
Marine Sciences and Technologies in the European Framework programs:  Science for Better Policies



W020231017580376700980.jpg Pierre Karleskind
Pierre Karleskind is a Member of the European Parliament since the 2019 election and Chair of its Committee on Fisheries (PECH).


Green deal, biodiversity strategy, Farm to fork strategy… the ambitions that the European Union address in 2020 have connections with the ocean. In a world in which interactions are more and more complex, decision-makers need to rely more and more and robust, shared and evolutive science expertise. Relying on the Horizon Europe framework program, the “Starfish 2030” mission proposes to adopt a research strategy in order to fulfill theses ambitions and to give politicians keys for acti ng in the next 10 years in the field of ocean. 5 overarching objectives drive this missions : (i) Filling the knowledge and emotional gap, (ii)regenerating marine and freshwater ecosystems, (iii) zero pollution, (iv) decarbonising our ocean, and waters (v) revampinggovernance.