近十多年来,我国在东太平洋海隆、西南印度洋中脊、西北印度洋中脊及南大西 洋中脊开展了热液区硫化物与环境综合调查,也初步开展了深海微生物多样性调查, 初步获得了不同热液区环境的微生物多样性特征,并开展了微生物成矿过程研究。 2015 年与 2017 年中国大洋第 35 次与第 38 航次科学考察期间,又利用“蛟龙号”深海 载人潜器在西南印度洋中脊、西北印度洋中脊新发现的多个热液区开展了精细调查, 为深入开展深海热液区生物多样性与极端环境下的生命过程研究提供了重要材料。本 报告将介绍这方面的初步进展。
Thomas Kieft:H2-driven subsurface microbial ecosystems
演讲人:Thomas Kieft
Several important questions regarding the deep continental biosphere remain largely unanswered. -
The last two decades have seen extraordinary growth of Geomicrobiology, the interdisciplinary field between Geology and Microbiology. Microorganisms have been studied in numerous extreme environments on Earth, ranging from crystalline rocks from the deep subsurface, hypersaline lakes, to hot springs, and deep-ocean hydrothermal vent systems. This talk will provide a review on global deep biosphere research with an emphasis on China. The talk will start by introducing the history of deep biosphere research in China, e.g., Chinese Continental Scientific Deep Drilling project and then transition to current research activities, e.g., establishment of multi-well deep underground laboratory in eastern China. The talk will then place major results in a global context by presenting continental biomass and diversity estimates in correlation with geological and geochemical conditions. -
病毒是地球上数量最大的生命形式,据估计,海洋中的病毒在数量上比细胞微生 物高两个数量级,达到 1031 个。病毒通过与宿主细胞复杂的相互作用,或裂解细胞, 或与细胞共存并对细胞进行代谢重编程或遗传改造,从而在宿主细胞微生物驱动的地 球元素生物化学循环中发挥重要作用。传统的病毒研究依赖于宿主细胞的分离培养, 由于绝大多数细菌和古菌尚未能培养,因此,绝大多数以细菌、古菌为宿主的病毒也 未能培养。