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第五届雁栖湖会议发布 “2023年高端制造前沿十大科学问题”

作者:2023-06-29 14:35来源:
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  1.如何实现原子级可控制造? (How to achieve controllable manufacturing at the atomic scale?)
  2.机器人化制造如何影响未来制造范式? (How does robotized manufacturing impact the future manufacturing paradigm?)
  3.高能束增材制造如何实现精准控形控性? (How to precisely control  geometry and performance in high-energy-beam additive manufacturing?)
  4.如何基于任意元素与结构创制新物质? (How to generate new matter and materials based on arbitrary elements and structures?)
  5.如何实现机器人类人技能作业? (How to realize human-like skills in robotic operations?)
  6.极端光场制造中载能粒子的时空演化机制及效应是什么? (What are the mechanisms and effects of energy-carrier spatio-temporal evolution during extreme-light-field manufacturing?)
  7.如何实现异质异构跨尺度制造? (How to achieve heterogeneous cross-scale manufacturing?)
  8.如何实现性能驱动的高附加值制造? (How to achieve performance-driven high-value added manufacturing?)
  9.如何实现高效高性能多尺度激光制造? (How to realize simultaneously high efficiency and high performance in multi-scale laser manufacturing?)
  10.如何实现面向未来制造的机器人系统? (How to realize future manufacturing robot systems?)