作为现代生物技术与制药技术的高科技结晶,基因治疗在不断的否定与肯定、不断的自我革新中前行,展现了强大的生命力。20世纪70年代概念提出,80年代伦理聚焦,90年代临床试验,21世纪初反思蛰伏,近10年迎来浴火重生;半个世纪以来,不忘初心,从不间断地吸纳先进生物技术,突破传统制药技术,造就创新生物药物,取得了举世瞩目的成就。2009年,基因治疗相关成果被Science杂志评选为十大科学突破之一。2018年,Science杂志发表了题为“Gene therapy comes of age”的长文,标志着基因治疗时代的到来。截至2022年第二季度,全球范围内累计在研的基因治疗药物近7300项,临床试验近600项(Cortellis Drug Discovery Intelligence数据库),已经批准的基因治疗产品约40个,包括遗传病的病毒基因治疗、基因修饰的造血干细胞、基因修饰的免疫细胞、小核酸药物、溶瘤病毒等基因治疗产品。
从无药可治的致死性遗传病到无药可制的不可成药靶点,基因治疗挽救患者于危亡,改变多种疾病治疗的现状,促进人类健康事业,推动社会发展与进步。基因治疗一般分为体内(in vivo)基因治疗和体外(ex vivo)基因治疗。体内基因治疗包括裸核酸、病毒载体、溶瘤病毒、脂质纳米粒(LNP)等直接注射进行治疗的形式。裸核酸类如治疗重度肢端缺血的质粒DNA(pDNA)、治疗进行性假肥大性肌营养不良(DMD)的反义寡核苷酸(ASO)、治疗急性间歇性卟啉病的肝靶向小干扰RNA(siRNA);病毒载体类如治疗软组织肉瘤、骨髓瘤和胰腺癌的逆转录病毒载体,治疗莱伯(Leber)遗传性视神经病变(致盲眼疾)、脊髓性肌萎缩(SMA)的腺相关病毒(AAV)载体;溶瘤病毒类如治疗黑色素瘤的单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)载体,治疗头颈癌、鼻咽癌等的腺病毒(Ad)载体;脂质纳米粒如治疗淀粉样变性的脂质纳米粒-siRNA复合物、预防新冠病毒的脂质纳米粒-mRNA复合物等。体外基因治疗是指向患者回输在体外进行基因修饰后的细胞进行治疗的形式,包括基因修饰的造血干细胞、嵌合抗原受体T(CAR-T)细胞等,如治疗 地中海贫血的表达 球蛋白造血干细胞,治疗多发性骨髓瘤的表达B细胞成熟抗原(BCMA)CAR-T细胞、治疗B细胞淋巴瘤的表达CD19 CAR-T细胞等。
基因治疗与前沿生物技术的发展密不可分,新的生物技术带给基因治疗前所未有的机遇。从第一代、第二代到第三代基因编辑技术,再到最新的碱基编辑和引导编辑(prime editing)技术,基因编辑技术尝试用于人类重大疾病的治疗,已经有基因编辑的相关诊断试剂被美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)授权使用。可以预计,未来的基因治疗将会吸纳最新的生物技术成果,不断取得新的进展和成绩,继续引领生物治疗新潮流。
(5)新型核酸〔如小环核酸、小激活RNA(saRNA)、微小RNA (miRNA)、长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)等〕涉及的相关技术。
Gene therapy is a technique to treat disease by modifying a person’s genes, and it has shown the potential to cure cancer and a number of genetic diseases. With the fast advancement of vector technology, gene editing and others, the era of gene therapy is rapidly approaching. Thus, a strategic plan for the next generation of therapy is crucial to overcome a number of limitations.
1. Historical perspective and gene therapy trend
The concept of gene therapy was frst proposed in the 1970s, and it has risen and fallen in popularity for decades. In the past 10 years, with the clinical success in several genetic diseases and blood cancers, gene therapy became a more promising and realistic alternative treatment for diseases. Until the first half of 2022, there were nearly 7300 gene therapies in development, around 600 clinical trials worldwide, and nearly 40 approved products for diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic purposes.
In principle, gene therapy treats the disease using nucleic acids instead of chemical compounds or proteins. For some genetic diseases, the therapy outcome lasts a long time after one treatment. Generally, it can be classifed as in vivo or ex vivo gene therapy. According to diferences in delivery vectors, it can also be classifed as naked nucleic acid, viralvector, non-viral vector and cellular gene therapy.
