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  • 从电子结构看铁基高温超导的实验图像

    封东来 中国科学院院士 中国科学技术大学

    基于角分辨光电子能谱和扫描隧道谱学对电子结构的测量, 我将从以下几个方面介绍我们对铁基超导强耦合实验图像的认识: 1. 费米面构型和配对对称性;2.电子关联在多种铁基超导能带结构和普适相图中起的关键作用; 3.作为超导配对媒介的自旋涨落与竞争序的关联。同时我也将探讨从FeSe/氧化物界面超导研究中得到的有关超导机制的启发,铁基与铜基高温超导的相关性,以及目前的一些未解决的问题。
  • Emergence and disappearance of superconductivity in cuprates

    王亚愚 教授 清华大学

    One of the few consensuses about the mechanism of high Tc superconductivity in cuprates is that the parent compound is a Mott insulator, and superconductivity emerges when the doped holes suppress the antiferromagnetic order. However, superconductivity disappears in the strongly overdoped regime with too many holes. In this talk, we report scanning tunneling microscopy studies of the atomic scale electronic structure of cuprates with increasing doping level, aiming to elucidate the microscopic processes of the emergence and disappearance of superconductivity.We first show the observation of charge transfer gap in the parent Mott insulator, and its anticorrelation with the maximum transition temperature. It implies that the superexchange interaction plays a central in mediating the Cooper pairing. When a few percent of holes are dispersed into the Mott insulator, they self-assemble into small islands of checkerboard consisting of plaquettes with size around 4a0. Even in the insulating sample, we observe the smooth emergence of superconducting gap when approaching the checkerboard island from the Mott insulator phase, as well as octet model quasiparticle interference patterns. We find that each checkerboard plaquette contains approximately two holes, and exhibit stripy internal patterns that have strong influence on the superconducting properties. The local spectra remain qualitatively the same across the insulator to superconductor transition, while the quasiparticle interference becomes long-ranged. With further increase of doping into the overdoped regime, the strong quasiparticle scattering in the antinodal region causes pair breaking, which is the driving force for the vanishing of superconductivity. These results shed important new lights on the emergence and disappearance of superconductivity in cuprates high Tc superconductors.
  • 氧化物超导体高Tc的电子结构起源展

    周兴江 研究员 中国科学院物理研究所

  • 探索高温超导体的一点思考

    胡江平 研究员 中国科学院物理研究所

  • Why Tc is so low in the cuprate?

    翁征宇 教授 清华大学
