1. 定位、导航与定时重大需求
2. PNT技术发展历程
20世纪50年代,地基无线电导航已基本实现全球覆盖。同一时期,人造地球卫星的成功发射为星基无线电技术的发展奠定了基础,首个卫星导航系统—子午仪系统应运而生。20世纪70年代,美国国防部开始研制由美国空军控制的全球定位系统(global positioning system,GPS)。GPS具有全球覆盖、全天时、全天候、高精度PNT 服务的优势,结合其在海湾战争中表现出的巨大军事潜能,在全球迅速得到推广和应用。然而,俄罗斯、中国和欧洲联盟(Europ?ische Union,EU)等重要经济体逐渐意识到,在国防建设及经济稳定运行方面仅依靠GPS是不安全的,于是开始建设自主可控的全球卫星导航系统,日本、印度则建设了区域卫星导航系统。
为了适应多行业需要,视觉、重力、磁力、地形等匹配导航技术也得到了快速发展。匹配导航属于非接触、低成本、便捷化的导航手段,在无人平台以及武器制导方面得到应用。此外,量子、5G 等新空间感知手段逐渐走入导航定位领域,成为新的可用PNT信息源。
基于不同原理的PNT信息源为用户提供了丰富、冗余的PNT 信息,多技术优势互补、多源传感器深度优化集成、多源信息交叉融合成为PNT领域发展的重要方面。
3. PNT学科发展规律与特点
4. PNT技术发展现状及趋势
从国际PNT体系发展现状来看,美国是PNT基础设施最完善、技术最先进的国家,对新原理感知手段的探索也常常处于领先地位,但缺乏对PNT体系的整体统筹规划。随着GPS脆弱性问题的暴露,美国总统先后签发了《美国国家天基定位、导航与定时政策》(2004)、《2018年国家定时安全与弹性法案》(2018)、《通过负责任地使用定位、导航与定时服务来增强国家弹性》(2020)、《7号太空政策指令(SPD-7)》(2021)等政策指令,在继续依靠GPS的同时,通过建设GPS备份系统来增强PNT系统弹性,确保GPS 服务异常时军民用户仍可获得安全可靠的、抗干扰能力强的PNT服务。此外,美国国防部、运输部、国土安全部等也多次出台相关的指令、政策、规划等,梳理出特定领域的PNT能力建设和应用发展需求,并提供有针对性的指导和建议。
与美国类似,俄罗斯、欧盟的PNT体系也以卫星导航系统为主,并分别将地基无线电导航系统恰卡(Chayka)和罗兰C作为GLONASS和Galileo系统的备份与补充,以构建多手段融合的PNT 服务体系。
目前,我国已开展PNT体系论证工作,旨在建强北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)的同时,依托地基无线电导航、惯性导航和匹配导航等多种技术手段形成对北斗的冗余备份,同时开展脉冲星导航技术和水下导航技术的探索研究,填补深空、深海PNT服务空白。笔者认为,我国2021~2035年PNT 体系规划应当从PNT信息源、PNT终端、PNT信息融合理论和PNT应用服务等方面做好顶层设计,构建以北斗卫星导航系统为核心的国家综合PNT体系基础设施,建设以微PNT终端和弹性PNT 应用为基本架构的PNT应用终端型谱,推进以智能PNT服务为目标的国家PNT体系架构。
国家综合PNT体系是指,基于多物理原理构建的从深空到深海、全域无缝覆盖的PNT信息源基础设施。在深空,可依托脉冲星构建深空基准,为深空航天器提供自主PNT服务;在地月系拉格朗日点上可构建导航星座,既可接收脉冲星信号,又可播发与全球卫星导航系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)同频的信号,形成深空导航与近地导航的中转;在近地空间以GNSS为主,依托低轨通信、遥感星座,形成对中高轨北斗导航星座的增强;在城市和室内等应用场景,地基无线电、5G、Wi-Fi和各类匹配导航技术可辅助卫星导航;水下可以布设类似于GNSS的声呐信标,实现水下潜器的安全导航。此外,基于量子测距、量子感知等新物理原理的导航技术手段也应同步开展关键技术攻关,构建从深空到深海、从室外到室内、从暴露空间到非暴露空间的泛在PNT信息源基础设施。
综合PNT解决的是PNT信息源问题,弹性PNT解决的是PNT 信息源最优组合问题,微PNT解决的是PNT终端微型化和低功耗问题。但是对于广大的PNT用户,尤其是非PNT专业用户,有了PNT基础设施和弹性融合准则还不够,还必须解决智能化应用问题。未来PNT服务应该是智能化的,即提取大多数PNT专家的思想,形成共性化知识,再将该知识逻辑化、模型化形成专家系统,通过计算机分析、挖掘知识间的规律和联系,进一步将其转化为机器可识别的知识图谱,最后针对特定用户、特定场景和特定需求实现PNT智能保障和智能服务。
5. PNT领域发展的相关政策建议
国家PNT相关政策法规决定了国家PNT体系建设规划、PNT 应用规则和PNT应用标准,直接影响PNT整个学科的发展。目前,美国、欧盟等都在强调PNT体系的弹性化建设,主动拥抱大数据、人工智能等先进技术,研究多技术手段融合发展模式,并积极探索基于新物理原理的PNT感知技术。2020年8月,白宫科技政策办公室(O?ce of Science and Technology Policy)通过“联邦公报”网站发布《关于定位、导航与定时弹性信息》的征询书,向民众征集弹性PNT项目,欧盟也准备开展PNT弹性化研究。尽管我国北斗卫星导航系统建设取得了重要的阶段性成果,但是仍然面临复杂的PNT应用环境和复杂的市场竞争。为了在PNT体系研究、终端研制和应用环节都能适应复杂的国际竞争,必须加强PNT学科发展及创新性探索研究,加大PNT感知和应用新原理研究的支持力度,加大PNT各类智能终端和重点仪器研发的支持强度。在项目的支持方面,可以采取“项目群”支持模式,以国家PNT体系建设重大项目为主线,带动一批围绕PNT关键技术攻关和典型示范应用的小项目群,充分发挥举国体制优势,短时间集智攻关,取得一些有影响的PNT 理论创新成果和应用模式创新成果。
Positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) information provides essential support to human activities. From the solar/stellar observation in the early period to mechanical instruments represented by the pendulum and theodolite, electrical instruments like the quartz clock and total station, and the satellite system at present, technologies for acquiring PNT information have undergone tremendous development. PNT information has already penetrated into all aspects of science and technology, economy, people’s livelihood and national defense, and become indispensable for national construction, public life and social progress.