Currently, the technologies and the regulatory guidance for gene therapy has matured in the United States and the European Union. In these Western countries (regions), the drug pipelines are fast moving and 4-6 products were approved every year since 2015. In Asia, gene therapy is developing vigorously in Japan, Republic of Korea and India.
With the emergence of the gene editing technology, an unprecedented opportunity for gene therapy is coming. For untreatable diseases, the latest base editing and guided editing are attractive directions.
2. Status and demand for gene therapy in China
In general, gene therapy in China is well developed with top-tier basic science research and clinical trials, and its scale and strength is only after the United States and the European Union. More than 10 national key laboratories and national engineering centers were set up and nearly 100 companies were established within 40 years. Also, many outstanding trainees were educated and a number of excellent projects have been completed. However, in the past five years, this field has fallen behind due to the lack of original discoveries in core technologies.
In China, the market for gene therapy is significantly large. China has the largest population in the world; thus, the total number of patients with rare diseases is also large. Moreover, China has the largest aged population in the world and this number increases due to accelerated aging. It is estimated that the patients with rare diseases and age-related chronic diseases may be more than 400 million in China alone. Gene therapy is the most promising alternative for these diseases and the potential market and demand is enormous. In the future, to maintain healthy population, research breakthroughs of gene therapy will provide key solutions for these major refractory and genetic diseases.
3. Strategic development of gene therapy disciplines
In the future, we should expand on our advantages and encourage original innovation in the field of gene therapy. Our aims should focus on providing solutions to key gene therapy challenges related to basic science, cross-disciplinary research and clinical translation.
(1) Viral vectors
Viral vectors for gene therapy include recombinant adenovirus, adeno-associated virus, retrovirus, lentivirus, herpes simplex virus and other oncolytic viruses. The crucial direction for this feld should include: the development of new viral vectors, to improve the technology for viral vector delivery, the exploration of combinatorial gene therapies based on diferent viral vectors, and to focus on clinical translation of gene therapy technology.
(2) Naked nucleic acids
The delivery of naked nucleic acids includes the transportation of DNAand RNA. The essential research directions are numerous, namely, the application of antisense oligonucleotide technology, plasmid DNA delivery technology, nucleic acid modification technology, mRNA delivery technology, siRNA delivery technology, and the transportation of new nucleic acids such as small circular nucleic acids, small activating RNA, microRNAand non-coding RNA.
(3) Non-viral vectors
Non-viral vectors are liposomes, lipid nanoparticles, polymer nanoparticles, and inorganic nanoparticles. Important delivery research objectives that require attention include: ionizable lipids, cationic lipids and polymers, auxiliary lipids, multifunctional targeting materials, and production technology for non-viral vectors.
(4) Cell gene therapy
Cell gene therapy utilizes genetically modified stem cells, immune cells, blood cells and mesenchymal cells. There are a number of innovation aims that should be the focus in this feld, namely, new drug targets and therapeutic approaches, inclusion of major refractory diseases such as solid tumors, improvement of production systems and quality controls, and generation of universal products.
(5) New technology for gene therapy
CRISPR gene editing represents the next generation of biotechnology and is the future of gene therapy. In the next decade, research in gene editing should have the objectives of creating new gene editing systems, precise evaluations of of-target efects, creation of delivery systems and clinical ethics evaluations.
(6) Collaboration among multiple disciplines to understand gene therapy
Gene therapy emerged as an interdisciplinary subject needing extensive and professional knowledge through the continuous integration of multiple research disciplines. We recommend the following future research directions to promote the development of gene therapy feld:
The establishment of ethical guidelines for the clinical use of gene therapy;
The improvement of the administrative regulations for gene therapy and the regulatory measurements of relevant products;
The study of pharmacoeconomics to aid in setting up pricing according to market laws;
The establishment of insurance system and policies for gene therapy products in China.
New acute and chronic infectious diseases have always threatened people’s lives and health, and have had a heavy impact on emerging gene therapy products represented by mRNA vaccines which are potentially efective to quickly respond to emerging infectious diseases. Moreover, new gene therapy technologies represented by gene editing also provide solutions for the prevention and treatment of major chronic infectious diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis B. In short, the gene therapy ecosystem is being formed in China. The gene therapy products are diverse and a market has formed at a certain scale, giving sound social and economic benefts. In the future, gene therapy will defnitely play an important role in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.