
Predicting the global coastal ocean: Toward a more resilient society



W020231017580338907510.jpg Nadia Pinardi
Nadia Pinardi holds a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University, and she is full professor of Oceanography at Bologna University,Italy.


Climate change impacts and growing human activities at sea, at the coasts and in the oceans require an international system of monitoring and forecasting that supports a science-based approach tomanagement. In Europe, the Copernicus program has been developed in the past ten years to implement the backbone of operational oceanography from the global to the regional European seabasins, serving the ocean community at large, especially the academic one. Predictions and long-term reanalysis of the past state of the oceans allow to explore the oceancirculation dynamics and the connected pelagicbiochemical cycles with unprecedented accuracy and completeness. It is a new era of abundant data to explore the earth system dynamics.