuild  marine life 演讲人:Jean-Pierre Gattuso

Jean-Pierre Gattuso is CNRS Research Professor at the Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (SorbonneUniversity). He is also Associate Scientist at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI-SciencesPo, Paris). His current research relates to the effects of ocean acidification and warming on marine ecosystems and the services that they provide to society. He also investigates ocean-based solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Jean-Pierre Gattuso led the launch of the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre at the International Atomic Energy Agency. He coedited the first book on ocean acidification (Oxford University Press) and contributed to several IPCC products (AR5, Special Report on 1.5°C of Warming, and the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere). He received the Vladimir Vernadsky medal of the European Geosciences Union, the Blaise Pascal medal of the European Academy of Sciences (of which he is an elected member), and the Ruth Patrick Award of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography. Jean-Pierre Gattuso is an elected member of Academia Europaea. More information: http://bit.ly/1OQDYeh.

Ocean alkalinity, buffering and biogeochemical processes
Ocean alkalinity, buffering and biogeochemical processes 演讲人:Jack Middelburg

Jack Middelburg was trained as a biogeologist/geochemist and worked from 1992-2009 at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology. Since 2009 he holds the geochemistry chair at Utrecht University and an excellent chair at MARUM, University of Bremen (since 2019). He has a very wide scientific interest, from inorganic geochemistry via biogeochemistry to ecology, from elemental-cycles oriented to organisms-oriented studies, from weathering of rocks to deep-sea pore-waters, from laboratory studies and field observations to numerical modelling, from global scale down to nanometer scale, and through the use of reductionistic as well as holistic and explorative approaches. He has been elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Academia Europaea and European Academy of Sciences, is Fellow of the EAG/Geochemical Society and is recipient of various awards, including ASLO's Hutchinsons award in 2016 and the EGU's Vernadsky award in 2017. He has authored an open access text book Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry and is scientific director of the Netherlands Earth System Science Centre.