Oriented to the requirements of national PNT strategy, this book discusses the history of PNT technology, discipline development rules and characteristics, technology development status and trends, related policies and recommendations. The scientifc signifcance, strategic value, development status, key scientifc and technological issues, development directions and related policies of different branches of the PNT technology are discussed as well, such as astronomical navigation, radio navigation, inertial navigation, matching navigation, bionic navigation, acoustic navigation, quantum navigation and time-frequency technology.
At present, China has launched the construction of PNT system, aiming to strengthen the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and establish the backup redundancy for the BDS by means of a variety of technologies such as ground-based radio navigation, inertial navigation and matching navigation. Meanwhile, explorations and researches on pulsar navigation and underwater navigation technologies are carried out to fll the gaps of PNT services in deep space and deep sea. The PNT system plan from 2021 to 2035 should create a top-level design from the aspects of PNT information source, PNT terminal, PNT information fusion theory and PNT application service. It is suggested that China should construct the national comprehensive PNT system infrastructure with the BDS as its core, develop a variety of PNT application terminals based on the micro-PNT and resilient PNT frame, and promote the development of the national PNT architecture aiming at providing intelligent PNT services.
The national comprehensive PNT system refers to the seamless coverage of PNT information source infrastructure from deep space to deep sea based on diferent physical principles. In the deep space, pulsars can be used to construct the deep space datum and provide autonomous PNT services for deep space spacecraft; a navigation constellation similar to the GNSS can be constructed at the Lagrange points of the Earth-Moon system, which will not only receive the pulsar signals, but also broadcast signals with the same frequency as the GNSS; in the near Earth space, the GNSS will be enhanced by the LEO communication and remote sensing constellations; in cities and indoors, the GNSS can be complemented by the ground-based radio, 5G, Wi-Fi and various matching navigation technologies; under the water, sonar beacons similar to the GNSS can be deployed to realize the safe navigation for underwater vehicles. In addition, researches on navigation technology based on new physical principles such as quantum ranging, quantum perception should be carried out simultaneously, and a ubiquitous PNT information source infrastructure from deep space to deep sea, from outdoor to indoor, and from exposed space to unexposed space should be built.
Comprehensive PNT enriches the source of PNT information, resilient PNT realizes the optimal combination of PNT information sources, and micro-PNT achieves the miniaturization and low power consumption of PNT terminals. However, for mass PNT users, especially nonprofessional subscribers, it is not enough to just provide PNT infrastructure or resilient integration criteria, and the intelligent application must be realized. In the future, PNT services should be intelligent. Expert systems should be developed by processing and modelling the collection of common knowledge of PNT experts, and the internal links between the knowledge should be autonomously analyzed and mined, which will then be processed to knowledge maps that can be recognized by machine. Finally, intelligent PNT support and services oriented to specifc users in specifc scenarios and for specifc requirements can be realized.
In order to adapt to the international competition in PNT system research, terminal development and application, it is necessary to strengthen the PNT discipline development and innovative exploration and research, provide more support for researches on new principles of PNT perception and application, and increase the investment in various PNT intelligent terminals and key instruments. Considering the interdisciplinary characteristics of the PNT technology, the selection of project review experts should adopt the interdisciplinary review mechanism, and experts from different fields should be invited to participate in reviewing major projects to ensure the comprehensiveness and fairness. In terms of talent funding, the autonomy in talent training and selection should be strengthened, and separate indicators can be set for applicants with interdisciplinary backgrounds if necessary. In terms of international cooperation, it is proposed that the coordination of satellite orbit and signal frequency resources, deep space exploration and NorthSouth polar navigation, retired satellite processing and space security should be emphasized, and priorities should be given to cooperation with friendly countries in system compatibility and interoperability, system security, system enhancement, monitoring and evaluation and joint construction of reference stations.
Yang Yuanxi, professor at Xi’an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping, is an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the deputy chief engineer of the Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. He has been elected as the IAG Fellow in 2007 and the ION Fellow in 2018, and won the Ho Leung Ho Lee Award in 2011. He serves as the chief editors of Satellite Navigation (since 2020) and Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica (since 2014).
Prof. Yang has been dedicated to the research of geodesy and satellite navigation technology. As the creator of the theories of robust estimation for correlated observations and the adaptively robust navigation, he has built the bifactor equivalent weights model, and developed the robust covariance estimation algorithm and the adaptively robust estimation algorithm. As the deputy chief engineer of the BDS, he has made a lot of breakthroughs in key technologies such as the model of BDS contribution on global PNT users, the optimal combination model for BDS triple-frequency signals, and the adaptively autonomous orbit determination algorithm. Besides, he initiated the research on comprehensive PNT and resilient PNT supporting the construction of the national PNT system.
Prof. Yang has published more than 400 peer-reviewed papers, including 60 plus SCI papers, and many of them are highly cited, with the total citations of more than 14000. He is among the world’s top 2% scientists list named by Stanford University in 2021 and 2022 .